I'm crying over this this anger......god its hilarious!!!
Playing coop campaign today and there is this weird wifi like sign:
Any ideas?
Playing coop campaign today and there is this weird wifi like sign:
Any ideas?
Nice catch. I just went over my recorded game play an didn't see this symbol. Are you on pc? I was on xbox and it didn't show up both times i played.
It wasn't there yesterday.
X1 here. It got really laggy just now.
just use wired connection, much more reliable
Interesting thing.....not the OP of that pic but
I get roughly 13ms ping in rocket league wireless....I noticed yesterday my tests were fucking insanely high, even my buddy wired yesterday who normally has a low ping had much higher tests as well. Either Live was having issues or we were having two different ISP's having problems. It's been flawless online playing wireless till literally yesterday lol.
I wonder if Coalition will eventually add a versus playlist for PC and XB1... My fear that competitive multiplayer will be more or less dead by Christmas is making me leery of purchasing.
What does the little bar to the right of the ammo counter mean? Sometimes its white sometimes its blank
Versus playlist as in crossplay?
That would be highly unlikely with the keyboard/mouse combo issue. I wouldn't worry about it because of how many free copies were given away for the pc. There's a good chance it'll be relevant for a while.
Just saw on Reddit that Coalition is aware of the hitching and they are looking into it. It was definitely introduced with the last update.
Versus playlist as in crossplay?
That would be highly unlikely with the keyboard/mouse combo issue. I wouldn't worry about it because of how many free copies were given away for the pc. There's a good chance it'll be relevant for a while.
Playing coop campaign today and there is this weird wifi like sign:
Any ideas?
I'm glad that they are looking into it. Doubt the patch introduced this. Playing on Xbox One and several times I've asked about this very same issue on this thread and no answers. Since Thursday I've had noticeable audio skipping and hitching, especially during cutscenes.
I played like 7 execution matches on PC last night. Most of the time it takes 5-7 minutes to find one but a couple times it was under 2 minutes.why the fuck are nades so useless in campaign. walltagging doesn't do anything (although in multiplayer they have the range of a nuke) and the just run through the explosion/fire basically untouched.
they're basically just early warning devices in those mini-horde sections and somehow if you're lucky enough, you can nade tag the enemy but on insane...yea good luck
but wallbouncing isnt possible on kb/m so its fair!
also no the game is pretty much dead on PC, the only gametype that you can find a match in is TDM
why the fuck are nades so useless in campaign. walltagging doesn't do anything (although in multiplayer they have the range of a nuke) and the just run through the explosion/fire basically untouched.
they're basically just early warning devices in those mini-horde sections and somehow if you're lucky enough, you can nade tag the enemy but on insane...yea good luck
but wallbouncing isnt possible on kb/m so its fair!
also no the game is pretty much dead on PC, the only gametype that you can find a match in is TDM
Versus playlist as in crossplay?
That would be highly unlikely with the keyboard/mouse combo issue. I wouldn't worry about it because of how many free copies were given away for the pc. There's a good chance it'll be relevant for a while.
I can't even find competitive games now at launch, the chance of the improving over time is not very big.. Finding ranked games overall takes 5-10 minutes if I want to play guardian, somewhat faster on TDM.
I am wired, I have played for 2 hours MP yesterday, and have noticed no lag at all
We tried playing co-op and had a bunch of issues.......then again....I got a huge update for my xbox being on the preview already....for all I know it borked a bunch of stuff. I really need to stop being a guinea pig LOL
I can't even find competitive games now at launch, the chance of the improving over time is not very big.. Finding ranked games overall takes 5-10 minutes if I want to play guardian, somewhat faster on TDM.
I tried playing co op with a friend last night on PC but he couldnt connect. I tried connecting to him and he had the same issue. Anyone else have this issue and do you know how to fix it?
Versus playlist as in crossplay?
That would be highly unlikely with the keyboard/mouse combo issue. I wouldn't worry about it because of how many free copies were given away for the pc. There's a good chance it'll be relevant for a while.
There doesn't seem to be much advantage if any at all for m/k users on PC currently.
Good players will be good players.
Can you earn credits for private matches against bots? I am trying to get my wife into playing the mp for this but people online are way to fucking good. I thought maybe starting off with bots would be a good way to ease her in to it.
Open xbox live ports.![]()
Thanks! are they the same on PC as they are on the console?
Yes, Not sure its certain to work tho. But i saw it work for some people.![]()
DMZ for best ports![]()
Agreed. Just because people are more used to it on controller, doesn't meant that it's not possible on mkb.how is wallbouncing harder on kb/m? its the same as controller
you look at a wall and press a button, then look at a different wall and press a button