Any info on when we're getting more info? I thought I remembered reading either in the other thread or on reddit it would be a couple weeks, but I wanted to make sure.
Colin told me in private that centaurs are confirmed but because I like centaurs so much I get to break the news.
Yo, how was it?
Watching the trailer on the huge screen was amazing both times they showed it. The bass was really high so you could just feel it when Rytlock opens the door and the camera zooms around. Also we got t-shirts and pins with the HoT logo. We are both super exhausted because we woke up at like 3am to get there on time and still almost missed it.
That new class sounds really cool. I'll probably get back into the game once this expansion is released.
Possibly sooner. :-D
An expansion and no new race?![]()
An expansion and no new race?![]()
An expansion and no new race?![]()
I'm hyped beyond description and dying for more details. Not sure how I will manage to contain myself in the coming months.
Give me warrior specialization details, ASAP.
Can you guys add me to the guild?
Can you guys add me to the guild?
Thanks said:I can now say that I have been working on the expac of @GuildWars2! As Colin said, "b/t now and launch we will give you all the details."
Yes, that's what I mean, I didn't have any idea which was why I askedyou mean, the game where the 2 new classes were death knight, in a expansion about death knights and lich king, and monk, in a expansion about asian themed pandaran land?
Any under-the-hood performance improvement announcements?
...what's that tumbleweed doing there?
Hey guys. It's been a long time since I've played GW2, left the game with 2 80's, haven't done any living story really and haven't even completed the main quest. Just updated my client, pretty overwhelmed with all the changes. Is there any place I can read up on what I should be doing so I can understand the games systems again? Also, how do I start playing with GAF?
New / Returning player advice Here:
Post your username (name.####) and an officer will invite you asap.
Does the server I was playing on before matter? Do I need to transfer?
If you are running in a NA server it doesn't matter as the Megaserver will allow you to play with the guild across every NA server Except for WVW which is server specific .
However , if you are on an EU server you are on a different data center and while you can chat with us , you cannot join the rest of us .
If it is the latter you have 2 options :
1 If you are not particularly attached to those characters you can delete those and afterwards you can choose a new server for free ( most of the guild is on Stormbluff isle , but like i said , outside of WVW it doesn't really matter what NA server you pick ) .
Or 2 , if you want those characters to come with you , you will have to pay a transfer fee where the amount you have to pay depends on how full that server is .
If you go for option 1 be sure to put all the stuff you wanna keep in your bank as those will transfer over with you across servers .
New / Returning player advice Here:
Post your username (name.####) and an officer will invite you asap.
Does the server I was playing on before matter? Do I need to transfer?
DAT AI gonna be good mang
Dear MMO developers,
Two people can have the same goddamn name. It's really not a problem; it happens all the time. There's like a whole bunch of Mike Cathcarts on the Internet and nothing is fucked as a result of it. Please figure it out because all of the pronounceable combinations of between 3 and 19 English letters are already taken in Guild Wars 2 and I'm not looking forward to meeting everyone's brand new Revenants: Yakjhg, Zaseraslekil and Brnlqiohued.
Mike Cathcart.89534578
PS You guys I might miss guild missions because I've been sitting at the character name screen for seriously 30 minutes now, lol
Dear MMO developers,
Two people can have the same goddamn name. It's really not a problem; it happens all the time. There's like a whole bunch of Mike Cathcarts on the Internet and nothing is fucked as a result of it. Please figure it out because all of the pronounceable combinations of between 3 and 19 English letters are already taken in Guild Wars 2 and I'm not looking forward to meeting everyone's brand new Revenants: Yakjhg, Zaseraslekil and Brnlqiohued.
Mike Cathcart.89534578
PS You guys I might miss guild missions because I've been sitting at the character name screen for seriously 30 minutes now, lol
Got like 10 lvls today.
do they have these double exp weekend often?
lolM i k é
Yeah, I thought so, too. Basically what Diablo 3 does. Were character names unique before megaserver? I guess they had to be or else there would have been a ton of clashes.TBH when I first started playing I thought that this game would allow multiple characters with the same name because of the accountname.xxxx thing. I was surprised when that wasn't the case >_<
Yeah, I know. I actually was looking at Celtic names since I was naming a Sylvari. I had an idea of what I wanted and tried a ton of variations but they were all taken. Then I came across one that I figured had to be unique because it was the weirdest looking name I had ever seen. But nope, it was taken. Then I wrote that post to blow off steam, lol. Character naming is always hard for me in RPGs.dude, you can look for names in other cultures... people here do it all time.
Hope this releases before I become a father (July) and will not be able to play as much.
Hope this releases before I become a father (July) and will not be able to play as much.