With the options in this game there's no reason why there shouldn't be a classic halo control layoutyea the controls are shit. i need to figure out a way to disable impulse triggers too.
With the options in this game there's no reason why there shouldn't be a classic halo control layoutyea the controls are shit. i need to figure out a way to disable impulse triggers too.
Weapon hit markers yes. Shield flare is good enough, and we have a sound effect. Get rid of the hit markers.Weapon hit markers no, grenade hit markers yes.
No, I like weapon hit markers.Weapon hit markers yes. Shield flare is good enough, and we have a sound effect. Get rid of the hit matkers.
Probably in console settings....is there no way to disable impulse triggers?
Probably in console settings.
Any one else getting server issues? Can't get a match keeps crashing
that's 343s trademarkGame is as broken as MCC when trying to play with friends.
Server errors left and right.
googled and didn't find anything. checked and didn't find anything.
will eat crow if it's painfully obvious but i'm starting to think you cant.
Game is as broken as MCC when trying to play with friends.
Server errors left and right.
Yea. they need to fix the servers but at least I'm getting a game in every couple minutes.
It doesn't matter which of you is hitting the enemy. He is getting hit regardless. I don't understand that distance comment.No, I like weapon hit markers.
Sound effect is difficult to distinguish and if you and a mate are shooting someone you don't know who is hitting the enemy so shield flare becomes useless. Shield flare is also annoying at a distance.
I don't see any negatives with weapon hit markers, they don't get in the way, they don't clutter the screen and they provide you with useful information.
Do grenades REALLY vanish when you die? Fuck that. I stuck a dude twice, died, and the grenade vanished.
It doesn't matter which of you is hitting the enemy. He is getting hit regardless. I don't understand that distance comment.
It is useless information that the game already shows you, and is clutter. The sounds could get an increase and is unique enough to know you are hitting someone, and shield flare is when someone is hit anyway. You shoot someone and the shield goes screwy, you know you have a hit. Hit markers are useless.
are you searching alone or in a party?
Why do you want to may I ask?...is there no way to disable impulse triggers?
Why do you want to may I ask?
Oh yeah, the fog on Truth has to go.No, I've gotten posthumous kills with grenades, and been stuck from beyond the grave as well. Sounds like a bug.
I think I'd prefer visual to auditory hitmarkers, honestly. Shield flare is good, but they need to tone down the glare/fog on maps, and raise the res before it's really useful.
Classic Halo control scheme proposal for Halo 5
A - Jump/Clamber
B - Melee Attack/Spartan Charge
Y - Switch Weapons
X - Action/Reload
LB - Thruster Pack
RB - Sprint
LT - Throw Grenade
RT - Fire Weapon
Left Stick - Crouch/Ground Pound
Right Stick - Smart-Link & Zoom
D-Pad - Cycle Grenade
Why do you want to may I ask?
i dont believe you can. i'm not sure why you would want to personally, but i've heard some of the pros complain about the same thing. theres no reason why it shouldnt be an option in the final game.
yeah ok FrankieClusterluck to secure the win
This is the game, this is it. This is redemption for TMCC. Beta is running near flawlessly
This game is not fun to play when you don't have a party of 4 to go into MM with.
Completely agree with this.Well doesn't feel like old school Halo, but damn if the game isn't a blast to play. Seriously some of the most fun I have had since Halo 2 and in the end that's all that matters.
Do grenades REALLY vanish when you die? Fuck that. I stuck a dude twice, died, and the grenade vanished.
I must be lucky then. Occasional server error and then I start up a search again and I'm in a new match. 18 matches in so far and i ain't stopping soon.yeah ok Frankie
maybe if I keeo reading your post over and over while getting server errors and sitting lobbies i will start having delusions too
Yeah, half a dozen matches in and this game fucking rocks.
Even when I'm getting my shit pushed in, (which is more often than not), I get the sense that the new mobility options will provide plenty of means to get out of sticky situations once I come to grips with them. Thrusters have saved my ass a couple times already.
After so many years of Halo feeling like it was BR-or-bust, it pleases me greatly to see the AR finally able to hold its own at close-mid range. The new pistol is an absolutely perfect sidearm, and while the BR somehow feels off, I've always been in the DMR > BR camp, so I don't particularly mind. Finally, as someone that relies on the occasional lucky grenade throw to compensate for his mediocre gunplay, I appreciate the bite that frags have at the moment, (and I'm preemptively voicing my displeasure over their inevitable nerfing).
My only real complaint is that not being able to turn off the controller vibration is some serious bullshit.
I must be lucky then. Occasional server error and then I start up a search again and I'm in a new match. 18 matches in so far and i ain't stopping soon.
-kill cam and death music are distracting and absolutely pointless. just turn the death cam towards the person who killed you.
-empire sucks.
-Sprint + sword ruins Truth
-Stop trying to make AR starts happen. Putting a scope on the gun doesn't make it better.
The game has potential. Every time i pick up a BR or DMR, i enjoy those 30 seconds of Halo again. But then I die and spawn with a shitty gun and I'm back to being meleed in the back with a Sword.
Speaking of DMR, WOW did they really make you not want to scope with this thing. I guess it's better than reticle bloom.