This exactly what I need right now.
Don't want to make this into a big deal and it can stay rhetorical if need be, but does John Drake need to mention Andrea Rene in every tweet?
Giant Bomb X-2 | In Community, no one can see your clever title.
GB 11 already?! I haven't even posted that much in GB X![]()
Me neither.
That's a lie.
Drew singing parts of Open Your Heart in that Demo Derby was just the best.
My posting in this thread took a nosedive after something happened, for some reason.
Good one.
By the way, I take full credit for any X-2 title, as I'm quite (like, 95%) sure I was the first to mention it in this thread.
I don't mean to talk shit about drew here, but I'm just getting through the podcast now and he's talking about feeling overwhelmed trying to play sunset overdrive and finding it hard to do multiple things at once (including moving his eyes to look at a level stat or something on screen) and it's sort of reminding me of some of the issues he's had in mgs. Is SO really that complicated to wrap your head around? I haven't played it but it doesn't seem that complicated from hearing about the mechanics and watching people play it.
I actually heard lots of complaints about how simple the shooting is because it has such heavy auto aim.
Sunset Overdrive isn't that complicated. But it's incredibly important to understand the flow of the movement. Ideally you should never touch the ground and you do need to think a few steps ahead to stop yourself from losing a combo. The challenge with the combat is taking out these enemies while leaving yourself options to get around which is incredibly fun when you learn to superbounce off a ground pound so you can jump in and out of a horde of enemies whenever you want without dropping combo. But when you see somebody playing that doesn't understand how to stay in the air and just walks around shooting, it's absolutely painful.
I'm not really surprised that Drew isn't very good at the game though, he's never been an action guy. Just look at the types of games he plays on UPF, it's usually strategy or sims.
Are you playing the superior FemC option?
If you are I agree.
Otherwise eh.
Yeah I'd heard the same.
That's true. Though he's a big Halo guy, that's more of a single focused point and shoot kinda deal (not to say it's completely devoid of depth or anything). I guess now that I think of it I can't recall him talking about playing many modern action games over the years. I wonder if he played much of the Assassin's Creed games when they came out.
I really enjoyed my first play through of 3 FES but looking back it's so "generic anime" in every way. 4 is much more unique with it's setting, cast and plot. The only thing I'd say is better in 3 is the music.
Yeah, well, I think I came up with that.
We're settling this outside.
That's true. Though he's a big Halo guy, that's more of a single focused point and shoot kinda deal (not to say it's completely devoid of depth or anything). I guess now that I think of it I can't recall him talking about playing many modern action games over the years. I wonder if he played much of the Assassin's Creed games when they came out.
4 is obviously very anime as well but I think it does enough to differentiate itself from something you'd actually see in a 12-24 episode long battle shounen. A more immediate focus on a murder mystery instead of purely fighting evil and saving the world helps.I honestly can't think of a lot of ways that 4 is less generic anime than 3, other than its explorations of gender and sexuality, but even that was explored before in animeand was totally ruined by altus chickening out of actually exploring them, and devolving kanji and naoto to even more generic anime archtypes.
You just put the "graphic" in Graphics Interchange Format, also known as gif.
4 is obviously very anime as well but I think it does enough to differentiate itself from something you'd actually see in a 12-24 episode long battle shounen. A more immediate focus on a murder mystery instead of purely fighting evil and saving the world helps.
If you say so, Gimmy. ¯\_(ツJIF > GIF
I too am a fan of peanut butter.
If you say so, Gimmy. ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Playing Persona 3 portable. I am sorry but Persona 3 >>> Persona 4.
Does Vinny have anything set up at their new place yet?If Vinny is not QLing GTA then I quit everything
Does Vinny have anything set up at their new place yet?
For going back on his avatar bet I'd say this is appropriate.There's nothing I want more right now than for a mod to change Jimmy's name to Gimmyfenix.
ill take a shitty twitch stream from home through the PS4, i'm not really picky with my vinny content.