Probably under NDA, I know they are under one.Did you guys find anything out about Legendary Slayer settings?
OR they saw Halo 5/ Halo 2 HD
Probably under NDA, I know they are under one.Did you guys find anything out about Legendary Slayer settings?
Tho feedback makes me want to play those maps. I'll jump on in a bit now in finally done with poker night 2. What playlists are they in
Playing on four maps for SWAT is getting beyond annoying. Adrift, Haven, Shutout, and that new forge map...ugh. I got Complex for the first time in probably two or three weeks and it was such a breath of fresh air.
Complex. A breath of fresh air.
We need more maps in SWAT. Abandon is occasionally on the vote but never gets chosen. Ever. I completely understand why, but it's so annoying to only play a few maps. Hopefully some of the Forge Island maps get approved or whatever so they can be split up and sent to other playlists.
Did you guys find anything out about Legendary Slayer settings?
Which new Forge Map? Black site?
I hate that Forge map (for SWAT - technically it's a cool map) because the lines of sight often leave your back exposed and teams can very quickly get into a dominant position because there are basically no useful visual cues to orient yourself on respawn. And I am campaigning against it this very second. Agree on more maps and it is happening in short order.
Of course TEAMS love it and seem to vote for it a lot.
Interesting. Wonder why they're so reluctant to talk at all about a gametype.I asked but no details were given. Don't know its status at the moment.
I hate that Forge map (for SWAT - technically it's a cool map) because the lines of sight often leave your back exposed and teams can very quickly get into a dominant position because there are basically no useful visual cues to orient yourself on respawn. And I am campaigning against it this very second. Agree on more maps and it is happening in short order.
Of course TEAMS love it and seem to vote for it a lot.
Which new Forge Map? Black site?
Nice to see someone else on Gaf actually plays SWAT and agrees with my complaints :lol.
Nah not Black Site. That one is alright but I haven't seen it pop up in SWAT yet. I was talking about Plaza, I'm not sure if Frankie was talking about that as well(EDIT: Yup. Funny how saying "bad new Forge map" is so easy to figure out haha), but it gives the illusion of having a bunch of cover to go from one place to another but you are constantly getting shot in the back a bunch.
Every time I play it I seem to be very, very streaky. More than other maps at least. I've gone on multiple stretches of 5-6 kills without dying, but then I'll follow it up with just as many deaths in a row in like 1/10th the time. The spawns are all kinds of wonky. It adds some variety, sure, but it just isn't the greatest map IMO.
I think Plaza. Black Site is fine by me. My hatred stems from the WAY I play, not objective problems. I like to run loops and patterns, and break those when the other team starts figuring it out. Plaza just makes me cray because you can't even see the sky to orient yourself.
Interesting. Wonder why they're so reluctant to talk at all about a gametype.
Nice to see someone else on Gaf actually plays SWAT and agrees with my complaints :lol.
Nah not Black Site. That one is alright but I haven't seen it pop up in SWAT yet. I was talking about Plaza, I'm not sure if Frankie was talking about that as well(EDIT: Yup. Funny how saying "bad new Forge map" is so easy to figure out haha), but it gives the illusion of having a bunch of cover to go from one place to another but you are constantly getting shot in the back a bunch.
Every time I play it I seem to be very, very streaky. More than other maps at least. I've gone on multiple stretches of 5-6 kills without dying, but then I'll follow it up with just as many deaths in a row in like 1/10th the time. The spawns are all kinds of wonky. It adds some variety, sure, but it just isn't the greatest map IMO.
I bet your streaks are team related - you plus three affiliated bros, versus all randoms. That's definitely my experience.
I play it but I can never just sit in that list for hours. It's definitely a one or two match run sates my appetite.I can't find anybody that actually likes to play SWAT on my friend's list. I always play by myself with other randoms. I guess I just suck haha
I play it but I can never just sit in that list for hours. It's definitely a one or two match run sates my appetite.
Forge maps in the community playlist are great, been playing them a ton lately.
Have had some very intense ctf matches on them.
