Oh hey that sounds like Orr.
Heh, I can't wait for 80 :S
Oh hey that sounds like Orr.
Just tried WvW.
What a shitty boring zerg fest game of 'who brought the most people' running simulator. If it wasn't for finishing my monthly I wouldn't bother coming back in here. How much do people usually get for their monthly? Is this even worth my time or am I better off in the normal world?
Just tried WvW.
What a shitty boring zerg fest game of 'who brought the most people' running simulator. If it wasn't for finishing my monthly I wouldn't bother coming back in here. How much do people usually get for their monthly? Is this even worth my time or am I better off in the normal world?
The reward for your monthly is 20 mystic coins.
Edit: As for your complaints about WvW... it can definitely be like that at times. If the enemy comes at you with 100 guys and you have 15, the only thing you can do is run back to your nearest tower/keep and turtle up. However, especially when siege weapons come into play, a small group can actually defeat a much larger group through tactics, unit placement, and safe play.
Not even to mention that unless you want to start shitting away all your money you play naked which also means that you're getting downed that more often. I can see some people being interested in the meta game in WvW but the combat is absolute garbage.
I play WvW, and never play naked. I've never had a cash flow problem.
I play WvW, and never play naked. I've never had a cash flow problem.
How is your server ranked in WvW?
"Finally got a level 80 engie but I can't find a heal/power/condition damage gear."
There isn't any. There may be some one-off fine/masterwork items from a karma vendor somewhere, unlikely.
Better transfer to a very good WvW server (HoD works but you're going to have to bounce around to get everything) if you want to get those keeps and garrisons that seemingly never change hands.
I'd say if anyone has any intention of 100%ing the map, do WvW now and transfer as you need. Before server transfers stop being free.
This is what it's like for us Charr when we go spend a night at the town. We take in a show or two and hit the fine restaurants...the good thing about the Asura is that they just march them past the table, not keep them in a tank like a poor pitiful lobster...yum...
Hey guys are there spots in the Main guild on Stormbluff Isle open? Overflow looks pretty dead
Though as much. I'll just mix and match then.
How long is the delay between server change?
How long does it take to level to 80? And are you guys playing past that point, or are people getting burned out like they did with Diablo 3?
How long does it take to level to 80? And are you guys playing past that point, or are people getting burned out like they did with Diablo 3?
How long does it take to level to 80? And are you guys playing past that point, or are people getting burned out like they did with Diablo 3?
How long does it take to level to 80? And are you guys playing past that point, or are people getting burned out like they did with Diablo 3?
Took me roughly 100hrs to hit level 80 on my first go through. And that was with lots of exploring and horsing around with friends.
For me, one of the main draws of this game is that you don't have to "guild up." You can just join random events with other people. That's not to say I don't like playing with friends, but that can be difficult to accommodate with everyone's different schedules.
Also, I've been watching Sword Art Online, lol.
>.< I would like to apologize to Hawkian and all the people of team 2(Cortesan,Quicks,Zed Zebes)
I got connection error and could not connect to the internet then my pc froze
sorry for not redoing the AC dungeon with the awesome team 2
It's all because you didn't accept Cuddlebunneh into your heart.
Having the audio engine crash sucks. Anyone else have this happen? Every piece of audio cuts out and you're left with a ringing tone in one speaker. I wish I could fix it without restarting the client, because I just lost my spot in WvW because of it.
death to detha trembleboneSo Guild Event! DID YOU RIKE IT?
This happens to me a lot and I've never actually figured out if there's a specific cause or if it just happens randomly.
It seems to happen to me mostly in heavy audio situations. WvW especially.
Have you tried turning down the sound quality slider? "Highest Quality" seems to cause this behavior periodically.
HP scaling is crazy on classes. I have 1593 Vitality and only 17.5k hp as a Thief.
You also have 1k more points in stats in comparison to my class, thats just strange ...
I think Warriors are one of the two classes with the highest base HP? Ironically Guardians have the lowest.
I've just checked and Ranger has also higher hp scaling than Thief ...
Which is totally understandable. Thief has a shit ton of escape options.
But has more shorter distance and melee skills. Dunno just seems strange, at least his point distribution is similar, guardians too, but Warrior has 20% more lol
I think Warriors are one of the two classes with the highest base HP? Ironically Guardians have the lowest.
Why would Guardian have the lowest though? I always thought they were supposed to be the closest to a "tank" this game offers?