woodchuck said:is anyone up for rocket race or other custom games tonight around midnight cst?
gamertag: Dr Tim Whatley
I should be on. I play a lot of Halo...
woodchuck said:is anyone up for rocket race or other custom games tonight around midnight cst?
gamertag: Dr Tim Whatley
Frankie said:Map Tease
Work is progressing on new maps for future downloadable content, with the design and art teams vigorously engaged in the process. More entertainingly however, the ad-hoc test team of Bungie staff is enjoying these new maps greatly. My favorites are what I have already nicknamed Jodrell Bank and Moonbase Alpha.
I invented a game type on Jodrell Bank which is actually just Team Slayer with Swords and Snipers. Thanks to some unique geographical features of that map, it works great. Moonbase Alpha, on the other hand is best suited to objective games, like CTF and Assualt, but it has some natural deadlocks that make Slayer interesting and Infection terrifying.
Which reminds me of one more downloadable map. The scariest map of all time. Dark, frightening and surprisingly enormous. One of the scariest things that has ever happened to me (and this in a lifetime fraught with terror) was racing away from a marauding gang of zombies in Infection atop a Mongoose, only to have one leap out of the darkness ahead and unseat me with a throaty scream. I call that level John Carpenters Prince of Dorkness. Its not as catchy as Jub Jub, but its every bit as accurate.
Frankie said:Armor Permutations and Flames
Im making a list, Im checking it twice, and its a list of dumb messages (and perfectly polite ones) inquiring about the Recon armor permutation. The short answer to those inquiries is, No, you cant have it. The people you see with the Recon helmet are Bungie employees, and they did nothing in-game to unlock it. There is nothing you can do to unlock it.
The same counts for the flames. Dont be too jealous however, since the flaming head makes us a giant target and is reflected in our online performances sometimes. Sending us angry or rude messages wont help and our policy now is to simply block communications with folks whore rude and our sincere apologies to the polite folks, that we dont have enough time to answer your question individually. Weve had literally thousands of requests.
No apologies however to the dude last night telling me to turn down the retardation in a game of Social Slayer.
Gigglepoo said:I should be on. I play a lot of Halo...
Elhandro said:Hey if you guys are playing some rocket race tonight, count me in. ITll be my first time playing (rocket race) but I will be on. Hit me up.
GT: BeCrush
Diablohead said:Right ok I only been playing this game on and off since I got it, like a day break now and again but this is it, im sick of the melee lags and missing sniper shots that are lined up correctly. halo 2 never gave me this much trouble online.
Me and someone can fight, we both or at least I do dive in for a melee the moment I can, lay the hit and hear the noise to find half a second later I die and his shield is not gone at all.
And yes I am playing on 5 green block ping.
It's like i'm cheated away for half my kills due to this kind of delay lag stuff going on.
I hadn't encountered it until a few days ago, in Lone Wolves. I really enjoyed it. It was a really crazy, well-balanced game.cjelly said:Is Epitaph a myth?
I've played almost 200 online games now, and have not once encountered that map.
I haven't had any problems with it. When can't you hear people?sp0rsk said:Why does voice chat suck so bad? Why can I never hear anyone?
Cocopjojo said:I haven't had any problems with it. When can't you hear people?
Hrm... Well, you know they disabled cross-team chat during ranked games. Other than that, if your team has mics (and talks), then you should be able to hear them.sp0rsk said:When ever I'm playing a multiplayer game pretty much.
sp0rsk said:Why does voice chat suck so bad? Why can I never hear anyone?
sp0rsk said:Why does voice chat suck so bad? Why can I never hear anyone?
duderon said:If the game has more than 8 people playing you must push up on the d-pad to talk.
No, it's if you have more than 4 players on you team (5 and up) or more than 4 players if you are playing FFA. If you're playing rocket race with 10 players in the game, 5 teams of 2, you don't need to press up on the d-pad.duderon said:If the game has more than 8 people playing you must push up on the d-pad to talk.
YESHammer said:I'm lookin' to break into the custom game scene. I should be on most of the weekend if anyone has any games going. GT: Hammer0982 Just send me an invite, Ill pry myself away from the orange box =D
Oh, and anyone up for legendary campaign? For the life of me, I cant beat legendary on SP. ><
Gigglepoo said:So Bungie's Normandy map is completely ridiculous. Has anyone else tried this yet? The entire territories battle takes place on the beach in Last Resort. The poor offense has to deal with waste high water and falling fuel cores. The defense has unlimited sniper rifles and turrets. It seems great in theory, but in practice (especially with a smaller group) it's a little tedious. Has anyone found a good tweak? I thought it was be interesting to have more people on the offense than defense, but I don't think games allow that option.
I'll hop in a for a bit with you guys. Send me a request: Cocopjojoa Master Ninja said:We could still use two more guys. We're playing through Legendary right now but we'd love to have someone join in between chapters.
Cocopjojo said:I haven't played any customs in a while. We should get a group together tonight and play some Rocket Race and CTF. Anyone interested? We really need about sixteen players to make Rocket Race fun - and it is, indeed, fun.
How does 6PM Pacific (9PM Eastern) sound? Post in here and we'll see what kind of numbers we'll have.
Unfortunately, there's not a lot that can be done. There just isn't a way to get a direct connection between two NAT'ed systems without special setup (port forwarding and the like), and NAT is a necessity as long as IPv4 sticks around due to address exhaustion. IPv6 fixes that (it has enough address space for roughly 5×10^28 addresses for every single person on the planet), but adoption is slow and transitioning the entire internet over is going to take a hell of a long time.it's time networking gurus figured out a way around all of the problems that are resulting from people having different NAT settings.
The game won't be fun without me. It will be lacking wit and sarcasm. Reschedule for time when Cleveland Indians aren't playing.Cocopjojo said:I haven't played any customs in a while. We should get a group together tonight and play some Rocket Race and CTF. Anyone interested? We really need about sixteen players to make Rocket Race fun - and it is, indeed, fun.
How does 6PM Pacific (9PM Eastern) sound? Post in here and we'll see what kind of numbers we'll have.
Cocopjojo said:I haven't played any customs in a while. We should get a group together tonight and play some Rocket Race and CTF. Anyone interested? We really need about sixteen players to make Rocket Race fun - and it is, indeed, fun.
How does 6PM Pacific (9PM Eastern) sound? Post in here and we'll see what kind of numbers we'll have.
GT: Cocopjojo, but at this rate it looks like we're only going to have a few folks. : /woodchuck said:I'll be on around 11 pm eastern. what's your gamertag in case you're still on.
my gamertag: Dr Tim Whatley
a Master Ninja said:One last, desperate plea for the evening: Does anyone want to play Legendary co-op? Right now it's just me and one other guy and we are progressing at a snail's pace.
Photolysis said:Hey, so the game has finally figured out I have an amazing host, and can happily host 16 player BTB games with no lag. To which I say: about fucking time!
sp0rsk said:I just want to show off this pretty awesome kill I got today.
It's pretty sweet!
Here is a pic from it
Yeah, last night was fun. I was getting tired anyway, so I headed out once you left. I was sick last week, too; I guess it's that time of the year. Hopefully you're over it today.Thermite said:Great games tonight Cocop, Sailor, and Numbers! I apologize for having to leave you guys so quick tonight. I thought I was pretty much over my sickness, but apparently I was wrong.![]()
ToyMachine228 said:Anyone have a pic of all the unlockable Elite permutations? There's a lot of talk of all the unlockable Spartan armor, but none of the Elites. No I don't play as an Elite (My roommate considers it the general sign of a noob) but I'd like to see them all.