Armor Lock hero.Tim Tebow is so brave.
Armor Lock hero.Tim Tebow is so brave.
That would be amazing.Unlock armor permutations by finding them scattered around a spooky abandoned Forerunner hub world between levels (ala ODST).
Fuck Credits.
Unlock armor permutations by finding them scattered around a spooky abandoned Forerunner hub world between levels (ala ODST). The current system rewards grinding and raw time investment rather than skill anyways.
The game should be fun enough it doesn't need a carrot-and-stick to keep people motivated, leave that shit for the shallow shooters like CoD that aren't fun enough to keep playing and need that skinner box bullshit to keep people hooked.
I'd rather they fix things that.. you know... affect gameplay (i.e. healthpack glitch) than some meaningless credit system.
It doesn't need to be either or but yes there are some things much higher on the list of needing a change like now. I dunno I'm just kind of sick of Halo again, the longer I go without playing and pick it back up, I'm reminded why it's so easy to keep away.
That would be amazing.
1. Evade
2. Evade
3. Evade
4. Evade
5. Panting when sprinting
6. Grenades
7. 3sk gametype in Anni squad despite having its own whole playlist
8. Evade
9. Evade
10. Evade
11. Evade
90000000000000000000001. Credits
You can not like it and thats fine, but its not BROKEN. BROKEN means you cant use it. It means it does not work. When I press X I roll with evade, I can do it twice then I have to wait, everyone else gets to use there armor ability.
You guys just arent really thinking level-headed you are just being like "RAHH I HATE THIS RAH ITS BROKEEEDZ, OMG WTF BUNGIE!"
Whether I like it or not is irrelevant. Its not BROKE.
Except Sprint.kill them all.
No, including sprint.Except Sprint.
'Broken' is just a term people use when they feel like a certain thing ruins a match (or the entire game) for them. And to be fair, evade during objective gametypes on small maps pretty much breaks the match. When people can get across the map within seconds using evade while a flag carrier can't do anything but walk slowly that's messed up. Same counts for sprint but to a lesser extend.You can not like it and thats fine, but its not BROKEN. BROKEN means you cant use it. It means it does not work. When I press X I roll with evade, I can do it twice then I have to wait, everyone else gets to use there armor ability.
You guys just arent really thinking level-headed you are just being like "RAHH I HATE THIS RAH ITS BROKEEEDZ, OMG WTF BUNGIE!"
Whether I like it or not is irrelevant. Its not BROKE.
Evade doesn't need a nerf it just needs to get the fuck out of small maps and objective that isn't big team.
No!Except Sprint.
Highly Incosistent? What are you talking about?
Its usually the same distance, it all depends on my current momentum and the gametypes speed, but I wouldn't say it differs greatly in lunge distance...
Umm. Is there some video of this happening?
Cause most of my evades I know exactly where I'm going to end up before its even over.
I could say bad things about Reach, but it'd mostly be about the playlist management. I have no loyalty to any side.
I don't understand how this can give you more than 360,000 credits in a 48 hour period.No, the payouts are static, and are based on the kind of objective, the goal value, and the expiration time. The reason you can bypass the daily credit limit is because you can cash in your credits on a different day than when they were rewarded (for example, you set all your custom challenges to end in the 11:00p.m.-11:59p.m. hour, go offline at 10:59p.m. and then sign on at 12:01a.m. and get all your credits--and keep them--without counting towards the daily limit, since they were technically earned on the previous date).
Quick youtube search, this happens all the time, you hit the button and you go no where. Then you have the ones where you can launch yourself off of ledges/geometry and go way further than you were ever intended to.
If someone could find that GIF of the Spartan evading on Asylum before the game was out, it would fit perfectly here.
How you can still defend AAs and loudouts it beyond best be trollin'
He had no momentum cause he was still in landing and backwards walking mode, he was in between walking backwards and forwards mode so he didn't roll in a direction. Thats not incosistent either. That hardly ever happens. I'm sorry but thats not a reason to call BROKEN and say it needs to be completely removed...
It happens when you're getting shot all the time, even if your momentum is going forward. I used Evade almost exclusively through out my Reach play time due to me playing so much Obj. It's an unbalanced POS, whether it's technically "broken", who cares? That's just dancing around the fact that it's such an absurd AA for so many different reasons.
Game needs to be fast all the time without awkward restrictions to the shooting.
Ok.No, including sprint.
Chief better not be a slow turtle again, either.
Armor Lock hero.
I think TO is 10 seconds as opposed to TS's 5. I do agree that MLG spawn-timers are better.Well Bungie doesn't really put much higher respawns in Objective than in TS. Which is definitely a problem because it puts no emphasis on map control in objective and removes too much importance of slaying.
MLG does it better.
Any word on the health pack glitch in TU gametypes or any input on whether Evade will stay or go in non Invasion playlists?Also, credits thing is being dealt with. Don't have a timeline because of snowpocalypse.
Good. Let's stop arguing about Reach. Its pointless.Halo 4 news will come. And when it arrives, it will shake the NeoGaf. Emperor, we are coming for you!
Good. Let's stop arguing about Reach. Its pointless.
Awwwwwwwwww Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.Halo 4 news will come. And when it arrives, it will shake the NeoGaf. Emperor, we are coming for you!
I think TO is 10 seconds as opposed to TS's 5. I do agree that MLG spawn-timers are better.
-Makes it too easy to escape death
-It's too hard to hit a person who is evading
-You can travel a distance too large with one roll
-It gives you two evades in one charge which allows you to do dumb zig-zag shit
tl;dr "Fuck evade"
I too have allstateLet's start a tunavi hate thread then.
I heard he likes abusing jetpacks, evade, and free credits. I HATE that guy!
Good. Let's stop arguing about Reach. Its pointless.
Halo 4 news will come. And when it arrives, it will shake the NeoGaf. Emperor, we are coming for you!
It doesn't just make it harder, it makes it frustrating. I don't feel like they deserved to live in certain situations. It feels cheap. Bubble shield also makes it harder to kill people but that doesn't make it a good thing, right?Sooo you don't like it because for you it makes it harder for you to:
Kill people
Hit people with your shots
Deal with others closing a distance too quickly
And again... hit people with your shots
Well, people mainly complain about Evade in TO. I think most maps in that playlist fall under the category of being small (except Tempest lol). That's the problem. I'm fine with evade on BTB maps because it hardly has any impact there.The one justification that is something other than an issue in ability is the traveling too far a distance in one roll. That is only an issue on small maps (which are in the extreme minority in Reach).
Prediction: Multiplayer requires a season pass which is only available with a KFC Double Down. BTB is a preorder exclusive for Funcoland.
Meh it doesn't happen ALL THE TIME. Evade is my goto AA also, and I've played more Reach than you.
Maybe you are doing it wrong or glitching it on purpose? you have to be walking in a direction and then use it and it will roll you in that direction.
I am. I'm not on any of your lists, though.So...anyone actually playing tonight?