Not really. I used that setup and everyone heard their own delayed voices in their headsets. You are also restricted to being in a party with your dummy account so joining other parties cut off the audio. Most of my other attempts at getting all game sounds were done using extremely frugal setups like Y-splitters and other assorted jiggery and pokery, with each method having their own annoying drawbacks.
My show is more about talking to forgers so I wanted to be sure their words were heard with the highest quality possible. I also wanted to NOT have to juggle adapters, wires and splitters with each possible configuration (XBL, Skype, recording voice overs).
I did my research and purchased an Alto Professional Grade ZMX862 6-channel, 2-bus mixer from the local guitar shop so i could have full control over all aspects of the audio.
ZMX862 by NOKYARD, on Flickrr
- Audio-Technica mic goes in channel 1.
- I receive game sounds using a toslink/rca converter (channel 3), or from the XBL - Headphone Adapter (channel 4), or both depending on the circumstance.
- The second bus is used as an Aux out which sends my voice directly to the XBL Headphone Adapter so you hear only my voice through XBL.
- The CTRL Room out goes to my comp sound card (no need to buy a USB mixer) as an input for Skype etc. If i configure it correctly i can talk to people on XBL and Skype at the same time.
- Main Out goes to the audio breakout adapter of my Elgato CC. This is ideal because all audio is in sync when it gets to the CC and you only need to make one delay adjustment in OBS to be perfectly in sync with the video stream.

well I look forward to seeing you back online and better than ever soon!
i know the guy is coming tomorrow, fingers crossed