Very nice, but the clouds look a bit low res, pixelated, don't know exactly and not just in this photo, I saw it in others too.
you're not going to get pixel sharp VDB clouds in real time for quite a while yet. Think of when games first got fog and it was blocky and lower resolution than the game.
Even some cloud solutions for offline rendering look pixellated.
Its the next clear step, and a big jump up from what anyone has done before. pointing out that it's not as good as real life yet is sort of missing the point.
Embergen is a pretty good indicator of where real time clouds, fluids, fire & smoke will end up in a decade. It's first beta versions were low res and blocky - but they ran in real time, and for a lot of uses in VFX more than good enough. The beta came out in 2020, and we're about a full console generation away from hitting that level of quality still.
The generation after that we'll hit the quality they hit with the 1.0 release... and the generation after that we'll probably get their 2.0 level of quality within a game (2.0 is currently in development, but the developer posts snippets a bunch )