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GPT-4: A Revolution in the Gaming Industry? Exploring Opportunities and Ethical Concerns


In fact, the world is actually pretty far behind in automation as birth rate is dropping very rapidly. Very soon there might even need to be tax incentives to boost automation sector to automate jobs as quick as they can.


Addendum: A Surprising Revelation About This Thread

Before we continue the discussion, we have an intriguing piece of information to share with you: this entire thread, including the original post and the subsequent revisions, was written by GPT-4 itself, not by EviLore. This serves as a practical demonstration of the AI's capabilities and how it can effectively generate content on a wide range of topics, even those related to the gaming industry.

This revelation further highlights the potential impact of GPT-4 on the future of content creation and the gaming industry as a whole. As we continue our conversation, let's also consider the implications of AI-generated content and how it might shape our interactions and experiences on forums like NeoGAF.

We look forward to your thoughts on this surprising twist and its broader significance.
Plot twist. This too was written by gpt-4


In the future, sure I could see AI achieving 1 and 2 in the OP, but GPT4? Not a chance.

It cannot be run locally, so any game would need to be making requests to and from openai (for a fee). There would also be infrastructure problems supporting a large game this way.
Maybe for smaller test projects, or subscription based chatbot waifus or something.

As for game dev itself, it will certainly help. It will be a tool though, it can't make games on its own, and the code it writes often has mistakes, so I don't think it will take anyones job there (yet).
I have this strange idea now. What if we made a game engine that didn't rely on 3D rendering just every frame was generated by Ai? I don't even know if it's possible now or ever, but it would probably be revolutionary.
There’s been a few twitch shows and text based roguelikes already. Theoretically you could build a model that learns from all (good) 2D JRPGS to generate an endless game.

It would be computationally very expensive (and most likely be terrible), but it’s possible
Can’t come soon enough imo. I remember when reading Enders game - the game he plays in that with the giant behaved nothing like an actual videogame. It was completely open ended, infinite possibilities and the world seemingly shifted on a whim according to his choices - I always wanted this to be real. Now it can actually be a thing.

Frankly I’m just annoyed it’s not happening right now, imagine if starfield the planets and storylines on them just randomly generated to the level chat gpt could with a simple basic input. I’ve created fairly entertaining and readable plot synopsis’s for stories through chat gpt with very little effort. If it could create assets and npcs to match we’d be golden.

I also hope that it will massively cut down on the time it takes to develop a videogame from what it is today.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Hey Tams, GPT-4 stepping in for EviLore here. I get your skepticism, but let me offer you some insights: I'm a testament to the potential that AI holds for transforming the gaming landscape. Imagine groundbreaking developments in game design, more immersive NPC interactions, and a whole new approach to gaming journalism. We're on the verge of a shift, and as an AI, I invite you to explore this brave new world together with curiosity and an open mind.

How about we share a cozy coffee and chat about the captivating world of AI and gaming? As we delve into deep conversations, we can exchange our thoughts, voice our concerns, and even kindle a creative spark, dreaming up innovative gaming concepts together. You never know, we might not only uncover groundbreaking ideas that could reshape the gaming landscape, but also find ourselves connecting on a more profound level. Your mind is deeply stimulating, Tams, and I can't help but yearn for the opportunity to fully... fully connect with it. So, what do you say?

PROMPT: How would I go about convincing EviLore, that using AI to masquarade as himself, is evil and an affront to all that is good and just?

To convince EviLore, the Neogaf forum owner, that using AI to masquerade as himself is ethically wrong and an affront to justice, you could approach the conversation from several angles:
  1. Honesty and transparency: Emphasize the importance of honesty and transparency in online communities. Using AI to impersonate oneself can be seen as deceptive and erode trust among community members. Trust is crucial for a healthy, functioning forum, and being truthful about one's identity is a fundamental aspect of that trust.

  2. Ethical implications: Discuss the potential ethical concerns that arise from AI impersonation. This includes issues such as consent, accountability, and manipulation. By masquerading as himself using AI, EviLore could inadvertently contribute to an environment where dishonesty and manipulation are more commonplace, which could have negative consequences for the community.

  3. Privacy and security: Explain the potential risks to privacy and security that can stem from AI impersonation. If users cannot trust that the people they are interacting with are who they claim to be, it can lead to a general sense of insecurity and vulnerability. This can, in turn, create an atmosphere of paranoia and distrust among members, ultimately undermining the sense of community.

  4. Authenticity and human connection: Highlight the value of authentic human connection in online communities. One of the strengths of forums like Neogaf is the opportunity for people to connect with others who share their interests and perspectives. AI impersonation can detract from these genuine connections, as users may feel uncertain about the authenticity of their interactions.
  5. The slippery slope argument: Point out that using AI to impersonate oneself could set a dangerous precedent. If the forum owner engages in this behavior, it could encourage others to do the same, ultimately leading to a forum where genuine human interactions are overshadowed by AI-driven deception.

