Thermite said:
So he was just screwing with us? Omfg.The trigger isn't something you can control. It's not your finger that pulls it.
There's a gun with a trigger, but there's nothing your hand can do to fire it.
Cocopjojo said:So he was just screwing with us? Omfg.
Lolz, payback to the halo community for using hex editing to figure out the IWHBYD trick
They are still wasting their time.hotsauceiswack said:They are still searching
dralla said:the sniper rifle is fucking bullshit. why do headshots not always register, it's so god damn annoying
pictures do not lie
seriously, wtf
GeoNeo said:While we are on the subject of the sniper; is it just me or does it seem to recoil up after you shoot?
NJ x Falkor said:Fight Like A Girl
The Cavegirls Present: Fight Like a Girl
Halo 3 FFA and 2v2 tournament to raise money for the fight against breast cancer
When: October 20th, 2007
Where: On XboxLive
Entry Fee: $10 (If you are playing in both 2v2 and FFA, you need to pay the entry fee for each tournament)
Who can sign up? Anyone smile.gif
Time: 11 AM Pacific
12 PM Mountain
1 PM Central
2 PM Eastern
McBradders said:Damn, I kinda want to enter that, it'd be pretty fun.
SailorDaravon said:More seriously though, good luck with that Falkor (I take it you are participating).
NJ x Falkor said:What would be so funny about it?
McBradders said:I said "fun", not funny. Fun does not mean funny.
NJ x Falkor said:Oh, I read wrong. My bad.
McBradders said:No problem. Unfortunately I lack a partner to enter![]()
Diablohead said:I hate the new sniper feel also, im glad its harder to get those headshots but somehow it feels like the gun has travel distance lag thats a little random now and again. I can have a red crosshair over a guy running along but when I shoot its a complete miss, then someone can pop me while im running between rocks no problem.
Rather annoying, feels like I can't pick up the sniper at all and might as well use a BR
Stoney Mason said:Looks like I've hit my team slayer ceiling. I'm stuck between 21 to 24. I constantly stay within that range. That is the end of me...
I need some new tips or tricks.
I agree with everything you said except #3. If you give each team a VIP, why would you call it one-sided VIP? It'd be a regular VIP match with rounds. Give the VIP an overshield, set the game up with more than one kill or possibly unlimited VIP kills in a certain time frame. If you're going to add the overshield, add the waypoint. If you don't have the overshield, take it off. There should be a balance there. Right now, it's just seek and destroy.Photolysis said:I don't know how this got through testing. It has the potential to be great:
1. Give the VIP a 2x overshield
2. Make rounds end after 3 or 5 kills, or seriously reduce the round time (I favour the former)
3. Don't limit VIP to 1 sided VIP. A VIP for each side works well as well!
I agree with everything you said except #3. If you give each team a VIP, why would you call it one-sided VIP? It'd be a regular VIP match with rounds. Give the VIP an overshield, set the game up with more than one kill or possibly unlimited VIP kills in a certain time frame. If you're going to add the overshield, add the waypoint. If you don't have the overshield, take it off. There should be a balance there. Right now, it's just seek and destroy.
Photolysis said:I'm not referring to 1 sided VIP there; 1 sided VIP with 2 VIPs is clearly nonsense!
All I'm saying is that multi-sided VIP should be included in Team Skirmish as well as 1 sided.
siamesedreamer said:Last night I was playing with a guy who's a 34 or so and a couple others who are in the 20s. I am a 1 in team slayer. Needless to say matchmaking had a hard time with that kind of set up. Anyway, we got games with guys in the mid 20s. I don't think I'm that bad (typically around a 1.15 K/D), but in the two matches I played I was -19.
Now I'm the one that needs some tips and tricks. :lol
I've been toying with a 1 side VIP gametype to make it... you know... decent...
Unfortunately I haven't had an opportunity to really test it with a competitive group. Basically the VIP has a high damage resistance but does not recover shields. The issue with this however is that the VIP can pick up overshields.
I've also tried it with 4x overshields (Interesting bug, if you pick up the overshield while you have 4x shields you actually lose a bit of shielding), which would suck for the VIP in a map with plasma pistols, but perhaps this is what would make it work.
I haven't played it because it always gets vetoed by I see why it sucks and your fix sounds plausible.Photolysis said:That sounds a poor fix for a fairly uncomplicated issue.
All that is needed to fix the gametype is to give the VIP 2x overshield, and allow him to be killed more than once per round.
railGUN said:
LukeSmith said:Man if you could boost for the NBA scoring title...
I bet Jordan bridged for host in the 80s and 90s.