Im down for TA as well. Love the look of the light armor set from there.Hell yeah. I'm totally down.
I'm starting to think I'm going for Nightmare armor, so I'm going to need to start doing more Twilight Arbor exp for tokens.
Im down for TA as well. Love the look of the light armor set from there.Hell yeah. I'm totally down.
I'm starting to think I'm going for Nightmare armor, so I'm going to need to start doing more Twilight Arbor exp for tokens.
I want nightmare armor, actually I want the stats from the Orrian... no one seems to run that in guild![]()
even if it didn't have those it would be shit loads of farming. semantics, you're farming to expend those resources in gw, with tf the only extra time you spent was on the quest itself which was negligibleWhere do you see that you even have to run dungeons to get a legendary. This list from reddit has nothing to do with dungeons.
Edit: Now I see step 2 has a Gift from dungeon tokens.
click view in 3d, looks awesome.
Man the Mac client runs like a dog compared to the version on bootcamp.
- Dungeons are a fun distraction to run a few times, but to grind 50+ for purely cosmetic gear? No thanks. The dungeons are just not that interesting.
With the speedrun nerfs people just might.
It seems as if I was kicked from the GAF guild =(
Only way I did CoE Ex last night was having the two people I found at CoE each drag one guildmate with them. Place was a ghost town.
Ya, I know. A lot of the game feels this way tho, not only the dungeons, but even the guild only runs AC ex or CoF all the time. It has to do with game balance and rewards too I guess.
In CoF's case, it wasn't purely cosmetic gear; the heavy armor had power/precision/critical damage....
Wait, CoF is that stat allocation? Damn I should of jumped on that train long ago. Thought it was Orrian for some reason...
why cant we dye weapons like first game ?
why are the instances in this game like impossibly hard? I mean I dont want them to be a cake walk, but as they are they are ridiculously hard...
So when is the diminishing returns coming? Also you have to do story mode to do explorable, or only the leader?
Let me clarify the change a bit since not everyone understands it.
If you run the exact same chain twice in a row you will have your rewards cut. This means you can bounce back and forth between 2 different chains, even in the same dungeon without ever hitting this change. This change is made to encourage people to try different chains.
If you speed clear dungeons at a rate of more than 2/ hour, and continue to do that for some time your rewards will slowly begin to degrade. It doesn’t kick in after running a single dungeon and it doesn’t immediately zero out rewards.
Finally we reduced the value of repeating the story mode, because they are built to be easier and we want to encourage those repeating dungeons to run explore mode.
Well, if they stop doing AC and CoF all day they might get there one day.
I'm talking about all the people who are level 80+ of course. There are lots of them in the guild already, some even with multiple characters.
Wish WvW rewards weren't complete ass. Having sets with only one stat allocation, and only rare is stupid.
Don't know how I'll ever get a good set of power/prec/crit gear now. I don't want to PvE for it, but there's NO way to get it through WvW.
Don't know how I'll ever get a good set of power/prec/crit gear now. I don't want to PvE for it, but there's NO way to get it through WvW.
I run AC because of the ghastly weapon. I like the weapon skin, so I am grinding to get it. The gold is bonus, the exp is uselses. If I want easy gold and exp, i would of join CoF runs when guildies are asking instead of trying to form my own group.
Berserker's gear. It's on the AH. Anything that earns you money (which is anything) will get it for you. You would have afforded it from gold from those instance runs long before you'd have finished the set, so don't sweat that part.
Heck, I like the look of Pearl Greatswords more than many of the dungeon Greatswords, so that's what I'll be getting first for my Mesmer.
Dang, wish I wouldn't have wasted three skill points on Prayer to Dwayna. It's inferior to Heal as One in every way. Longer cooldown, less healing, can't be used underwater, and doesn't heal my pet. -_-
The dungeon limits don't really sound that bad. The real issue is the token cost. Right now, the cost of everything, including things other than dungeon gear, is rather high. Only Trading Post stuff is quickly attainable. Cultural Armor is highly costly for simple rare quality sets. If they bring the token and karma cost in line, then the change to speed running the same mode won't be as big a deal.
Heck, I like the look of Pearl Greatswords more than many of the dungeon Greatswords, so that's what I'll be getting first for my Mesmer.
I would like there to be one type of token instead of different tokens for each dungeon, and that they allow you to run the dungeons you want and like to run in order to assemble the look you want to make.
Also, the comparison of the carrot-on-a-stick race to legendaries is a new low for this thread.
Are classes interchangeable?
Or are you stuck with a class when you choose it?
Are classes interchangeable?
Or are you stuck with a class when you choose it?
Traits add some nice flexibility to each class though, and respecs are cheap.
Are classes interchangeable?
Or are you stuck with a class when you choose it?
Whos the highest dps? Or does it not work like that.
Im only lvl 42ish but i put my thief as a acrobatic & shadow arts build and its way easier to PVE than my crit and power build. Healing whenever you use a skill that use initiative, signet of malice for healing, its a power health leeching blender.
Hey folks, I’ve been reading this thread for a bit and figured I’d come weigh in on things. I built this dungeon, and fixed the problem, so I’m going to come at you from the designer perspective on things to try and illuminate why I did what I did, and what exactly I did. It wasn’t made clear, and I apologize for that.
