Ugh. Stupid Microsoft Store.
I can't update the game because it wants to download the whole thing as a patch, but I don't have 80 GB free on my SSD. I guess it's no different than deleting and redownloading so that part isn't a huge issue. Of course I can't play the game until I update, even single player.
This kind of thing will start becoming a big issue next month when I have a Comcast cap.
Over an hour for me so far with 2gb downloaded.
So much for killing my hype MS.
It's 387.4 actuallyThe patch is like 480MB, so don't know what's going on there.![]()
I got a robot skin for swarm :O
Didn't know this game had robots
Is anyone else getting insane load times on the campaign (Xbox 1)?
Bot had one job..
Kicked from campaign coop twice now.
And now you can't connect to Gears of War servers.
Fuck this shitty patch. Fuck these servers. Fuck the Coalition.
It won't connect now.
Fuck this game.
Update is finished and now when I launch the game I just get a black screen..
No offline horde or offline bot play? How did I miss this, ugh no hopes for refund right?
Is anyone else getting insane load times on the campaign (Xbox 1)?
PC, update now stuck on 344 / 346 MB. What to do?
PC, update now stuck on 344 / 346 MB. What to do?
Lol chill. They just updated the game and servers.
I have my day off tomorrow for this.
Not gonna chill. This for me + Windows Store for others here being a total ass is taking it too far.
Bot had one job..
Update is finished and now when I launch the game I just get a black screen..
It's 387.4 actually
That a server issue and not updating what happened. Not really a Gnasher issue. But still.![]()
Mines the same but the red bar is moving. Just leave it.
Now I've got into the game but my friend can't join my party to play coop.
This launch is a fucking joke.
Error 0x80073cf9
Google says create folder AUInstallAgent in windows folder and restart. I mean its obvious when you think about it....
And weirdly it seems to actually not erroring now....
Today is the proper launch day for the majority of people.The launch is fine. Has been working fine all day and the last 3 days. They just updated the servers and the game.
The launch is fine. Has been working fine all day and the last 3 days. They just updated the servers and the game.
And now probably everybody joins at the same time.
Impressions and minor campaign spoilers follow.
Just finished the campaign. As someone who plays Gears primarily for the campaign, I'm sorely disappointed. Pacing was bad, I felt the humdrum of repetition set in very early. The robot enemies are downright terrible and don't belong in the franchise. I can see what Coalition were going for with trying to bring some freshness to the table with a new enemy type but it just isn't Gears. You can tell there are some Binary Domain fans on the team. The Swarm are better but they lack the charm and creativity seen in the Locust. I miss the enemy variety -- beast riders, the generals from past games that had the ink grenades, etc. Never in the history of Gears (except JUDGEMENT) have I felt "Oh, may as well finish the campaign". I actually found myself avoiding playing the game at times. Past entries have had me on the edge of my seat with excitement to see what comes next, sadly Gears 4 lost its mojo.
I think the absence of Cliffy is felt very strongly here, as Cliff was always the creative guy whereas Rod was the execution guy. The execution is good and the game feels polished, but the creative spark just isn't there.
Another important thing to note is that this game didn't feel like a proper next-generation Gears to me. The Xbox One is signifigantly more powerful than an Xbox 360, right? Then why doesn't this game reflect that? It felt like a slightly prettier expansion to previous games. Even the chainsaw animations are exactly the same. Why not make them more badass, higher fidelity? Add a few different variations, maybe one where you just saw a guys legs off -- SOMETHING, ANYTHING I haven't seen before.
The characters were "meh". I know they couldn't make JD just like Marcus, but the feeling of badass comradery isn't there. JD is too much of an Everyman. Del is forgettable. And Kait? I barely even noticed she was there unless she revived me.
Back to the pacing for a moment. Many times I felt like the development team wasn't sure what to do next so they just said "fuck it, throw another 5 waves of enemies at them". But fans expect more. Remember Gears 2, when you rode the Brumak? Or how about when you were in the middle of a huge battle in the beginning, mowing down armies of enemies from your land-tank, all the while killing boarding parties? That was eye-opening, stuff on that scale I'd never seen in an action game. That was legendary shit man, and aside from the very last section of the game (and even then, briefly), I was never smiling.
I haven't tried multiplayer VS yet, but Horde mode isn't what I felt it could be either. I think the Microtransactions-based structure really hurts Horde. That, and the fucking deebees. I don't ever want to shoot a robot in a Gears game again, thank you.
I'm sad to say that I probably won't be checking out future Gears games but I'm really happy for everyone who is enjoying themselves.
Its kind of shit that they force an update when all you want is single player which has been working fine. Especially when forcing everyone to update causes this mess.
Its kind of shit that they force an update when all you want is single player which has been working fine. Especially when forcing everyone to update causes this mess.
The launch is fine. Has been working fine all day and the last 3 days. They just updated the servers and the game.
And now probably everybody joins at the same time.
Impressions and minor campaign spoilers follow.
I have no idea what that bug is but if people have been playing just fine then i doubt there is much harm letting people wait to download it over night and just play this evening.Well that update fixes a big SP bug tho.
I have no idea what that bug is but if people have been playing just fine then i doubt there is much harm letting people wait to download it over night and just play this evening.
Dont get me wrong i know people tend to over react but when you have been at work all say, put the kid to bed and just wanna chill and this happens, people gonna get techy.
Trying to play this on PC just reminds me why I put off PC gaming for so long. The game installed fine, I opened it and it said it required an update and took me to the MS store. Every time I try and install the update it fails and I get error '0x80073CF9'. I try and find solutions and there's dozens of them and none of them work :/