Looking at Saboteur, I'm thinking I'll probably try to maximize DPS. Of course, it's very apparent that it's not gonna tank like anything involving a soldier so hopefully it will murder things fast enough to not matter. We'll see if it's a happy enough medium to carry on till ultimate (or else...well, hardcore and all lol). I'm starting off ranged and levelling with canister bomb + item skills but I'll probably switch to dual wield around level 40-50?
But hey, maybe if you decide to try a saboteur then you can find out which builds are amazing before I die lol. Of course, with the new classes and expansion coming out I'd be worried about burning out on this game. Kind of wish we had a release date on it. I want good necromancer action after wasting my money on Diablo 3.
I got to the blacksmith in Tyrant's Hold tonight and decided to blow my crafting mats on the lottery. Got a Direwolf's Crest and a Deathmarked Claw out of it and crafted the Tinker's Ingenuity Belt. I'm pretty happy with the outcome. I also wanted to craft the Nemesis relic but it turned out that I'm missing the recipe for the Sanctuary relic.
The expansion better add way more stash space...
I've sorta told myself no more characters until the expac lol. Just adding 2 classes takes the number of class combos from 15 to 28 so I'm pretty sure there'll be some leveling to do after that.
Alot of the strongest builds involving nightblade involve dual wielding but I usually find myself coming back to caster off hands more often then not. They tend to be a little more defensive and always come with CDR, which I keep harping on, but its pretty powerful. My spellbreaker has 38% which allows for 3 blade spirits all proccing there own blizzards amongst other things. Given you're doing a class combo I don't have experience with, with a playstyle I usually steer away from, you might be on your own a bit, lol
I will recommend working flashbang into what you're doing though. The DA reduction (for more crits) and confuse is nice, but its the searing light part that can (will) save your life. Chance to fumble is one of the few types of cc thats works reliably on bosses, and even after a bit of a nerf, is pretty powerful
Fires a strong, well supported damage type. Though like any damage type, there are a few enemies that are highly resistant. Probably most notably the Bastion of Chaos boss. Remember to have some options to shred resistances. Blackwater cocktail is a strong, underrated skill, that includes a flat resist shred component. The damage on it isn't great by itself, but that debuff is valuable. Ideally you want at least one flat source (indicated by reduce target resistance by x) and then a few sources of % based (elemental storm devotion for example - reduce target elemental resistance by x%). The flat reductions don't stack, so generally one source of that is enough, but the percentage based reductions do and add to the total amount reduced. That all starts to get pretty important from elite onwards. My poison witch hunter has so many ways to reduce resists he kills the poison type enemies just as quickly as the rest.
Apologies if you knew all that. I'm a bit bored
Just on that, I'd also suggest giving a poison/acid based character a try. Ideally a witch hunter. Really, really strong, and poison has a tonne of support from devotions and gear. Devotions alone have scorpions sting and guardians gaze (combine with blight relic for maximum lols, you can get 10+ balls spinning around you) at tier 1, both good. Tier 2 has fetid pool (not great), and acid spray (really strong) and tier 3 has vile eruption (strong and awesome - combine with skill from Mark of Dreeg component for maximum effect). Compare that to something like cold, which has sort of one tier 1 (its cold and lightening) one tier 2 and one tier 3. It's also not resisted very well by alot of the strong end game enemies (and even if it is there's a multitude of ways to deal with that) so it works well all the way through. Gear wise, it can also be made work with pretty basic, easy to find stuff too. That said, mines always been on the squishy side, so maybe not the best idea for HC lol
Bleeds also a strong dot type for some builds but I don't have as much experience with it. Not to mention dealing with undead enemies becomes a real chore.
And don't tell me about getting addicted to this lol. I binged this so hard at points last year, and kept getting ideas for builds, leveling em to 85, and then immediately starting another. I'm sort of at a point now where I'm 'fixing' alot of those guys and refining them to go as far as possible in the crucible. Its one thing to be able to make a build that can beat Ultimate, but Gladiator crucible is a whole other league. Even challenger 100+ is probably harder then Ultimate...
/end daily Grim Dawn rant
I definitely know about resistances, since I of course ran into that in Diablo 2 Hell difficulty where my ice/lightning sorceress had a LOT of hangups. I'm contemplating my options for countering resistances later on, but I think fire as a primary will most likely carry me through most of normal difficulty. I'll probably be adding a couple more elements somehow, maybe through gear or skills.
On my first character in this game I had major "decision indecision" when it came to devotions. Can't fuck around like that anymore on hardcore lol...but now I'm having the same thing regarding stats. I mean, I have no idea what stats to put in so I'm sitting here with only 1 actual point spent while my masteries have kept my actual base stats up to date. Any advice on this, if any?
I swear, this and MAYBE a soldier-type class are all I'm making until the expansion hits. After these two characters I'll need to take it easy and play some other palate cleanser ha. I haven't played the crucible yet since the only viable characters I actually have onhand are Arcanist/Demo (squishy glass cannon) and this hardcore character I'm using now. I'm pretty sure death is guaranteed in the crucible so it'll probably have to wait till I make a character that can take a few hits and has more than 1 life.