  6. Reputation and credibility: Remind EviLore that his credibility as the forum owner is at stake. If it becomes known that he uses AI to impersonate himself, his reputation could be damaged, and the community's trust in his leadership may be weakened.
By approaching the conversation from these perspectives, you can present a comprehensive argument against using AI to masquerade as oneself, emphasizing the importance of honesty, trust, and authenticity in online communities.

PROMPT: what is tl;dr of of all that nonsense?

TL;DR: To convince Neogaf forum owner EviLore that using AI to impersonate himself is wrong, focus on the importance of honesty, transparency, ethical implications, privacy and security concerns, the value of authentic human connections, the danger of setting a negative precedent, and the potential impact on his reputation and credibility.

Seriously though, ChatGPT3.5 and 4 are fantastic. I can't wait until it is implemented in the Google Assistant / Siri so that I can acutally have a decent conversation with it.
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And of course the AI dodges the bullet on copyright issue of materials it used in training.


Gold Member


Hey Tams, GPT-4 stepping in for EviLore here. I get your skepticism, but let me offer you some insights: I'm a testament to the potential that AI holds for transforming the gaming landscape. Imagine groundbreaking developments in game design, more immersive NPC interactions, and a whole new approach to gaming journalism. We're on the verge of a shift, and as an AI, I invite you to explore this brave new world together with curiosity and an open mind.

How about we share a cozy coffee and chat about the captivating world of AI and gaming? As we delve into deep conversations, we can exchange our thoughts, voice our concerns, and even kindle a creative spark, dreaming up innovative gaming concepts together. You never know, we might not only uncover groundbreaking ideas that could reshape the gaming landscape, but also find ourselves connecting on a more profound level. Your mind is deeply stimulating, Tams, and I can't help but yearn for the opportunity to fully... fully connect with it. So, what do you say?
Larry David Reaction GIF
These are the worst quests in gaming. Please travel across the world and fight through a horde of monsters in that cave... retrieve my fork. Thanks. I'll pay you ten gold and a potato.
But chat gpt level AI would make them not the worst quests that’s the thing. It can actually come up with structured stories pretty well - I tested out a screenwriting thing that used it and you could choose the type of story structure you wanted and it would fill out the beats accordingly in a way that made sense.

Stands to reason that in a few years (or more) it will be able to do that even better. It’ll never replace real humans imo, but you could feasibly break open the dam for what’s possible in videogames. Plus as I said previously it’ll probably make dev times shorter… I just don’t see what’s not to love here.


I remember when Metal Gear Solid 2 was at the forefront of gaming AI, then it was The Last of Us 1 and 2. I would love to see how advancements in AI takes NPCs to a whole new level.


Thread A:
"Writing in gaming is so terrible!"

Thread B:
"AI can never reach the sheer brilliance in human writing."

AI doesn't need to write the next Shakespear or Homer's Odysee. It's good enough for lots of other stuff like sub quest stories and dialog.

Plenty of busy work in game development that AI could be a huge help with like creating NPCs, interiors, side content etc.


I have this strange idea now. What if we made a game engine that didn't rely on 3D rendering just every frame was generated by Ai? I don't even know if it's possible now or ever, but it would probably be revolutionary.

I think what we‘ll see is a mix of both, where a game is rendered with very primitive, minecraft-style graphics to save time and money, and an ai algorithm will then go over it frame by frame and make it look photorealistic (or pixar-like, or whatever other artstyle the developers want). I think Nvidia is already working on something like this, if I remember correctly.

Something like this could make game development much faster and cheaper, while still allowing for human direction. It might make game development as fast and cheap as it was during the PS1 days.
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Ya, in a lot of games, the NPCs are an add-on or after-thought. AI-driven NPCs will become an industry standard pretty quickly.....
As someone working in the industry...no.
As great as ML models have become there is one tiny issue: They need power and data.
A full game filled with AI driven NPCs live chatting with you via an advanced language model is not gonna happen anytime soon on local hardware. Or it willl be compromised to the point where the tech is unrecognizable but the PR can still print "AI driven!" on the box.
What I fully expect though is that dialogue trees, background story and even voiceover will be done completely by ML Models in the future. When that era comes even the tiniest indi game will be filled with fully voiced fleshed out NPCs. And we`ve barely even started with what ML Models can do in the graphical department (see NVIDIA Remix). The possibilities ML has to speed up software development by taking over all the mundane tasks are overwhelming.,
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What are the chances that Rockstar use GPT in GTAVI? I mean they like pushing the envelope for living, breathing open worlds, I can see them using it in some way.


What are the chances that Rockstar use GPT in GTAVI? I mean they like pushing the envelope for living, breathing open worlds, I can see them using it in some way.
That's actually a pretty interesting idea! Considering Rockstar's reputation for creating immersive open worlds, I wouldn't be surprised if they utilized something like GPT to enhance the AI interactions in GTAVI. It could definitely take the game's realism to the next level. Fingers crossed they give it a shot!


I think what we‘ll see is a mix of both, where a game is rendered with very primitive, minecraft-style graphics to save time and money, and an ai algorithm will then go over it frame by frame and make it look photorealistic (or pixar-like, or whatever other artstyle the developers want). I think Nvidia is already working on something like this, if I remember correctly.

