Did HaloGaf just die? Wtf...
If ya'll say so. Guess we'll see on June 3rd.I'd say so. I think the fact that the other guns are better now puts pressure on DMR users to hit all of their shots though. DMR is still a really weapon.
If the game needs it then it needs it, regardless of how much time has passed.Isn't it a little early for them to be talking about playlist consolidation for Halo 4?
Isn't it a little early for them to be talking about playlist consolidation for Halo 4?
Juices, you playing halo for a while?
The same guy also has Lightning Flag, Multi-team Dominion, Multi-team Griffball and other things up. They're also working on bringing back Invasion, Assault and Neutral Flag.
People complained about the normal going ons in a HaloGAF thread which was meta for how many threads now? Really? People were annoyed JUST NOW? I mean... I give up.
I get it, it was my fault. I will never make an OT ever again.
I get it, it was my fault. I will never make an OT ever again.
I get it, it was my fault. I will never make an OT ever again.
Good bulletin. I think Halo 4 would need to be consolidated. Let's face it, some playlists are barely maintaining over a couple hundred every day, even at peak hours.
We all knew Halo 4 wouldn't have a large shelf life.
Tashi, did you find with the buff to the Carbine, it basically became the new DMR? Meaning is it going to be the go to long range shooter?
Not at all. It's still the mid range rifle that it always was in terms of range. It doesn't hit long range as well as the DMR or LR. It's about on par with the BR
In that case, any negatives with choosing updated BR over updated Carbine for smaller maps? I'll still probably stick with DMR/LR for open, large maps to ping from afar.
Anyways, I'll go check out forge island, I think they fixed it. Thanks.
Infinity Slayer is literally Scythe and Opus now.
Infinity Slayer is literally Scythe and Opus now.
Only two though!Good maps!
And nonstop Slayer Pro for my parties with the occasional Infinity on a DLC map :]
No radar is truly a beautiful thing, especially if you play with friends. 10 sensitivity works wonders with awareness and without radar more emphasis is put on a single player. A duo can make a huge difference on a disorganized team of 4 unlike Infinity with radar.
Radar is a crutch.. Break free from it and you'll drastically improve both as an individual player and as a team player.
And nonstop Slayer Pro for my parties with the occasional Infinity on a DLC map :]
No radar is truly a beautiful thing, especially if you play with friends. 10 sensitivity works wonders with awareness and without radar more emphasis is put on a single player. A duo can make a huge difference on a disorganized team of 4 unlike Infinity with radar.
Radar is a crutch. Break free from it and you'll drastically improve both as an individual player and as a team player.
And nonstop Slayer Pro for my parties with the occasional Infinity on a DLC map :]
No radar is truly a beautiful thing, especially if you play with friends. 10 sensitivity works wonders with awareness and without radar more emphasis is put on a single player. A duo can make a huge difference on a disorganized team of 4 unlike Infinity with radar.
Radar is a crutch. Break free from it and you'll drastically improve both as an individual player and as a team player.
It's not a crutch, some players don't want to twitch out every second of their game. Further stealth is a game mechanic that is sorely missing from no radar gametypes, especially CTF or assault for example. All that said I've been thoroughly enjoying slayer pro no radar over Infinity in BTB for example.
some players don't want to twitch out every second of their game.
What? If anything, stealth becomes much more viable in no radar because you can flank without having to crouch walk through the opposing team's set-up.
But it works both ways then. Without radar, you don't know where the other team is either. Meaning, how do you know that there aren't 3 guys just through that area bug with radar, you can see people firing, where they are, and then purposely avoid them etc.
Don't get me wrong, I love no radar, but I can see its uses and wouldn't mind it back either way. But with radar, you gain more people than you'll lose I think.
And those three won't know where you are either leading to #bigplays
What? If anything, stealth becomes much more viable in no radar because you can flank without having to crouch walk through the opposing team's set-up.
Da fuq you talking about?
I agree I love no radar but it's such a staple of the past games, I'm already seeing people voting for something like simplex infinity slayer over haven or opus slayer pro.
I think radar being added, would be great because it would draw more people than lose, if you sort of get what I mean you know? Like we won't stop playing if there is radar, but no radar and people have a hard time.
Buy I actually am having a lot of fun. Infinity slayer, big team, forge island and Castle are all I've been playing.
It's not a crutch, some players don't want to twitch out every second of their game. Further stealth is a game mechanic that is sorely missing from no radar gametypes, especially CTF or assault for example. All that said I've been thoroughly enjoying slayer pro no radar over Infinity in BTB for example.
"Calculated skilled stealth" usually amounts to crouch walking very slowly or camping with a mauler out waiting for people to walk by, going by my limited time in matchmaking.
True. There is nothing sweeter than getting the jump on someone.
do you have a twitter?
Finally managed to get a test version of my NatGeo map (now called Republic) up and into my file-share. If anyone manages to get some games played on it I would love some feedback. It is my first asymmetrical map I have made in forge so I am still trying to sort out spawns and all that jazz.
Download link : http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/2d22b8e9-bffc-4722-aaf8-3176ff1bdd5e
I really like the Infinity Slayer playlist with Pro included, Pro on Simplex is just awesome.
So this is where we talk about Halo?
Simplex is a great map for 4v4. When it's used in 5v5 CTF matches it starts to feel a little cramped.
I've been having a hard time with the Midship-inspired map Onyx. Just seems like there are too many angles on you no matter where you are; I'm always getting pinged from two different directions even when I'm trying to stay on the edges of the map. I imagine a 4-shot BR is going to make that even worse. Midship still had "rooms" and a lot more in the center of the map which I think helped avoid that.
where are the yogapants
You didn't even make a post in my OT. WHY DO YOU HATE ME.shut-up overdoziz