Ohhh shit, I'm from the Mitten too!Titty Sprinkles. (NSFW)
Ohhh shit, I'm from the Mitten too!Titty Sprinkles. (NSFW)
I have to say I don't really get the logic of "We have to play PUBG in a way that helps us get better." Mechanically speaking, the game is easy.
I have to say I don't really get the logic of "We have to play PUBG in a way that helps us get better." Mechanically speaking, the game is easy.
I have to say I don't really get the logic of "We have to play PUBG in a way that helps us get better." Mechanically speaking, the game is easy.
I have to say I don't really get the logic of "We have to play PUBG in a way that helps us get better." Mechanically speaking, the game is easy.
I'm pretty sure that actually was a Goodfellas reference, which was said because Vinny's Italian so it actually all wraps back around into a racial slur.
So that is why Alex is always telling Vinny he's a funny guy and asking if pens belong to him.
So that is why Alex is always telling Vinny he's a funny guy and asking if pens belong to him.
im excite for the dota vid
Lol of course I resubscribe to this after years the week they talk ignorant shit about board games. To give an analogy, their board-game discussion was like if you had a non-video-gamer and sat them down for a day-long session of Europa Universalis, and they reported back that video games are clearly way too complicated and long these days, and their co-hosts chimed in saying video games need to be more like Pong and Space Invaders let's go back to that *chuckle*.
Talking shit about Fire Pro art was just the icing on the Unsubscribe Cake at that point.
Also because the way they were playing before was real boring to watch.
Tokido won Evo this week
Tokido is the Murderface
Giant Bomb has a show called Murder Island
Giant Bomb wins their first Squad chicken dinner this week!
Spicy & Bold > Bathtub Wiener
Lol of course I resubscribe to this after years the week they talk ignorant shit about board games. To give an analogy, their board-game discussion was like if you had a non-video-gamer and sat them down for a day-long session of Europa Universalis, and they reported back that video games are clearly way too complicated and long these days, and their co-hosts chimed in saying video games need to be more like Pong and Space Invaders let's go back to that *chuckle*.
Talking shit about Fire Pro art was just the icing on the Unsubscribe Cake at that point.
Lol of course I resubscribe to this after years the week they talk ignorant shit about board games. To give an analogy, their board-game discussion was like if you had a non-video-gamer and sat them down for a day-long session of Europa Universalis, and they reported back that video games are clearly way too complicated and long these days, and their co-hosts chimed in saying video games need to be more like Pong and Space Invaders let's go back to that *chuckle*.
Talking shit about Fire Pro art was just the icing on the Unsubscribe Cake at that point.
Lol of course I resubscribe to this after years the week they talk ignorant shit about board games. To give an analogy, their board-game discussion was like if you had a non-video-gamer and sat them down for a day-long session of Europa Universalis, and they reported back that video games are clearly way too complicated and long these days, and their co-hosts chimed in saying video games need to be more like Pong and Space Invaders let's go back to that *chuckle*.
Talking shit about Fire Pro art was just the icing on the Unsubscribe Cake at that point.
Jeff is more chill as a starship captain than I would have expected.
Lol of course I resubscribe to this after years the week they talk ignorant shit about board games. To give an analogy, their board-game discussion was like if you had a non-video-gamer and sat them down for a day-long session of Europa Universalis, and they reported back that video games are clearly way too complicated and long these days, and their co-hosts chimed in saying video games need to be more like Pong and Space Invaders let's go back to that *chuckle*.
Talking shit about Fire Pro art was just the icing on the Unsubscribe Cake at that point.
"When you get down to it, how different is Rayman Origins to Bubsy?"
-Brad Shoemaker
I almost forgot how savage he got.
Unfortunately Dota 2 use isn't as prone to death.When you get down to it, how different is Dota 2 to buying some cold medicine, mixing it with ethanol, gasoline, red phosphorus, iodine, hydrochloric acid and paint thinner, and the using the resulting Krokodil?
Well the 2011 GOTYcasts were fun.
You just don't get them like that anymore. Everyone is too fucking buddy buddy.
Well the 2011 GOTYcasts were fun.
You just don't get them like that anymore. Everyone is too fucking buddy buddy.
skyrim is not a bad game
One of the few times I'll say this: Fuck Ryan Davis.
He let a bad game win and a great game get second place.
Every Bethesda Game Studio game since Oblivion onward has been starting at "OK" and trending towards "very bad".
Every Bethesda Game Studio game since Oblivion onward has been starting at "OK" and trending towards "very bad".
And no game has ever encapsulated Giant Bomb better than Saints Row The Third did in 2011. It was pitch perfect.
But then Brad filibustered.
yeah but skyrim is not a bad game
sure the story is cliche
and it's buggy
but that doesn't take away from the majority of it, which is things that get repetitive and boring and jankier as you do them over and over.
2010 had 6 days of gotycasts!?
They should bring that back.