Fuck Armor Abilities
Fuck the Assault Rifle
Fuck boring gray Forge maps
Fuck Uncaged
Fuck 4v4 Team Snipers on Hemorrhage
Fuck bloom
Fuck matchmaking matching my team of randoms up with a team of 4
Fuck Evade
Fuck Loadouts
Fuck Hemorrhage
Fuck the Banshee
Fuck the slow-ass movement in Reach
Fuck the Jetpack
Fuck playing at 5fps
Fuck p2p connections
Fuck the Active Camo AA
Fuck the power weapons on Countdown
Fuck letting people spawn with 2 grenades in Squad Slayer
Fuck flame shirts
Fuck the shit load of power weapons that are placed on DLC maps
Fuck Armor Lock and its ability to add nothing to the game and detract so much
Fuck online Firefight with its button-delay
Fuck the Team Slayer playlist
Fuck AR starts
Fuck automatic rifles
Fuck the dobule-beatdown
Fuck bleedthrough
Fuck the terrible spawns on Prisoner and Uncaged
Fuck the extremely campable bases on Highlands
Fuck people quitters
Fuck Infection, Grifball, Race and all the other similar dumb-ass gametypes in matchmaking
Fuck the way Sprint makes everybody run away like pussies
Fuck sword-block
Fuck the Gauss 'Hog
Fuck shotguns that are placed right next to teleporters
Fuck the Drop Shield
Fuck the fact that Reach FireFight is boring as hell compared to ODST's version
Fuck the long Invasion spawn-times
Fuck the inaccuracy of the Pistol
Fuck the Evade/Sprint + Sword/Shotgun combo
Fuck grenade nukes
Fuck Elite Slayer
Fuck 'Trueskill'
Fuck grenade kill challenges
Fuck Inheritor-filled, spawn-camping, banshee-whoring teams in BTB
Fuck playing on Australian host
Fuck self-entitled Americans
Fuck people who cry when they get yoinked
Fuck there being no real ranks
Fuck the awful playlists management
Fuck people who complain about getting their kills stolen in a team game
Fuck adapting
Fuck blue team always being at a disadvantage on assymetrical maps
Fuck getting a quit ban for quitting out games in which my entire team left
Fuck the removal of Premium Battle
Fuck bloodshots
Fuck being able to shoot grenades out of the air
Fuck the annoying shots of the Concussion Rifle
Fuck the camp-promoting CQC power weapons
Fuck the Sword Base lifts
Fuck the Spartan Laser
Fuck round based objective gametypes which doesn't end if it's 2-0 after 3 rounds.
Fuck the top voting option winning when it's a draw
Fuck the fact that the top voting option is always AR starts on a shitty map
Fuck the easily campable sniper spawn on Reflection
Fuck jetpack challenges
Hi, I'm Overdoziz.