"Ok, we're gonna need all the fans of Vanilla Reach to stand in this room here"
None of the Inheritors could fit through the door to get into the room.
"Ok, we're gonna need all the fans of Vanilla Reach to stand in this room here"
"Ok, we're gonna need all the fans of Vanilla Reach to stand in this room here"
Yeah that was nice, thanks everyone for hanging out.
Managed to do several seemingly impossible ones today, only have one left to do now, the 3 kills as a zombie Anniversary one.
Got credit banned though. That hurts.. :( :( :([/QUOTE]
Thanks for the games guys. 1700/1700
Feels good man.
Thanks for the links, and I appreciate you taking a look - I don't even know if the thing is worth working on at this point, I'm too close to it to tell. I can't imagine what making an entire game is like.I'll check out the map if other people want to. I should be available tomorrow afternoon. I have a couple of the MM variants, but you can find them here(thanks to FyreWulff)
EDIT: You can also pick them up here, assuming Waypoint decides to load.
Bingo, bitches. Let's play!
Paging Frankie and David
Tomorrow might be interesting.
I ignored a few invites as I idled in the lobby. I was watching this, which rumbled across my Twitter feed via the PA Report. It's one of the greatest talks I've ever seen. Highly recommended.
Check the Halo 4 thread.
Is all the changes going to be 5v5 and Evade removed? It would be great for other maps to be included in, or at least garbage like Flag Slayer and its hated friends got removed. None of those will happen for the foreseeable future, though.Played a couple games of objective tonight. Why is it being changed to 5v5? Seems okay the way it is. ????
Since no one answered me when I posted this before: has anyone that worked on the Halo games ever explained why Master Chief was upgraded in some areas and downgraded in others going from CE to Halo 2? For example, he gained the ability to jump from almost any height and land uninjured but the vision that his helmet provides was decreased. Is his suit in Halo 2 an entirely different suit than the one in CE? Given his need for agility on the battlefield, why was he outfitted with something that made him sluggish?
I was watching this, which rumbled across my Twitter feed via the PA Report. It's one of the greatest talks I've ever seen. Highly recommended.
Spent a few hours tweaking and making sure all the gametypes worked on a map that I started working on about a year ago: Lynched, was thinking of submitting it if people liked it. Since ForgeGAF is dead, I dunno how easy it'll be for me to get films (especially since I don't have the matchmaking variants currently). Guess I'm looking for feedback if anybody regularly does customs and needs new maps. Supports 8-12 people, 2 teams only. Slayer variants, all Flag and Bomb variants, Oddball, KOTH, Territories (incl. 3 Plots), Stockpile, Headhunter, Juggernaut (I guess), Infection (but no Safe Havens - if Fyrewulff reads this, is that a requirement?), etc. supported. Everything but Invasion and Race. Seemed to be fine on 2 player split when I tried it out, has almost 5k budget left.
We (That is me, Xand, Zalinkrow, Hydra, Elzar, Heckfu) play customs pretty regularly. I don't know where you live so time zones may be a problem (we are mostly Euro people) but when you see me or any of these guys online on Reach, send a message and we'll try out your map!
HaloGAF Facebook drama lol.
I think we should kick Holland out of Europe, see what I did there? Do you see? Lol.
Not sure if your trollin'.
Your question was answered, it's very simple. It's a game and above all else, gameplay matters the most. The did try to justify some of the new mechanics by showing him get a new suit at the beginning of halo 2, but it was more of an opportunity to teach the player about the new rebounding health and faster shield recharging.
It's always funny to see justification for retconned features. They were actually talking about this on the last Sparkcast, about how his suit has changed in halo 4 and they are going to make master chief feel much heavier and more powerful. I look forward to seeing how they write his new thrusters into the story.![]()
WTF, I only just noticed that your GAF name is Robbertster, I always thought it was Robberto, ha.
If you're reading this, Sorry Tyler. It's not you, its us.HaloGAF Facebook drama lol.
im weak...Pre-edit was better.
WTF, I only just noticed that your GAF name is Robbertster, I always thought it was Robberto, ha.
This is my one wish. No loadouts.Please, let there be no AAs in Halo 4. Or jetpacks. I fucking hate jetpacks.
This is my one wish. No loadouts.
Oh please, Invasion would be 10x better without loadouts.No loadouts = no invasion = me sad
I think they can find a sweet spot, I say give us options to build the halo we want to play.
I'm pretty sure they'll make both sides happy.
Oh please, Invasion would be 10x better without loadouts.
spawning with shotgun/armor lock inside a close corridor building is a joke. its not like the game plays out differently with different abilities, the gameplay just gets more frustrating.I don't know, there'd have to be some kind of abilties to difference roles.
Imo abilities wouldn't have supposed such a big deal if they were:
-more balanced.
-bloom weren't there from the beggining.
-they were restricted to some playlists/maps.
-you weren't so damn slow.
As invasion, a great idea which would've been executed much better.
Invasion gave us Boneyard and Spire. Halo is better off without Invasion.
Loadouts will be staying for sure. Every FPS has them these days.
This is my one wish. No loadouts.
Maps which are best played with the gametype they were created in mind.
Just like Invasion, Spire and Boneyard are best not played at all. Under any circumstance.
How 'bout no.I'm still hoping for no loadouts though, maybe have everyone spawn with both sprint and jetpack or have jetpack as a pickup around the map.
"Ok, we're gonna need all the fans of Vanilla Reach to stand in this room here"
Hire Tashi.Hmmm.
I kind of hope MS shuts that shit down. I want a full and proper blow out at this point.
Just like Invasion, Spire and Boneyard are best not played at all. Under any circumstance.
24 hours and 30 minutes till the embargo lifts, right?
yup, though I do expect quite a few places to put articles up at exactly 12.