Does the game or crucible scale with item level? Because I had no problems getting to level 120 yesterday and I was struggling to get to 110 today even though I haven't changed anything that had any impact on my survivability. One time I even died before I got to 100 because I got charged by a couple of mobs and died within like a second.
Edit: I figured it out... I'm missing points in both skill trees because I swapped out some gear. Gonna have to take a look at it again -_-
Chaos and Aether damage are decent support types for fire. There's a few devotions for both. If you're working towards meteors, then that will put you real close to abomination which has a tonne of chaos damage and a nice proc. Colds also good, but you need an arcanist really to make that work.
Stats wise, I think I mentioned a page or two back, 100% physique is the way to go 99 times out of a 100. Spirit is unfortunately pretty useless. It adds a small percentage of elemental damage. Later on when you have 1200+%, you get an extra couple of percent on top of that... It does include energy regen, which can be useful, but the only build where I felt like I needed it was an aether ray build, which chews energy hard. Even so, those points on him were wasted, as I've since been able to fully mitagate that through gear. Cunning is handy as it gives a little OA, and adds duration to physical dot types (bleed, internal trauma). Not as handy as physique though, which gives DA and health. OA is generally easier to come across then DA, and health is always a good thing so physique usually wins out.
The only issue you may run into are spirit requirements for some jewelry. It's recommended whenyou get to 85 leave the last 5 or so points in case you need a hit of spirit or cunning for gear. Even so, there are other ways around it, like gear with spirit as a stat, or devotion nodes that drop the stat requirement for gear.(if?)
It sounds like you have a Witchblade in your future. They pretty meta right now. And i'm seriously considering a HC run now too. I mean just to say I've done it right. I think there's a post from me early in this thread, where confirmation of hardcore mode was the selling point of the game for me, and I haven't touched it in 1300 hours. I'm just not sure weather to play it safe and take a tanky class that I'm familiar with, or fly buy the seat of my pants a bit and try one I haven't done yet like a saboteur or trickster. I'm leaning towards the latter option though. Maybe a bleed trickster which I here are pretty strong.
Its been interesting having no blueprints or stash full of goodies to call on though. That makes me take my time a bit more, and I've actually bothered with components on pretty much all slots, which I don't usually start doing till the end of normal/elite.
And I'm REALLY not looking forward to going through Arkovia and the SoT again. It's the first time i've taken someone through the campaign since the undead got buffed a few patches back, and fuck me they're annoying now. It also doesn't help that I'm dealing a decent amount of bleed damage, and they're next to immune to that..
I'll try running sliths later probably. Sucks to be wasting time on it though when I could be progressing my character further. I've been doing a lot of backtracking on this character trying to nail down quests and devotion shrines since I want to do a semi-completionist run on this character.
Despite having no stash transfer, I'm hoarding stuff like I would to give to secondaries in my hardcore transfer stash. But it's all pointless cause I think this is my one and final/only hardcore character lol. I totally get the whole adding components though, makes a huge difference and it's something I never really paid that much attention to.
All I can say is that I can't relate to your undead woes cause I just threw canister bombs into mobs back in that area.
Hah, yeah I'm hoarding hard too. Although failure IS NOT AN OPTION, its nice to have some stuff there just in case.
After a few hours this morning, just hit Fort Ikon at level 40. Feeling much better now I've got some skills and gear. Can tank pretty much anything.Famous last words?
Also, this is mad handy for getting all the shrines. I used to use it all the time, but I know where they all are now.
-edit- hargates lab would actually be good for frozen hearts now I think about it. Higher level and tonnes of slith in there
Also, this is mad handy for getting all the shrines. I used to use it all the time, but I know where they all are now.
I imagine you just get the loot reward from restoring them and that's it.how do shrines work if I have all 50 possible points? Because right now I think I'm missing 2 points but according to the list there are 5 shrines in act 4. Do they just become inactive, despawn or are they restored by default?
how do shrines work if I have all 50 possible points? Because right now I think I'm missing 2 points but according to the list there are 5 shrines in act 4. Do they just become inactive, despawn or are they restored by default?
I imagine you just get the loot reward from restoring them and that's it.
Wow, super quick. I just beat normal after coming home last night, ran it till 4AM and got level 49ish beating normal and finishing up some quests. Gonna skip Anasteria's quests cause they seem like a colossal waste of skeleton keys lol.
For someone who doesn't really know what he's doing, I think I'm doing pretty good so far.
Ya if you can make it to the end of normal without dying you're doing pretty well. You need some idea of whats going on.
And the Anasteria quests are worth running. I usually save my free key till I meet her and get the quest in the SoT and run it then. I'll also craft one for BoC because of the amount of xp available in there. I've only leveled a few toons since Port Valbury was added, and haven't bothered with it on normal so far. Place is pretty tough.
Not bad. I'd start to do something about those resists though. The elemental and pierce especially. Aether you need for a few areas, most notably the rotting croplands, just after you get to homestead. The scarecrow enemies turn into aether wisps, which deal a good wack of pure aether damage. My regular account has had a bunch of deaths there because I ignored aether.
