
Playing NBA Ballers: Phenom and like more than half of the songs in the game have "ballin" or "baller" in the title
rather be the guy that complains about UPF than the guy that complains about everything
rather be the guy that complains about UPF than the guy that complains about everything
rather be the guy that complains about UPF than the guy that complains about everything
He loved Horizon (gave it 5/5) and struggled to get into Zelda because of weapon durability and feeling that combat was pointless.
"I liked Zelda less than Horizon because Horizon didn't make me feel super duper awesome all the time like pretty much every other game."
I mean, sure. If weapon durability and the annoyance of not being able to climb properly when it rains are such big deals for him, give it to Horizon. A Ubisoft game like every other Ubisoft game.
Just never complain about AC again or basically the same games over and over again!
The weapon durability system in BOTW isn't good. Even if you like weapon durability systems.
The weapon durability system in BOTW isn't good. Even if you like weapon durability systems.
Why.The weapon durability system in BOTW isn't good. Even if you like weapon durability systems.
The weapon durability system in BOTW isn't good. Even if you like weapon durability systems.
"I liked Zelda less than Horizon because Horizon didn't make me feel super duper awesome all the time like pretty much every other game."
I mean, sure. If weapon durability and the annoyance of not being able to climb properly when it rains are such big deals for him, give it to Horizon. A Ubisoft game like every other Ubisoft game.
Just never complain about AC again or basically the same games over and over again!
The weapon durability system in BOTW isn't good. Even if you like weapon durability systems.
One thing I will say about BoTW combat/weapons is I wish they gave you at least 1 or 2 more other types of items to use. I think it'd go a long way with respect to mobility and combat if they added in the hookshot.
No live bombcast today?
Is it even that close to an AC or Farcry game? Never really played either and the hunting stuff was good in Horizon. Plus, you could reveal the map naturally if you were opposed to spending 2 minutes doing an environmental puzzle. Idk...everyone rags on how bad Ubisoft is at open world games, but I liked Horizon.
Also weapon durability like BotW doesn't seem like a thing I want to manage for even 30 hours.
rather be the guy that complains about UPF than the guy that complains about everything
No, I wasn't clear. I like Ubisoft games too. But how can one shit on Ubisoft games always being the same but then like Horizon that much? How? I haven't played Horizon yet but what I'm hearing is "yeah, it's the same but the story is cool". That's cool. But GOTY? But better than BOTW? Come on.
No, I wasn't clear. I like Ubisoft games too. But how can one shit on Ubisoft games always being the same but then like Horizon that much? How? I haven't played Horizon yet but what I'm hearing is "yeah, it's the same but the story is cool". That's cool. But GOTY? But better than BOTW? Come on.
You should try this Zelda if the the other games never grabbed youIdk...someone is going to have to bite the bullet and play both and I'm not really up for playing any AC or Farcry games, so...
Plus, I haven't played BotW and and at this point have no need to play. Zelda's never been a series that really grabbed me in any way, even if I can somewhat understand why people seem to be over the moon about nearly every game in the franchise.
The weapon durability system in BOTW isn't good. Even if you like weapon durability systems.
Actually, yes that's probably what surfaced in my brain when I thought about this!If the next Zelda is BotW x Just Cause with the hookshot/grapple hook it might be my favourite game ever.
That tells me I would've loved FC2 if the shooting wasn't so bad.BoTW is basically a sequel to Far Cry 2
I think it's really well done but doesn't scale properly. Early game I think it's fantastic and really adds to the whole survival aspect of the opening where anything can kill you. But late game items should be way more durable, and they should've expanded the champion weapons so you could repair more weapons. It just sucks at endgame to go through so many weapons in a fight and not get back equivalent weapons from loot.The weapon durability system in BOTW isn't good. Even if you like weapon durability systems.
I'm currently playing through Horizon and at first it was a slog but I'm getting more into it. It's definitely an Ubisoft game, but it's an exquisitely crafted one. Horizon is basically "What if we took Far Cry and made it better and removed a bunch of the bullshit filler?" and that's kinda exactly what I want. It still hasn't fully hooked me, but it's gotten better the more I've played. I'd check it out.No, I wasn't clear. I like Ubisoft games too. But how can one shit on Ubisoft games always being the same but then like Horizon that much? How? I haven't played Horizon yet but what I'm hearing is "yeah, it's the same but the story is cool". That's cool. But GOTY? But better than BOTW? Come on.
This Zelda is vastly different than the others, to the point that a lot of people who loved the Zelda formula were pretty disappointed in this game. But it's definitely not for everyoneIdk...someone is going to have to bite the bullet and play both and I'm not really up for playing any AC or Farcry games, so...
Plus, I haven't played BotW and and at this point have no need to play. Zelda's never been a series that really grabbed me in any way, even if I can somewhat understand why people seem to be over the moon about nearly every game in the franchise.
Maybe when you play Horizon you'll think it's better than BOTW?
I sabotaged the Bombcast room and it worked.
Why should someone play the game when they know BotW is a masterpiece that cant be topped?
They're both shit as far as I'm concerned.Only joking, I haven't played either so I'm not qualified to offer an opinion on games I haven't played.
Why should someone play the game when they know BotW is a masterpiece that cant be topped?
My 4 hours with Horizon have left me with the conclusion that it's a bad game that looks very pretty, making it another game from Guerrilla Games.
My 4 hours with Horizon have left me with the conclusion that it's a bad game that looks very pretty, making it another game from Guerrilla Games.