*sigh*, stupid cheaters ruined WvWvW for us on Gates of Madness. We are getting gang banged hardcore because of the hate towards us.
wait, what?
*sigh*, stupid cheaters ruined WvWvW for us on Gates of Madness. We are getting gang banged hardcore because of the hate towards us.
I'm tentatively planning on dagger/dagger but scepter/dagger is intriguing. How would you describe it? Eles have so much to play around with...There are trolls here?
Also I'm enjoying elementalist. Although carrying a staff is annoying due to the lack of tilde weapon swap. I primarily focus on fire with scepter/dagger or dagger/dagger
I'm tentatively planning on dagger/dagger but scepter/dagger is intriguing. How would you describe it? Eles have so much to play around with...
wait, what?
Cheaters on GoM used flying hacks to steal the orbs in WvWvW, bunch of pics and vids of it too. The other two servers formed an alliance to stomp GoM in retaliation.
They replaced it with a mystery halloween event that Colin is writing a blog about.Huh, why is the experience survivor suddenly showing as ??? I already maxxed it![]()
A couple hundred hours worth of fun, if this game works for you.I bought this, I have no idea what i'm in for
I think Twilight looks cooler as well, and I'm the night owl type so it makes sense. I haven't yet seen one in motion though.
If you're interested in making the migration to Stormbluff Isle (our server), just PM me in-game. The EU guild does have its own subforum and I know they do events, but it's definitely smaller scale. Also if you have any other questions or concerns about the game please don't hesitate to ask![]()
I bought this, I have no idea what i'm in for
scepter/dagger is mostly used with fire because you can stack might very easily. Something like..4-2-3 arcane wave?I'm tentatively planning on dagger/dagger but scepter/dagger is intriguing. How would you describe it? Eles have so much to play around with...
They replaced it with a mystery halloween event that Colin is writing a blog about.
Id expect we'll find put rather soonish.
likely the most game you've ever paid $60 for.
scepter/dagger is mostly used with fire because you can stack might very easily. Something like..4-2-3 arcane wave?
jelly i cant even use rifles
So I'm getting close to 100% world completion. I'm at 301/301 hearts, still have some poi's/vistas in wvw, but I'm at 500/507 wp's.
Feels like I'm missing something, anyone have an idea where those wp's would be? I'm positive every pve zone is done, unless theres hidden wp's I'm not aware of. Any help is appreciated.
World vs World.
Edit: Probably heart of the mists and probably the order of the whispers HQ.
what about dungeon waypoints?
Well I'm getting bored of playing this game by myself as my friends have all abandoned it to go back to WoW for MoP. Is there still room in the gaf guild? If so I'll try and transfer when I can as the server shows full fairly often.
There is still room yeah. Come on over.
Wait, so I have to enter mists/pvp to 100% maps too?!
It takes literally 2 minutes. You don't have to go into a match. Just press H and go to the mists.
Titan Alliance shall be ceasing operations as of today. We've done what we set out to do, and now it is time.
There are many reasons for this. These range from guilds retiring from the game, guilds moving on to a new server and new challenges, ANet not addressing server transfers and queues and, most importantly, Titan members wanting to help make the game more competitive for the community.
The goal of Titan Alliance was to be the most dominant alliance in Guildwars 2, and that goal has been met. The guilds of Titan all worked together and earned an undefeated 30-0 record, while fighting at the top tier virtually the entire time. Titan was a perfect 7-0 vs the servers of Ascension Alliance and 7-0 vs Stormbluff Isle.
These are the incredible guilds that made it happen: ARMA, DIE, CND, DROW, DTD, ELITE, GIN, LUC, PRX, RMA, SOA, SYN, TRG, TRF, ULTD, YAKI. Champions all and brothers in arms.
Those guilds from Titan that have not retired nor transferred are in the process of deciding their next move in order to seek new challenges. But we feel that, for the good of the game, it is time to move on.
All the members of TA want to thank the community for many epic battles. Hail to you all!
from: http://titanalliance.net/home/m/6298483/article/1041698
Yeesh. That ended a lot sooner than expected.
Lots of preening and epeening. People will forget them easily. Who were they again?
from: http://titanalliance.net/home/m/6298483/article/1041698
Yeesh. That ended a lot sooner than expected.
Glad I'm not into PvP stuff.
A group of players who had the foresight to reach across borders and build a massive PVP community, for a common cause: beating the shit out of literally every other server.Who were they again?
A group of players who had the foresight to reach across borders and build a massive PVP community, for a common cause: beating the shit out of literally every other server.
I'm really disappointed they broke up before the other servers could build a competiing force of their own. Looking forward to possibly fighting alongside some of them in the future.