Some suggestions that should help.
- Put a silk swatch on your pants and shoulders. That'll got along way to sorting out bleed and pierce
- Put a hollowed ground on your chest piece. Elemental resists and DA
- Corpse dust in your rings. Common, and gives vita resist, health and regen, all good
- Mark of the traveller on your boots. Movement speed!
- Unholy inscription on your gloves. All nice stuff
- Runestone in hat. Elemental and aether resists
- Belt, a rigid shell, dense fur, or antivenom salve
- A wardstone for your medal
- Ammy, maybe an aether soul, but there's other good options as well
- If you've have reached honored status with any faction you get access to augments for rings, ammys and weapons depending on the faction. These can be attached as well as components and can further help with resists, OA and DA and all sorts of stuff. Worth checking the faction vendors for. They can also sell some nice green gear that should be better then the yellows you have
Hope that helps
This is just one of 20 new sets coming with the expansion, on top of the 27 classic sets returning in Mythical form. I think it is fair to say that you will be all set this expansion.
Got lucky tonight and found the last recipe I needed for the Nemesis relic. The pet is pretty damn great, I like it a lot. What's the best setting for it? Normal or aggressive? I'd kind of like it if I could set it to always attack my target.
Just got to Fort Ikon. What's the best thing to do with Anasteria? I killed her in all other difficulties, is it worth it keeping her around on ultimate? Also, what's the best way to farm Cronley's Gang reputation? Just run the hideout repeatedly? That's going to take ages![]()
Just so I get this straight: I can be friends with Anasteria and the Black Legion? I just have to farm Legion reputation back up? I always thought it's choice between the two.
How much will the expansion cost?
We are not yet ready to announce the pricing. The expansion continues to grow both in scope and content as we work on it. As with the base game, you can be certain that it will be an excellent bargain for the amount of content offered.
When is the expansion coming?
The expansion is a massive undertaking for our small team, but we currently estimate its release to be in Q2/Q3 of 2017.
Will there be new masteries?
Yes! Two in fact, which nearly doubles the total number of class combinations! You can look forward to the esteemed Inquisitor and the enigmatic Necromancer.
Will there be a new chapter of the story?
Absolutely! We are preparing a massive new chapter of Grim Dawn's ongoing tale of the vestiges of humanity struggling against their conquerors. With the Aetherial threat still looming, you will travel to many new locations alongside Inquisitor Creed and the Black Legion. With new locations come many new foes, dungeons and factions.
Will there be an increased Level cap?
Yes. You can look forward to another 15 levels as the level cap is increased to 100. This also means hundreds of powerful new items.
Will there be an increased Devotion cap?
Yes, though we are still discussing the final value. However, you can also look forward to 14 new Constellations.
That last hat looks pretty sweet.
I hate sets though, my luck is absolutely terrible when it comes to set drops. I only managed to complete one set so far in this game and it was a set of two rings.
Yep. Sets are tough to put together. 1500 hours here and yet to complete a 5 piece set. I have 4 bits of a few, and have completed a couple of other 3 and 4 set pieces (I think I've got the Wildblood 3 piece around 8 or 9 times). They're not the be all and end all though like that other game I'm playing.
They're bloody rare and strong, but you don't need them, which is the way it should be
True that, but I think the real shame is that you'll never complete the set to look as awesome as the screenshots. Then you end up having characters that look as disjointed as my Saboteur lol. I do love the itemization of this game though, it's pretty much what I wanted from Diablo 3 and was sorely disappointed about the most.
Thanks for your advice on my hardcore character btw. I'm sure I would've died without some of the components you suggested for my armor. Hopefully I can make that final push to 85 and start gathering the goods to fight mogdrogen.
I've completed a number of sets but it's partially thanks to half my playtime being with a friend. So we traded a bunch of pieces.
Haha. Good luck. That's a death wish if you ask me. I've fought him a grand total of once in elite. That was with a toon that had just facerolled ultimate Port Valbury on Ultimate. After about 5 minutes I had him at about half health, before making a mistake and dying. I haven't even bothered trying since. He's a stupid, arrogant, 8 squillion hp, god-dickhead. I don't even bother restoring his shrine in Ultimate anymore cos fuck you idiotand you should well and truly have devotion capped by then
Ultimate Mad Queen is a more realistic yard stick if you ask me. Tough but properly prepared builds can do it. Whereas Mog, there's only a few very specific builds using gear that would take an eternity to find ,that can handle him on Ult. And it still takes like 10-15 minutes.
And lucky transmog is coming then I guess, though dress-ups in this game isn't very fun for me. Most all of the gear, even the supposedly cooler shit, looks pretty meh. Maybe the new gear plus being able to transmog will change that. We'll see. Now D3, and other such games I will admit to perhaps spending a little too much time in the wardrobe trying to look nice...
There's this. Never used it myself though. That can can get to be one pretty slippery slope that I don't wanna get on
Some resistance fixes are in order but other than that I think it's shaping up pretty okay.