Its driving me crazy that I cant save my loadout for mp. I keep forgetting to switch my primary.
Same here. I unlocked the rainbow skin for the lancer though so I use that as a helpful reminder.
Its driving me crazy that I cant save my loadout for mp. I keep forgetting to switch my primary.
This is the hardest Gears of the entire series...by far.
God lord Coalition XD
Same here. I unlocked the rainbow skin for the lancer though so I use that as a helpful reminder.
So after I was done with Mafia III earlier today I jumped in Gears of War 4. I'm still in prologue so like only a few minutes into the game so I can't form opinion on game play just yet but one thing bothers me for sure - look of the game. Game in my opinion looks a bit too cartoonish.
Might it's just me but ever since Gears 3 I really miss dark and gritty look of first Gears. Even before GoW 4 reveal I was hoping they will go back to it's roots and will try to make Gears more dark and scary. I wish one day we would get these Gears.
To be clear - I'm not hating just think that world, characters and story are better suited for that look.
If the Hammerburst does end up nerfed to death, people should keep in mind that this is the kind of stuff that the Enforcer is capable of. It does take some time to adjust to the range, spread and clip size but when you get a feel for it the weapon is absolutely bonkers.
If the Hammerburst does end up nerfed to death, people should keep in mind that this is the kind of stuff that the Enforcer is capable of. It does take some time to adjust to the range, spread and clip size but when you get a feel for it the weapon is absolutely bonkers.
Enforcer is good because it reloads in no time flat with a high RoF. You basically have a perma Active reload sub machine gun
So after I was done with Mafia III earlier today I jumped in Gears of War 4. I'm still in prologue so like only a few minutes into the game so I can't form opinion on game play just yet but one thing bothers me for sure - look of the game. Game in my opinion looks a bit too cartoonish.
Might it's just me but ever since Gears 3 I really miss dark and gritty look of first Gears. Even before GoW 4 reveal I was hoping they will go back to it's roots and will try to make Gears more dark and scary. I wish one day we would get these Gears.
To be clear - I'm not hating just think that world, characters and story are better suited for that look.
Man I can't find any of those Rockstar cans. :/
is there a serious hordegroup looking for action? i am sniper (pc) getting all the wrong kind of groups (GT: robatw)
is there a serious hordegroup looking for action? i am sniper (pc) getting all the wrong kind of groups (GT: robatw)
added. I usually play scout since that's what I have the most cards for
Just finished the SP on easy (~5h:30m). The first half is repetitive and tedious; room in, room out. The second half gets exciting and they end it with a bang.
The character textures are lighter than the environments. I didn't like that; it looked like they were photoshopped in. When the camera zooms at a player, you can see the textures lacking in detail compared to the environment.
I think all the cutscenes are real-time and they have some nice physics going on.
The game is way too much 'teenager writing' for my taste- but maybe I'm not the target demographic.
I only played a couple of rounds in MP. Reminds me of U4 which I am not a fan of. But it was a fun free go (I got the game with a 1070 purchase).
The cutscene that have a scene transition are pre rendered rest are real time..which means most of them.I don't think the cut scenes are real-time. Not all of them anyway. feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I didn't know Enforcer could pop heads
It doesn't look like a headshot, no marker and the head can be seen after death. I've killed guys off enforcer without DBNO, donno how.I didn't know Enforcer could pop heads
PM if you still need.I'm playing through the series for the first time. Almost done with 3, which has been great!
Next is Judgement, would anyone have a spare code for it they don't need and might want to pass on to a new fan of the series?
Looks like it shot his arm off idk. It didn't show the headshot kill and it looks like you killed him after he reached the revive limit. No more DBNO. It would be weird if it does unless all the assault rifles do.
I just had a moment today. It's 2v2 TDM on Gridlock. The spawn guys are holed up on the balcony with the sniper, can't go for boomshot. I'm below them behind some cars and my teammate is by the sniper spawn. I melee in the air a couple times to signal a 1v1 Gnasher duel and he responds and comes down. It was all just a bait though and my teammate opens up. He almost escapes but I follow him back up the stairs where the sniper is trying to revive him and I kill them both. It was a dirty play, yet hilarious.
Somehow I managed to get past that part without dying, on hardcore at least. Insane will be another story.
well I heard something pop and he died. I've never in my life had someone insta die like that from hammer burst or lancer.
How is this even possible? Even the randomwould kill me when in complete cover. I hope you took a video because I think that's a pretty rare thing to happen at all let alone on Hardcore.missiles it shoots from its back
How is this even possible? Even the randomwould kill me when in complete cover. I hope you took a video because I think that's a pretty rare thing to happen at all let alone on Hardcore.missiles it shoots from its back
Every 2nd game now has quiters, I didn't expect this at Silver/Gold level atleast.
Speaking of which I have won about 70-80% of my last 20 matches and still stuck on Silver 3....wtf.
Yea that may be it, I haven't really quit the game and it's been on standby since forever.When I played and won a bunch of matches in a row, my rank didn't change either. Then when I logged on the following day, my rank was much higher. Maybe reset your game?
Actually you know what? I was a huge fan of the Gears look. But after watching all the color that is present in Gears 4. I prefer the colorful look. It's more stylish.
There is an Act that is during night time that looks closer to that.
Is there a way to set faction preference in Versus? Ive literally played the last 10 matches as Swarm while using the Vintage Del Victory bounty. It sucks.
Yeah but that's fair because if they were any further it wouldn't have done much. They literally ran at him. That's the whole point of the weapon. Hammerburst can 3-shot down from any distance pretty quick with an active.
So after I was done with Mafia III earlier today I jumped in Gears of War 4. I'm still in prologue so like only a few minutes into the game so I can't form opinion on game play just yet but one thing bothers me for sure - look of the game. Game in my opinion looks a bit too cartoonish.
Might it's just me but ever since Gears 3 I really miss dark and gritty look of first Gears. Even before GoW 4 reveal I was hoping they will go back to it's roots and will try to make Gears more dark and scary. I wish one day we would get these Gears.
To be clear - I'm not hating just think that world, characters and story are better suited for that look.
Man, I still remember watching the early previews and tech demos of Gears 1, and thought the foreboding appearance that was present there was lacking in the final game. I mean, there are some dark and tense moments in the new Gears that you're sure to love, but definitely hear what you're saying and agree with you. I think Gears would be fantastic as a game that focuses on a tense close-quarters experience. Just imagine walking down a darkly lit Seran street with destroyed and decaying buildings pressed around you. There's cover everywhere, and there's always eyes in the shadows, watching.
I kind of was too. Especially after that tomorrow trailer.Nothing touches the introduction to the berserker in Gears 1 still. I was hoping Gears 4 would be scarier.
Really? Is it because they're both just TPS? I feel like UC4 is way more about movement and it also has the perk/killstreak stuff with the crazy mystic items.I only played a couple of rounds in MP. Reminds me of U4 which I am not a fan of. But it was a fun free go (I got the game with a 1070 purchase).
You do the lord's work with these gifs.Got some playtime with the game today, was underwhelmed with the prologue and Act 1 but Act 2 and the little I've played of Act 3 was great. Can't wait to continue the campaign. Graphics also looked much better once I hit Act 2.
Onyx is above Diamond though..no?I'm at Onyx 3 and quitting is a regular occurrence. I'm hoping to make the jump to Dianmond soon... God knows what that will be like...