How do i download free weekend on ps4
I only see the 5 hour trial
I only see the 5 hour trial
You Cray.Pretty fun/addicting mode when you are not playing this shitty map
I don't know how better players play it, but the only thing I see happen in that map is camping/sniping. And it sadly make sense because of the lack of cover.You Cray.
Quarry is the best map in the game. People can't rely on their ghillie suits to win their games
Got executed by a sniper rifle from a meter behind me last night; scared the shit out of me.
Wish there were more classes with ARs, because the pointman kept being taken (and used very well) by a teammate. I like the sniper class but I don't feel particularly good at it yet increased map knowledge will help a lot.
Pretty fun/addicting mode when you are not playing this shitty map
Edit can anyone tell me how to send visual messages? The first night I played there were a thank you message and a well-done message during the match from one of the other players and I don't know how they did that?
"lets give one side a million sniper towers, the other no cover all the way to the middle."
Are those on the radial AI/comms/rebel menu from the PvE side? (RB on Xbox).
They are 30Just tried this out on PC and it's a blast. Are the Xbox One / PS4 versions still 30fps even on Ghost War? Would love to get this on consoles especially for the X, got a few friends who're interested.
They are 30
Ubiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. That's a dealbreaker for me. With the smaller maps and far less going on in them I would have thought they could have pushed for 60.
How do i download free weekend on ps4
I only see the 5 hour trial
Far less going on except for the multiplayer I guess ?! The maps aren't really separate packages, it's just that you spawn somewhere in the open world and aren't allowed to leave the area
This game would be amazing if it weren't for the unnecessary load times between every FUCKING round. Once a guy picks their class, there's no need to change it mid match. It slows down the game immensely.
Seriously. The loading is insane.
What really? I thought the game loads pretty fast... it is the timer between matches allowing people to edit their guy or change classes that takes up time
Finds players pretty quick too
Played Xbox version for 2 hours tonight. I'm a die hard gr fan from the start on PC, even made maps for it. It's not that fun with all the markers telling you where everyone is or where you are. I just want my raw ghost recon back where my skill determines the outcome. The shooting mechanics are too easy and player movement is too fast. Oh well thanks for the free weekend, maybe pubg will satisfy my itch.
Played Xbox version for 2 hours tonight. I'm a die hard gr fan from the start on PC, even made maps for it. It's not that fun with all the markers telling you where everyone is or where you are. I just want my raw ghost recon back where my skill determines the outcome. The shooting mechanics are too easy and player movement is too fast. Oh well thanks for the free weekend, maybe pubg will satisfy my itch.
Finally convinced my friend to give this a try and while he enjoys it he had the same complaints. Drones spotting you every 10 seconds it seems and he really hates that a big yellow dot pops up every time you fire and I agree. We have all this cover and attempt to be sneaky but so much crap gives your position away. Hopefully ranked removes these crutches cause everything else is solid.
Map rotation is poor, Im pretty sure theres maps I have yet to play.
Why don't you try and go for the radio tower? You'll know where the last one standing is in a few seconds then! Even if he's camping around the radio tower, you'll know when you get spotted or shot at. It's recommended to have another/several teammate(s) keep an eye on you and the surroundings when you go for the tower.I like the gameplay a lot but shit between how long it takes to actually get the matches loaded and then waiting on something to happen with that last ghillie suit laying prone in the weeds who hasn't moved an inch for 5 minutes... just too much down time man. I kinda wish they had a 6v6 mode with some kind of respawn mechanic.
Yeah. They need to shorten up the start of matches and add extra rounds. Maybe make best of 5 instead of 3.I like the gameplay a lot but shit between how long it takes to actually get the matches loaded and then waiting on something to happen with that last ghillie suit laying prone in the weeds who hasnt moved an inch for 5 minutes... just too much down time man. I kinda wish they had a 6v6 mode with some kind of respawn mechanic.
Yea the matchmaking has been really bad for me. Almost every game I've played has been severely unbalanced, with one team being all level 10 and unders and the other team having all 30s or higher.Not bad at all. I hate the losers who die and then leave. As for matchmaking is stupid. Hate getting paired with new players like myself but the other team is made up if 30 plus higher players
Yeah. They need to shorten up the start of matches and add extra rounds. Maybe make best of 5 instead of 3.
Guess that means I need to stop using it as a crutchWe will publish a patch to address the Thermal Goggles perk issue as soon as possible. Please note that this is just a preventive balancing for now. A more complete revamp on the thermal vision will come with the next title update, early November. We will keep you updated once the patch is live.
This patch will limit the range in which Thermal Vision is effective. Players will only be visible within a short to medium range, after which it starts drastically dropping in intensity, ultimately becoming ineffective at long range spotting.
Had an intense game just now, dude was down 4-1, came all the way back to make it 1-1, revived his homie to make it 2-1 but somehow we still won! gonna upload later
Way too much loading and why are we using p2p connection?