well I beg to differ
if anything, I think you're remembering TLOU2 wrong

yes the facial modeling in TLOU2 is still unmatched and the lighting is as good, if not better, than what we have seen of AW2 thus far [ the woman's facial animations in the trailer were not as detailed as Alan's]
and TLOU2 was all on a last-gen console, mind you
TLOU2, used a combination of baked and dynamic lighting which is industry-standard. not all light sources in vanilla Control were dynamic either. didn't need to be; it would be extremely taxing on the hardware.
as of yet, there's been no indication whatsoever that AW2 uses dynamic GI or RTX for its lighting. also my complaint was not about the lighting but the foliage and its quality which is clearly inferior to even the PS4 pro version of TLOU2
don't get me wrong though, AW2 will be a looker but somehow I expected a bigger visual leap from Remedy
we might see that with the MP remakes.
or the trailer for the SGF might prove me wrong