How about because I NEVER said GW2 needed a WoW style gear treadmill progression system. Which is why I called the WoW counter-argument a Straw Man.I don't understand why you, and Sethos before you, and probably someone before that, feel the need to respond in such an antagonistic way to disagreement. You get several fairly standard responses in the context of a large conversation involving a couple hundred people, and respond with the text equivalent of smearing feces on the walls half the time.
Despite your indignant posts, you never really did describe why MMOs without perpetual numbers progression (as opposed to skill/customization progression) are somehow inappropriate conceptually.
Never understood why anyone would rush to Max Level instead of enjoying the game. stop to smell the roses people.
I guess I just get caught up in running around doing goofy shit. Like seeing how many mobs I can take on at one time with my greatsword or dual axes. I had the same problem when I first started WOW, I'd go swimming or just run around chasing shit I shouldn't. I'm really in no rush. free transfer per day starting tomorrow...bah,I will try and make it work...can you come back to your main server on the same day though?...
IMO the longest stretch of leveling is 1-30 after that it's quick, especially if you are running into ton of events, for example my friend went from 70-75 in about 3 hours because we just kept on running into events, I also help him level, he was 70 doing level 79 hearts, he completed Frostgorge at 74 lol...
I can level pretty fast when I actually care about it. Last night I went from 50 to 55 in an hour or so. I just get caught up in hitting shit with other shit and laughing at shit. In other words I like wonder around. I'm not in any rush. I would like to start doing dungeons though. But no hurry.
Which is why I like this game. I like other games like wow and stor but after awhile I feel like I have to play because I'm paying. It's a game not a fucking job.
Plus Charr rule fuck the other races!
There's no such thing as a main server.
Charr have the best PS in the game, my Sylvari main PS is boring...
I would like to start doing dungeons though. But no hurry.
The charr eye problem seems to only pop out during char creation.
And yeah, charr has awesome ps along with asura. Something along the lines of not being boring unlike humans hahahaha
Some data regarding queue times: Just confirming that timezones and population play a huge factor.
Stormbluff Isle:
Henge of Denravi:
Jade Quarry:
So I'm not the only one? I thought I was special!
I hate this game. Don't get me wrong, I like the combat, the PQs are a better way to hide the questing grind IMO, WvW has been fun when I've played it, the community actually has been very good, etc. So why do I hate it?
I can't find a F'n class that I like!!! I've tried them all but necros and ele and there's always something I dislike. My two highest classes are mesmer and warrior. Maybe I should just pick one and power to 80.
Don't rush it, on the pve side there is pretty much nothing to do at 80 unless you enjoy the dungeons. I wish there were more level 80 zones, like at least a zone for each race. The orr area gets old really fast, and other then a few cool locals it's pretty ugly too.
Some data regarding queue times: Just confirming that timezones and population play a huge factor.
Stormbluff Isle:
Henge of Denravi:
Jade Quarry:
This is the approach I'll take when I finally pick the game up. The fact that pvp is an even playing field means I have no reason to rush to 80. Also it sounds like people really enjoying exploring the world and that Anet did a good job of making it interesting. On top of this I'm an aspiring game artist (working on my first game now) and the work the artists do at Anet is in a league of its own imo, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing everything. Hell the animations of each race already have me completely torn as to which I'll pick.
Things like raids, top tier items, and any sort of heavy team-based reward system in order to properly compete with others are always what turn me away from these games.
I can level pretty fast when I actually care about it. Last night I went from 50 to 55 in an hour or so. I just get caught up in hitting shit with other shit and laughing at shit. In other words I like wonder around. I'm not in any rush. I would like to start doing dungeons though. But no hurry.
Which is why I like this game. I like other games like wow and stor but after awhile I feel like I have to play because I'm paying. It's a game not a fucking job.
Any fast leveling tips? Maybe I kill too many mobs. Basically I just try to 100% all the zones, and doing the heart quests takes most of my time. I know you can level super quick by crafting, but it's such a huge pain that I've been putting it off. Some of my collection mats are maxed out at 250.
