Just like OG Driveclub then.Reading it seems like Driveclub VR can make you sick.

Just like OG Driveclub then.Reading it seems like Driveclub VR can make you sick.
Well, RIGS is pretty much the PSVR game that's getting the best reviews. That's not good.http://mixlr.com/jeff-gerstmann/
Jeff talking VR
edit: Even with the new set-up instructions, Jeff's still having problems in RIGS
Well, RIGS is pretty much the PSVR game that's getting the best reviews. That's not good.
Yeah. Jeff is talking about the 'tunnel vision' effect he sees in some games making him uncomfortable, so I think he might be sensitive to the post-processing software tricks PSVR does in low-framerate games (re-projection etc).
I wonder what the native frame rate is for Batman and RIGS?
Ooh. I just thought of something. It'd probably be nausea inducing, but what if Insomniac put a special first person web-swinging VR mode into their Spider-Man game? That would be intense!
Giant Bomb's PSVR Support Stream | Killing VR in its Infancy.
Giant Bomb's PSVR Support Stream | VR Baby Murderers.
(possible spoilers for one of the games later; also a bit nsfw)
Giant Bomb's PSVR Support Stream | Warning: Not what you're looking for
Ooh. I just thought of something. It'd probably be nausea inducing, but what if Insomniac put a special first person web-swinging VR mode into their Spider-Man game? That would be intense!
(possible spoilers for one of the games later; also a bit nsfw)
Giant Bomb's PSVR Support Stream | Warning: Not what you're looking for
Ooh. I just thought of something. It'd probably be nausea inducing, but what if Insomniac put a special first person web-swinging VR mode into their Spider-Man game? That would be intense!
That sounds like a nightmare. I would definitely try it though.
(possible spoilers for one of the games later; also a bit nsfw)
Giant Bomb's PSVR Support Stream | Warning: Not what you're looking for
(possible spoilers for one of the games later; also a bit nsfw)
Giant Bomb's PSVR Support Stream | Warning: Not what you're looking for
Mod request to change Sleeping's name to Summer
...why am I just listening to Jeff listen to his radio on his commute into work?
...why am I just listening to Jeff listen to his radio on his commute into work?
...why am I just listening to Jeff listen to his radio on his commute into work?
...why am I just listening to Jeff listen to his radio on his commute into work?
(possible spoilers for one of the games later; also a bit nsfw)
Giant Bomb's PSVR Support Stream | Warning: Not what you're looking for
would be better if he was listening to another podcast instead of bad music.
Yes this one.| Not what you are looking for
But it works on multiple levelsnot what you are looking for is useless without context
do you want to have the thread filled with "what does the title mean"
Youtube's own Danny O'Dwyer beat Drew to the Zelda series. Even with the context of knowing he didn't have an N64 or play any Zelda games, hearing the phrase "I'm getting some real Soul Reaver vibes" about Ocarina of Time almost broke me.
Alright, Giant Bomb PSVR Launch Day Support Stream | Not what you're looking for. So, all good? Because I'm making the thread now.
my main concern is that you please use
- Giant Bomb for branding
- stream to be descriptive of the live character
- Launch day so people know it's new
- support for poking fun
not what you are looking for is useless without context
do you want to have the thread filled with "what does the title mean"
Explain the thread title tag please
The banner pic makes up for the bad title