Shmokay, who wants to do one of them there dee-unjins before I sink some more time into Dishonored?
I've been trying to find a SE group for about 5 days an failing.
Some nuggets from reddit:
Somebody made Juggernaught, a legendary hammer that coats you in metal that changes according to your dye while wielding it (aka is the COOLEST FUCKING THING EVER)
List of Unique Exotics with codes to preview (you will say goddamn)
edit: Super... Hyperbeam... Alpha
Definitely down for this and other runs (SE). Ill keep an eye out to see if the group gets together (sounded like Hawk was in, so need 2 more)
Ill be up for some SE and HotW runs today. probably get on about 7 central
I really hate the last three maps (the risen focused ones).
Not because of the environment, but because of the mobs and the way waypoints are made.
The risen are pretty broken - fast, has bunch of condition attacks, has a huge aggro range, and they respawn ridiculously fast! Also I really those "special" risen (putrifier, preserver, etc.)
The Dynamic Event System has one big flaw, the more players in the zone, the more events, that's a shitty design, leveling my alt feels like a grind because I am not seeing a ton events like I did with my Main, at level 61 on my Guardian I had 29k Karma on my Alt I have 16,575....
Well, not really. There were well over two million sold, but I don't think there's a way to gauge activity gamewide. Our server is high population though.I was curious, were there any sales numbers released? Do we know how many active players there are and such?
Ordered the game last night off of ebay. Hopefully will have game by next week.
How are NA Gaf servers? Are there still plenty of people in the beginning areas? What is the best toon for ranged dps?
A few packed NA servers, but you can usually go where you want to.
Beginning areas are usually pretty crowded, up until about 30 you'll be fine, after that it spreads out and then once you're closer to 80 (so I've heard) it gets a little crowded again.
As for Ranged, not really sure, don't go Guardian lol.
Been thinking about giving this game a shot, how is the necro class late game. Pet classes tend to do poorly in these type of games and that's how I'd want to play.
Been thinking about giving this game a shot, how is the necro class late game. Pet classes tend to do poorly in these type of games and that's how I'd want to play.
Ordered the game last night off of ebay. Hopefully will have game by next week.
How are NA Gaf servers? Are there still plenty of people in the beginning areas? What is the best toon for ranged dps?
So it seems my concerns were well placed, that's unfortunate. I wish more time would be devoted to balancing pets, not just with this game but in general. I had the same problem trying to play a witch doctor in diablo 3. I just want to be a badass summoner
Want to continue my trend of one dungeon run + my dailies while I'm still obsessed with Dishonored tonight.
Anybody down for Sorrow's Furnace at like 8PM EST? Consider it training for Friday's event.![]()
I'd actually like to try the bugged run, which theoretically should be very short, but just requires a lot of coordination (Mumble would be best). Any available mesmers are given first dibs if you're willing to be the solo kiter person.
Want to continue my trend of one dungeon run + my dailies while I'm still obsessed with Dishonored tonight.
Anybody down for Sorrow's Furnace at like 8PM EST? Consider it training for Friday's event.![]()
I'd actually like to try the bugged run, which theoretically should be very short, but just requires a lot of coordination (Mumble would be best). Any available mesmers are given first dibs if you're willing to be the solo kiter person.
Rolling with WM is fun. Zerg up with Bahanes late night if you can. He does some interesting stuff and he has some English speakers with him to help with communication.
Addendum: If I'm around for SE, I'll do it, but I'm not sure how long my car stuff will take.
Rolling with WM is fun. Zerg up with Bahanes late night if you can. He does some interesting stuff and he has some English speakers with him to help with communication.
Addendum: If I'm around for SE, I'll do it, but I'm not sure how long my car stuff will take.
Hey everyone.
We are looking into an additional reward system to add to bosses so that killing a single boss feels a lot more rewarding than it does right now. We are gathering data internally on it and will release information on it as it gets closer to being implemented.
Being stuck at the last boss and unable to finish the dungeon thus receiving now reward is a terrible feeling for any player, hardcore or casual. We are looking to remedy this.
Want to continue my trend of one dungeon run + my dailies while I'm still obsessed with Dishonored tonight.
Anybody down for Sorrow's Furnace at like 8PM EST? Consider it training for Friday's event.![]()
I'd actually like to try the bugged run, which theoretically should be very short, but just requires a lot of coordination (Mumble would be best). Any available mesmers are given first dibs if you're willing to be the solo kiter person.
They need to improve treasure chest and boss loot drop table for the entire PVE game. I just get more blues from bosses and chests instead of something of a greater reward. It feels like chests, bosses and regular mobs have pretty much the same chance to drop rare items, but chests and bosses drop more amount of items. Events tend to give me better loot than bosses or chests do, because the chance at something valuable is increased by the amount of times it may happen.
What I think they might do is give bosses or dungeon chests a chance to have tokens in them, but the loot game needs more than that.
I LOVE when Bahanes is out. WM is damn good. Jang Gun is hit or miss......he does some pretty stupid things like repeatedly hitting an orb keep over and over again, letting supply camps go untouched. Gate goes down' wipe......come back, gate is at full...rinse, repeat.
Some more screens in case anyone cares for that sort of thing:
It's Queensdale. Before you get your hopes up, I'm playing with a tweaked version of SweetFX that makes the colors look like that. (It doesn't look like that normally.) You can find the settings I used on one of the previous pages.where is that, i never been that place O_O