My main (necro) is only 28. I think I get about 1 level per hour.
ok i just hit level 11 lol... beginning to wonder, are there ANY super low level instances/dungeons kinda like the dead mines in WoW or something here?
The first instanced dungeon is at level 30.
Any fast leveling tips? Maybe I kill too many mobs. Basically I just try to 100% all the zones, and doing the heart quests takes most of my time. I know you can level super quick by crafting, but it's such a huge pain that I've been putting it off. Some of my collection mats are maxed out at 250.
My main (necro) is only 28. I think I get about 1 level per hour.
The reason I love MMO's is so I can run around exploring and uh...trolling people. I see a hill and I run up it to just see what's on the other side. If there happens to be a lil big eared fellow I tell him how much better he would do if he were in my stomach...or the tree people make excellent toothpicks...
I've had that before in other MMOs. Sometimes you just can't find your groove
Have you tried using different weapons? I find that that can make a big difference in GW2. A warrior with a rifle feels very different from a warrior with sword and shield, and a mesmer with sword/pistol play differently from scepter/focus for example.
I have on a few of them. Probably not as much as I should. Part of it is some classes I find ok in PvE but horrible in WvW and vice versa.
You can't really say you've tried out a class unless you've used all of their weapon sets. Really, that should be the first thing you do when trying out a new class, is unlock all of the weapon skills.
A Ranger with a longbow is practically a completely different class from a Ranger with a greatsword. If you are feeling undecided about your class choice, you really owe it to yourself to try out the different weapon sets of the classes you are considering.
I just hit 55, how in the hell do some of you guys have 2 or more 80s?
Never understood why anyone would rush to Max Level instead of enjoying the game. stop to smell the roses people.
That's how.
I don't understand why people can't engage in long term goals in reasonable paces.
How do you find that?
It's a problem with our culture really. People are so focused on the destination that they forget to enjoy the journey. It's a major cliche but it's so true. Progression is meaningless if you dont try to get the best out of it and have the most fun with it. People are way to occupied thinking in being effective, strong, entitled and all of those things.
I don't understand why people can't engage in long term goals in reasonable paces. Nobody said you had to run the same dungeon 300 times right after each other. Do other things in between. get 100% in zones, work on achievements, do pvp, do crafting, do wvw. take a break. play when you feel like it. start another character. if not feel like it, take a break and come back when you want to play again.
In fact, I would say it is more of a mystery how you guys manage NOT to get to 80 already.
Was talking to a friend.....
16:01 <him> hah so figured out another way to get rich quick in GW2
16:07 <ferrio> so what's that
16:09 <him> ygo to the southern area of Cursed Shore where ori nodes spawn
16:09 <him> mine them, log to char select, change server, repeat
16:09 <ferrio> that's exploity
16:09 <him> one guy got 90 ori ore one evenign doing that
16:09 <him> barely
"barely" lol. It's quite amazing how many people don't know/care what exploiting is. MMO companies need to stop being so lenient with exploiters.
It's a problem with our culture really. People are so focused on the destination that they forget to enjoy the journey. It's a major cliche but it's so true. Progression is meaningless if you dont try to get the best out of it and have the most fun with it. People are way to occupied thinking in being effective, strong, entitled and all of those things.
It's funny how low level people think level 80s are just rushing through things without "enjoying the ride" (I don't really see what culture has to do with anything either). You think we powerleveled or something? I've done all of those things: 100%ing areas including cities (up to 75% world completion), jumping puzzles, a lot of WvW (around 400 kills), PvP (about 25 matches), crafting (1 prof 400, 1 prof 250), very few dungeons (all of them story mode only, 2 times explorable mode for AC) and most of them after I got to 80 anyway. I've been 80 for a long time now, in fact even after buying every skill ability, I've still got ~100 SP more, many of them while gaining levels beyond 80.