The main thing I am seeing, is that people are upset that I took away their super profitable low risk, fast, token grind. I did not go into this thinking everyone would be happy with my changes – I knew I would be upsetting people because I was taking away a super easy speed-run money printer.
I took it away for a few reasons – chief among them being what I feel is taking advantage of a couple bugs found in the same chain, and our leashing/aggro system. I played with groups who did this, and watched you-tube clips of what was going on. The problems I identified with the speed run aspect of this are as follows:
1. You just need 1 person to get to the magmacyte across the magma field. This will cause an invulnerable Magg to run across the entire field through mobs and progress the dungeon. Then this person teleports back.
2. Instead of fighting the enemies in a timed event at he door buster, you just circle strafe them or leash aggro them to “kill the clock” since it was only a 100 second timer on the event.
3. Final Boss encounter isn’t threatening.
So what did I do?
1. I made it so that Magg has to get to the other side of the Magma field and close to the magmacyte – not just a player. Magg not taking aggro from nearby enemies was a big reason for this issue to be resolved. By giving him aggro, and forcing you to escort him to the ending, I fixed what I considered to be a bug/exploit that I introduced through poor planning.
2. I extended the time from 100 seconds to 200 seconds at the Door Buster event. I intended for you to fight those guys, not circle strafe them and aggro leash chain them. I also added 1 additional mob to the encounter at the very middle (a bow dude) to account for you now having twice the time to defeat the waves that come in.
3. I made the fireballs hurt more. Not greatly more – they’ll do about 3-4k damage to a DPS focused player, but you should have anywhere between 15k-25k HP, so there’s a bit of wiggle room for error.
I made this path hard, because it was easy. It’s an explorable dungeon path, and they should be hard. Wearing the flame legion armor set should be a symbol of what you went through to obtain something. It should mean something. Right now it means you did 40 speedruns in 2 days.
I hope this helps a bit, but I understand you’re upset. For all it’s worth I’m sorry, and I hope we can move past this.
If you make a Warrior character then that character will always be a Warrior.
Is that what you mean? You can't respec the character into another class, but just retrait the character towards other purposes.
I think Warriors are up there with the highest DPS.
I know a number of people here, me included, do not find the prospect of doing the same dungeon over and over and over again if you want to get a full set from a specific dungeon. I agree that getting those unique sets should require some work, but playing the same dungeon 50+ times is not fun. I think arenanet, it attempting to make sure that all of its content stayed viable (extremely successful in world pve), put viability of their dungeon content over player fun. Problem is, less people will play those dungeons if they think the rewards take too much work
My suggestion is simple. I have 70 AC tears that i do not plan on using. I just got them because i wanted to do the dungeon to check it out and have some fun. Right now, I cant do anything with them. I suggestion that there be a mystic forge recipe.
You put your unwanted dungeon tokens into the forge along with a new item sold by the dungeon loot sellings in LA (to indicate what new tokens you want) and something like Dust or an item sold by miyani. Stick it all into the forge and you get half of the tokens you put in, but for the dungeon you actually want. So 70 unwanted AC turns into 35 wanted CoE
I think this has a number of benefits. Right now, I am looking at an absurd amount of CoE runs. Besides that not sounding all that fun and rather daunting, it really kinda puts me off to doing other dungeons as well since there is only so many dungeons you can do before you get dungeoned out
Since this change will let me play different dungeons put still get rewards for the gear that I actually want, If i see someone in guild chat saying, hey, who wants to do some HotW explorable? I think i would be much more inclined.
Right now, how the system is set up incentivizes players to focus on one of two explorable dungeons and ignore the rest. I dont think that is a very good system since if you are going for an set in an unpopular dungeon then you are going to have a very difficult time. And perhaps more importantly the change would help promote guildies helping guildies to do dungeon runs cooperation something that arenanet did great in PvE, but, i think, has done rather poorly in dungeon
A possible issue with this is that people might start avoiding dungeons and solely focusing on the more interesting/fun or easier ones. I dont see that is a problem with my suggestion. I see that as a problem with those unpopular dungeons, and that they need to be fixed. This will still make running the dungeon of your dungeon set the most efficient way to get it, it simply wont be the only way
Others might like the grind and the prestige that comes with it, but I dont think dungeon sets should be like that. They should be challenging, but fun to get. running the same dungeon a billion times isnt fun. Running a bunch of dungeons with a focus on or two sounds a lot more fun. Grinding and prestige should be left to the legendaries (have no problem with how that is set up)
If this recipe actually exists, well, I think arenanet should do better job of getting the word out because i looked around and couldnt find any recipe like this
Can Exotic gear drop?
grind GW1 and get the Fellblade HoM
Class: Yes
Crafting: No
Hey all!
We may not have time to respond to all of your threads because were so busy, but we are watching! Thank you for all of your ideas, concerns, critiques and suggestions.
Very soon, Ill be posting blogs about the things we plan to do, so watch for those. You know our policy we try not to make empty promises, and we try to tell you about things only when we feel theyre ready to be talked about.
So in the upcoming blogs Ill be updating you guys on things coming out soon.
Stay tuned!
-Jonathon Sharp