The next Best of Giantbomb needs to just be this video with yakety sax playing over it
You know a game is bad when Dan doesn't shutup about how good it is for over an hour.
So...all the metal gear solid games?
I don't know when mapping human motion to virtual avatars via VR is going to stop being funny
but it sure as shit isn't today
How much did 2 set you back? I already have 4 and 5 on my PSN account as I think they were both PS+ games at some point (or at least one of them was, I may have bought the other).
Do I have invincibility frames while rolling in Dark Souls or not?
Also, 480i is so ugly. Guess it be asking too much to have them shell out for some GCN component cables.
I am so lost on these Steal My Sunshine rules
Well since you're playing Dark Souls 2, you need to put like 15 points into ADP so that your roll isn't a huge piece of shit. Do a search on google for the recommended level, I haven't played DS2 for a while, so I forget.
The roll in Dark Souls 1 had a fixed number of invincibility frames for each encumbrance tier, but they changed that in Dark Souls 2 for some reason. This is why we don't talk about that game.
Yeah I think steal my sunshine would be fine without the extra blue and red ball rules. Dan's just trying to play Mario party without playing Mario party. He ain't fooling no one.
Bombcast is gonna be lit af
Yeah I think steal my sunshine would be fine without the extra blue and red ball rules. Dan's just trying to play Mario party without playing Mario party. He ain't fooling no one.
Not even a minute into Bridge Crew VRodeo and I'm laughing so hard at everyone gesturing.
Janina already on UC4.
Is the Bridge Crew thing good if I know nothing about Star Trek?
Tekken 7 is in a league of its own.