I play it but I can never just sit in that list for hours. It's definitely a one or two match run sates my appetite.
v3 CTF on Onyx. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnng
K so I gotta record a podcast tonight but after that I'm looking to start a SWAT testing party. I'll post here later with a time of when I'm getting on for anyone that wants to join. It's just going to be SWAT only.
It's actually an EXCELLENT training tool for noobs so they can learn how to headshot.
edit: a;sldvgknad;ovilknas;elkfawe just got some AWESOME news.
It's not. It's less awesome than me going to E3. I wish it was that news.
If it's what I think it is, take me with you.
Add me bro, I play SWATI can't find anybody that actually likes to play SWAT on my friend's list. I always play by myself with other randoms. I guess I just suck haha
Add me bro, I play SWAT
Haven't seen this answered anywhere, but how many shots would a damage-boosted BR user need to kill a fully shielded opponent?
I'm ready to hear more about Legendary slayer, myself.Infinity Slayer against a good team is just absolutely infuriating.
Armor abilities make me so sad![]()
Yep. It's fine with the JIP mess and all randoms just bouncing around unorganized. Then you hit a wall of a team all using camo or all with jetpack and it becomes infuriating.Infinity Slayer against a good team is just absolutely infuriating.
Armor abilities make me so sad![]()
The recycled black site map is annoying, but all the other maps in the new community playlist are awesome.
Please bring them to matchmaking soon cause I have no money for any of the map packs and I'm already getting tired of playing the same few maps over and over again.
I havent played in a while but i think im still gonna wait until the balance update.
With the damage boost powerup?
3 bursts, 9 bullets.
That's how the current BR works. Sorry, I meant the new 4sk BR. Hypothetically how many shots would that take?
i think it kills on the 11th bullet, so its 4 shots but you get to miss one of those bullets.
will add you mine is IHaveAnIceWooooo
Same tag as username here, then? I have to leave for work in a few minutes but you can add me instead if you'd like. Same as here. FUBAR McDangles
I like Ender more than Black site, way prettierThe recycled black site map is annoying, but all the other maps in the new community playlist are awesome.
Please bring them to matchmaking soon cause I have no money for any of the map packs and I'm already getting tired of playing the same few maps over and over again.
I was asking about with damage boost. Why am I so bad at communicating today?
no that's my fault. I wasn't reading.
no idea btw.
The recycled black site map is annoying, but all the other maps in the new community playlist are awesome.
Please bring them to matchmaking soon cause I have no money for any of the map packs and I'm already getting tired of playing the same few maps over and over again.
Like it's some kind of game-fixing patch....I havent played in a while but i think im still gonna wait until the balance update.
Like it's some kind of game-fixing patch....
The only difference will be everyone using BR over DMR.
Like it's some kind of game-fixing patch....
The only difference will be everyone using BR over DMR.
I MASSIVELY favor BR over DMR for almost everything already, but even I still use DMR in Big Team. I basically can't make up my mind which one really works better for me, and they feel different but balanced. YMMV.
Seriously, this update isn't going to change any of the issues with the game. Now, if the update reduced the aim assist of the primary rifles, then we would be getting somewhere.
So are you agreeing with him or disagreeing?
I realize that, but his point was this update does very little to the actual gameplay except swap which primary weapons most players will use. Making the primary weapons more "balanced" against one another is really irrelevant, because that's really a personal preference rather than a detriment to gameplay. In the end, the game is still going to play out almost identical to how it did prior to the update except there's going to be more BR ammo lying about. Sure, "feel" is an important part of a game, but it has very little bearing on the actual gameplay balance.I'm giving my subjective feedback. They both feel balanced and role-appropriate to me, even though my natural preference is BR. DMR "feels" a fair bit harder to use at very long distances to me.
I realize that, but his point was this update does very little to the actual gameplay except swap which primary weapons most players will use. Making the primary weapons more "balanced" against one another is really irrelevant, because that's really a personal preferance rather than a detriment to gameplay. In the end, the game is still going to play out almost identital to how it did prior to the update except there's going to be more BR ammo lying about. Sure, "feel" is an important part of a game, but it has very little bearing on the actual gameplay balance.
This is the only damn game in my collection that consistently puts me in games against full parties. At this point I don't even care about balancing. Just fix the freaking matchmaking. Eh.
It frustrates me to no ends.