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Giant Bomb #6 | You'd be hard pressed to find 10 better threads this year.

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Hearing this game without Jeff and Vinny reacting to it in the background is freaking the shit out of me.

Vinny was talking about wanting to see some of his P4 buddies in P5 on the last BB episode, but after how much revisiting was done in Golden and Arena I think it's best if P5 is totally new. Of course Vinny doesn't have 100 spare hours to play thru those games, but it would be nice if there was a youtube summary of the major parts.


TBut you said yourself, the game executes well but the anime is a poor, if faithful, adaptation of the game. Just for fun: Compare when P4MC presents himself in class and King Moron reaction with the game and the anime.

The problem is not that is a overused trope, is more that is executed in a poor way.

Well I never actually said that at all, if anything I actually like the anime more than the game because I like what they did with the main character. He is absolutely hilarious. I'd love if there was a remake of the game itself where the main character has the lines and acts like he did in the anime.

The reason the anime made me realize how generic P4 was, was entirely because they cut out the hours and hours you spend going through dungeons and forget what is happening with the characters. The anime just has it all laid out bare. The structure of it is exactly the same as the dozens of other shows I've watched over the years. 90 or so hours of gameplay hides that a lot better.


lol @ making a big deal about "Truth Bullets." They're simply a metaphor for evidence to fit the stupid gameplay gimmicks in the trial sections of the game. The characters don't even acknowledge them as "Truth Bullets" because it's purely a gameplay element that is entirely separate from the narrative.

The term "Truth Bullet" isn't any different from other dumb names for gameplay mechanics, like "Limit Break" and "X-Factor" and "Social Link."

Man, if Alex and Patrick are so weirded out by these very innocuous elements of Danganronpa, I really wonder how they would fair with Ace Attorney and Persona as well. I mean, in Ace Attorney, you're cross examining parrots and orcas whales, and Persona has you making friends so you can make Satan more powerful.
Persona 4 is probably the only anime thing I've ever seen where the writing didn't feel super stilted and awkward. I imagine it's because the localization for that game was so excellent. Dangan Ronpa seems like it's probably pretty cool though.

Granted: I have seen very little anime.


But Zero Escape has morphogenetic fields and time traveling.

so...? I don't see what's so crazy about that. Those games even spend a lot of time familiarizing the player with those concepts and includes the appropriate amount of nonsense pseudoscience to justify it. that's just standard sci fi BS

dangan ronpa has a scene where a character deals with the death of his friend by turning into a super saiyan and absorbing his ghost. HIS EYEBROWS LIGHT ON FIRE.

one of the central mysteries of the game gets cleared up by showing you the statue of liberty with monokuma's face on it. This information is conveyed to you by a "final boss" with 6 personalities, half of which are anime references.

the final boss also literally tells you to not worry about "insignificant details" like how they managed to erase everyone's memory and what the Worst Event In The History of Mankind was.
that is ridiculous. dangan ronpa is ridiculous. and it knows it.

non-spoiler/tl;dr version: you gather "truth bullets" in dangan ronpa and shoot them at word clouds to "gain credibility" and corner the culprit with a rhytm game


Speaking of anime, everyone agrees that Welcome to the NHK is the greatest anime ever, right? RIGHT?!

It's actually pretty depressing how much I could relate to the main character, literally changed my life.
Well I never actually said that at all, if anything I actually like the anime more than the game because I like what they did with the main character. He is absolutely hilarious. I'd love if there was a remake of the game itself where the main character has the lines and acts like he did in the anime.

The reason the anime made me realize how generic P4 was, was entirely because they cut out the hours and hours you spend going through dungeons and forget what is happening with the characters. The anime just has it all laid out bare. The structure of it is exactly the same as the dozens of other shows I've watched over the years. 90 or so hours of gameplay hides that a lot better.

Well, I think the anime is bad because eliminates every subtle or crafty thing that the game did for the sake of cheap jokes.

But that is my personal opinion.


Do we talk about Scoops and the Wolf here? Because I'm watching today's edition and OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL. Their conversation about DanganRonpa was excruciating. "holy fuck the principal is a bear HOW THE FUCK DOES ANYONE PLAY THIS SHIT YOU SHOULD BE EMBARRASSED." Meanwhile Wolfenstein is about an alternate reality 1960s where the Nazis have robots and superweapons, but that's totally normal and not at all weird. Donkey Kong has a fucking geriatric talking gorilla as a character. That's totally normal and not at all weird.

Yeah, DanganRonpa is supposed to be weird, and certain aspects of Patrick's critique are totally valid (ex. the voice acting, haven't played it but I know some people hate the English VA for some Japanese games) but there's this real stink of "oh fuck anime games that's so weeeeeeeird" that I really didn't expect from either Alex or Patrick, given the usual level of discourse. It was shockingly dismissive, especially on Alex's part.

I don't think either were being very dismissive. they were just going on about how weird DanganRonpa is, which is 100% true and part of the appeal. I would not play a dangan ronpa without #truthbullets!

Yeah, I mean that's the weirdest thing to me. DanganRonpa has a crazy premise, but it feels at least partially intentional and not particularly tied to general anime weirdness. So for the guys to be super dismissive of it all, like they're embarrassed to even be discussing it with significant others, feels like it unfairly maligns people who are all just "so it's just absurd, right? we can move on now?"