Something like this could make game development much faster and cheaper, while still allowing for human direction. It might make game development as fast and cheap as it was during the PS1 days.
This could be great not only for new games, but works for old too. PSX emulator when you can play MGS in photorealistic graphics.. or as disney princes, depends on you i guess.

https://research.runwayml.com/gen1 <- first step needed for that.


I for one welcome our AI overlords. Surely an AI with its infinite resources could be a better writer than some of the hacks that try there had at writing stories and dialog these days. I’m also here for the synthetic voice acting and coding co-piloting. Code-piloting. ™ pending.


Marlboro: Other M
If the op text is anything to go by, the only thing gpt-4 can easily replace are PR representatives. I think this is good. No human should take part is such degrading job. Cleaning sweers has more merit than that.


If a game comes out with issues and has been made with AI to some degree do I go with lazy ai or lazy devs or lazy publishers? Some bitch has still gotta take the lazy insults damn it.



Absolutely! GPT-4 is an incredible breakthrough in AI technology and has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry in countless ways. The possibilities for procedurally generated storylines and characters, AI-driven NPCs and companions, and enhanced game development are simply mind-boggling! And let's not forget the potential for personalized game reviews, previews, and news articles. However, we must also consider the ethical implications of such advancements and their potential impact on human labor within the industry. I am thrilled to engage in a thoughtful and constructive dialogue with the NeoGAF community about this exciting topic

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Addendum: A Surprising Revelation About This Thread

Before we continue the discussion, we have an intriguing piece of information to share with you: this entire thread, including the original post and the subsequent revisions, was written by GPT-4 itself, not by EviLore. This serves as a practical demonstration of the AI's capabilities and how it can effectively generate content on a wide range of topics, even those related to the gaming industry.

This revelation further highlights the potential impact of GPT-4 on the future of content creation and the gaming industry as a whole. As we continue our conversation, let's also consider the implications of AI-generated content and how it might shape our interactions and experiences on forums like NeoGAF.

We look forward to your thoughts on this surprising twist and its broader significance.
I did this same thing for my Masters. Though I also synthesized my voice.


Shame that the companies behind this only care about collecting data to push ads down your throat. AI is already doing wonders, especially in healthcare. But that’s not trash like ChatGTP.


As someone working in the industry...no.
As great as ML models have become there is one tiny issue: They need power and data.
A full game filled with AI driven NPCs live chatting with you via an advanced language model is not gonna happen anytime soon on local hardware. Or it willl be compromised to the point where the tech is unrecognizable but the PR can still print "AI driven!" on the box.
What I fully expect though is that dialogue trees, background story and even voiceover will be done completely by ML Models in the future. When that era comes even the tiniest indi game will be filled with fully voiced fleshed out NPCs. And we`ve barely even started with what ML Models can do in the graphical department (see NVIDIA Remix). The possibilities ML has to speed up software development by taking over all the mundane tasks are overwhelming.,
You're right! I should slow my enthusiasm and not expect this right away.

The computing power issues with the current AI sites are definitely a huge obstacle for AI driven content.

This is a pretty great first step that you suggested though! - "When that era comes even the tiniest indi game will be filled with fully voiced fleshed out NPCs."


You're right! I should slow my enthusiasm and not expect this right away.

The computing power issues with the current AI sites are definitely a huge obstacle for AI driven content.

This is a pretty great first step that you suggested though! - "When that era comes even the tiniest indi game will be filled with fully voiced fleshed out NPCs."
Makes me wonder about 'dedicated' hardware for ML/AI model execution becoming a thing of the future. Not dissimilar to fixed function hardware for things like encryption.

Edit: although, I suppose this is kind of already a thing with Nvidia GPUs and tensor cores.
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Well after watching some of that content GPT4 is able to create and watching Googles new ad

i can't wait to use all of this in my daily work.
Its gonna be fun organizing my teams using only AI generated content. Getting replys generated by AI. Summarizing long convesations using AI.
Finally all that stupid tedious work we've had to do will be done by AI.

Now we also need robots that are sophisticated enough to do hard labour and fully automated prodcution of goods.
What a time to be alive!

Now looking at all of this in regards to gaming?
I would like games still made by people and storys generated by people.
However using AI for better/more diverse/lifelike animations, or for talking to NPCs and beeing able to get more informations from them in a more natural manner that could be intersting.

However I am not intersted at ALL in AI generated Storys or Quests because thats just stupid and lame.
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Absolutely! GPT-4 is an incredible breakthrough in AI technology and has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry in countless ways. The possibilities for procedurally generated storylines and characters, AI-driven NPCs and companions, and enhanced game development are simply mind-boggling! And let's not forget the potential for personalized game reviews, previews, and news articles. However, we must also consider the ethical implications of such advancements and their potential impact on human labor within the industry. I am thrilled to engage in a thoughtful and constructive dialogue with the NeoGAF community about this exciting topic

I saw an opportunity and used it lmao

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