And really every video game has weirdness to it, it's just that we accept Wolfenstein's bizarre premise but DanganRonpa for some reason is "whoa whoa whoa that's super nuts." And I get WHY that's the case--they're used to silly western tropes, not so much to silly Japanese tropes--but I would've expected them to at least recognize that that's not a universal feeling at all. Instead there's this feeling of "we all think truth bullets is fucking stupid, right?" and it feels exclusive when they don't need to be.

I mean, whatever. At the end of the day, no big deal. I just didn't like the vibe there, is all.

I think the DanganRonpa stuff starts about halfway through the episode. That whole DanganRonpa discussion starts to get really bad at the end of that segment, and then there are sarcastic anime mentions throughout the rest of the show but it's not awful.

The worst thing is that the game subverts or even mocks some of the anime tropes that, I guess, Patrick and Alex have problem with it. The game is intentionally weird and contrasting 'cute' mascots with murder and betrayal. But like I said before, I feel that current Patrick is less open to "silly anime games" .

Haha yeah wow, that Dangan Ronpa talk was really obnoxious. It's funny seeing the contrast of them freaking out about how "japanese" a game is for having slightly odd names for items and a wacky antagonist, right after talking about a game with the most brazenly stereotypically american premise in video-games ("HEY, LET'S GO SHOOT THESE NAZI ZOMBIE ROBOTS") without batting an eyelid.

If a story about people trapped in a complex by an inanimate being and forced to kill each-other (often dying in ridiculous ways) is so "Japanese", I guess the Saw franchise was an anime all along!

You have ridiculously overreacted to the discussion. Did you blank out in a white hot rage after Alex said "that's really fucking Japanese"? They both admit it is crazy, but not really in a negative way. Alex later even says he's played and enjoyed plenty of weird Japanese games and says this might be too weird for him even though it does sound cool at points. After that it is just mostly playful jibing about the term "anime editor".

Timestamp me.

Worth listening to or is it just going to make me angry?


Huh, haven't watched Scoops and the Wolf yet but if Patrick dislikes some of the anime elements in DanganRonpa that would be really weird considering he's a big fan of 999, Virtue's Last Reward and Fire Emblem Awakening.


Neo Member
Timestamp me.

Worth listening to or is it just going to make me angry?


If the time-link-thing doesn't work, he starts at about 18:20.

Can I just say that I think the crew is doing a great job hosting today's UPF? Everyone, Brad included, is actively involving themselves in the game and trying to contribute. Much better than last week with the submarine game, where everyone just seemed sort of distracted.


I feel like Patrick starts railing on the "anime" part of the game because Alex starts making fun of how Japanese it is and he feels like he has to talk it down, too.

I mean, it's Japanese, but it's not really that Japanese. It's just silly.


so...? I don't see what's so crazy about that. Those games even spend a lot of time familiarizing the player with those concepts and includes the appropriate amount of nonsense pseudoscience to justify it. that's just standard sci fi BS

non-spoiler/tl;dr version: you gather "truth bullets" in dangan ronpa and shoot them at word clouds to "gain credibility" and corner the culprit with a rhytm game

Alright, fine, but I'm not ready to concede that VLR's grounded in comparison, mainly because of the "standard sci-fi BS."


Conversation's not too bad. I feel like Patrick was really being kinda hung up on the whole 'truth bullets' thing, and Alex's outright dismissal is... irritating, but he's never displayed any kind of tendency towards liking it and it's not like Patrick really was trying to sell it to him so much as he was describing it.

...okay, Alex, I know you're the caustic one, but you don't get to "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PLAYING" us when the last few games you reviewed were a game where you are an octopus attempting to lead a regular life without anybody founding out you are a cephalapod, a game where you are an freelance espionage agent in an insane unpredictable world of bright lights and weird colours, or a game where you are playing a person making a video game out of the genetic memories of dead people about a world-wide conspiracy that primarily focuses around aliens.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Huh, haven't watched Scoops and the Wolf yet but if Patrick dislikes some of the anime elements in DanganRonpa that would be really weird considering he's a big fan of 999, Virtue's Last Reward and Fire Emblem Awakening.

I never got the impression he disliked them, he just pointed out that "Truthbullets" are fucking weird. And guess what? He is right.

Alex was obviously just playing it up a bit. You know that thing humans do? Having a bit of fun? Calm down people.


I never got the impression he disliked them, he just pointed out that "Truthbullets" are fucking weird. And guess what? He is right.

I was surprised they never justified it in universe or something though. I'd have expected it from there.

I'm more irritated at Alex than Patrick.


Patrick being embarrased by playing Dangan Ronpa is fucked up though. What?

Dude you're not playing Love Plus or some :icecream shit or something. What's wrong with this picture.


I feel Rorie making game guides for years has contributed to him not playing as many games anymore and just sticking to a few favorites.


I think anime fans are being way too touchy.

I feel Rorie making game guides for years has contributed to him not playing as many games anymore and just sticking to a few favorites.

or that he isn't getting paid to play them and having to buy his own. He usually buys a fair amount of PC games when they are on sale.


hahaha Rorie shutting down Jeff's segue

Patrick being embarrased by playing Dangan Ronpa is fucked up though. What?

Dude you're not playing Love Plus or some :icecream shit or something. What's wrong with this picture.

Some should draw a bunch of Patrick anime fan art and send it to him, obviously.


Calling Danganronpa anime is making me sad. :( I hate anime, but I like the game Danganronpa... and I also think the Danganronpa anime is terrible, lol.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything


Who will you stand with?

Also don't forget. Brad was trying to steal Patrick's streaming spot and now Patricki tries to take away Brad's title as anime editor
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