Invasion gave us Boneyard and Spire. Halo is better off without Invasion.
You speak the truth!
Loadouts will be staying for sure. Every FPS has them these days.
Oh God, please no.
Invasion gave us Boneyard and Spire. Halo is better off without Invasion.
Loadouts will be staying for sure. Every FPS has them these days.
I'm thinking about staying up late, let's hope we get some early goodness. It has been six months yo!
That's some great plan. Hype reaching astronomical levels!Im going to play through Halo 3 and then go to bed a bit early just to wake up to Halo 4 news lol
24 hours and 30 minutes till the embargo lifts, right?
That's some great plan. Hype reaching astronomical levels!
more like 12 hours and 15 minutes![]()
Are you really talking about the Art trailer? I don't see any Didact symbols in it. I think you meant the Maw Anniversary terminal.Didact. Before the end of the Halo 4 art trailer there a symbol that flashes - Didact's. He's most likely given the hints and one more people believe will be.
I don't want it to be Didact for various reasons and hoping it won't be.
I actually hope it's the Librarian and The Composer. That would turn expectations upside down.
In the latest book, the "mother" of the Spartan program was given some "shocking" treatment by some of the characters. She went from being this brilliant scientist to a sick child abuser - all from a different perspective of course. I have this theory about the Librarian. Right now she is seemingly painted as this saintly Forerunner figure, a motherly genius, but I'm sure a different perspective wouldn't paint her in such a nice light.... =)
I can't be the only one who sees a big problem here? Seriously I don't care that Boneyard and Spire work good as Invasion maps. (And I disagree in this point too) but they suck in other gametypes. Console games or video games in general don't have the luxury to have maps specific designed for one gametype. For the whole work that got into Boneyard or Spire, you could get another two or more decent maps which works for more gametypes. Especially since Boneyard and Spire are the only real non-Forge World BTB maps.Maps which are best played with the gametype they were created in mind.
*fingers crossed*
I've already posted this but I get more hyped each time I watch it, loving the last part when the big gate is opening.
Are you really talking about the Art trailer? I don't see any Didact symbols in it. I think you meant the Maw Anniversary terminal.
I can't be the only one who sees a big problem here? Seriously I don't care that Boneyard and Spire work good as Invasion maps. (And I disagree in this point too) but they suck in other gametypes. Console games or video games in general don't have the luxury to have maps specific designed for one gametype. For the whole work that got into Boneyard or Spire, you could get another two or more decent maps which works for more gametypes. Especially since Boneyard and Spire are the only real non-Forge World BTB maps.
I wouldn't have meant if Invasion was DW only like Grifball is but eww... FW looks like shit and you can't ever keep a decent framerate while playing invasion on FW maps.I've said my piece on Invasion. Summary: Drains resources from BTB. Give me a good BTB map over a good invasion map any day.
I wouldn't have meant if Invasion was DW only like Grifball is but eww... FW looks like shit and you can't ever keep a decent framerate while playing invasion on FW maps.
I'm pretty exited as Invasion will be getting new maps and the ones I've seen so far look very promising.
Hopefully H4 delivers a real map editor.
I also don't see 343 killing an entire gametype given how many people love the gametype :/
Are you really talking about the Art trailer? I don't see any Didact symbols in it. I think you meant the Maw Anniversary terminal.
Thats the thing, is Invasion really that popular? Ancedotal evidence but your the one and only person I know who ever plays it lol. Matchmaking numbers never seemed that impressive. If Invasion did come back I would hope that its undergone a pretty dramatic overhaul. Personally I would want it to be cut and the focus to be on BTB and 4v4 maps its just a simple fact that with limited resources and time you cant polish everything. I would rather Invasion got cut than let it affect the quality of the other modes.
Invasion always has numbers around the 2000 to 3000 players, so I'd say it's pretty popular. I agree with you that Invasion needs an overhaul. There are too many exploits in the system right now to have it work properly.
Thats the thing, is Invasion really that popular? Ancedotal evidence but your the one and only person I know who ever plays it lol. Matchmaking numbers never seemed that impressive. If Invasion did come back I would hope that its undergone a pretty dramatic overhaul. Personally I would want it to be cut and the focus to be on BTB and 4v4 maps, its just a simple fact that with limited resources and time you cant polish everything. I would rather Invasion got cut than let it affect the quality of the other modes.
I really hope Halo 4 trims the fat. Halo has built up a lot of baggage over the years, I hope 343 refines rather than tries to make 4 a jack of all trades.
Thats the thing, is Invasion really that popular? Ancedotal evidence but your the one and only person I know who ever plays it lol. Matchmaking numbers never seemed that impressive. If Invasion did come back I would hope that its undergone a pretty dramatic overhaul. Personally I would want it to be cut and the focus to be on BTB and 4v4 maps, its just a simple fact that with limited resources and time you cant polish everything. I would rather Invasion got cut than let it affect the quality of the other modes.
I really hope Halo 4 trims the fat. Halo has built up a lot of baggage over the years, I hope 343 refines rather than tries to make 4 a jack of all trades.
Invasion needs nothing other than to be buried in a quiet, shallow grave somewhere, and not resurrected for Halo 4.
slowclap.gifInvasion was the nail in the coffin for Reach's BTB. It took away resources from a proven, popular gametype and and gave us nothing but digitised poop in return. Together with Reach's horrible vehicle changes and a sandbox that lets you snipe people from one base to another with ease, and ugh.
Invasion as a concept sounds awesome. I think they were originally planning to have larger teams overall with more playesr per fireteam and increased specialised roles and objectives. Invasion obviously didn't pan out to whatever original vision that they had in mind.
We were left with a boring, repetitive and limited janky joke of a game mode, a hollow shell of whatever pipe dream originally envisioned for it and two of the best examples of how not to create fun, multi-purpose multiplayer spaces.
Invasion in Reach is a joke. It consumed a wildly inflated proportion of precious and limited development time and resources and the end result is an embarrassment when contrasted with the high standards set by the introduction of game modes in previous games.
I can see it was designed with the best intentions. Maybe they really did think they were creating some hot stuff that was going to make a serious and lasting impact on the Halo multiplayer landscape. They believed in this vision enough to not only devote time and man hours to making it, but at the cost of BTB. Besides handful of small fans, all ten or eleven of them, and maybe that guy from that likes to roleplay his forum posts as if were an actual Elite warrior, the fanbase and online population just ignores it.
There was more people playing Zombies on Swordbase in an average hour than was people venturing into the Invasion playlist in a week.
So yeah, fuck Invasion.
I've said my piece on Invasion. Summary: Drains resources from BTB. Give me a good BTB map over a good invasion map any day.
Invasion was the nail in the coffin for Reach's BTB. It took away resources from a proven, popular gametype and and gave us nothing but digitised poop in return. Together with Reach's horrible vehicle changes and a sandbox that lets you snipe people from one base to another with ease, and ugh.
Invasion as a concept sounds awesome. I think they were originally planning to have larger teams overall with more playesr per fireteam and increased specialised roles and objectives. Invasion obviously didn't pan out to whatever original vision that they had in mind.
We were left with a boring, repetitive and limited janky joke of a game mode, a hollow shell of whatever pipe dream originally envisioned for it and two of the best examples of how not to create fun, multi-purpose multiplayer spaces.
Invasion in Reach is a joke. It consumed a wildly inflated proportion of precious and limited development time and resources and the end result is an embarrassment when contrasted with the high standards set by the introduction of game modes in previous games.
I can see it was designed with the best intentions. Maybe they really did think they were creating some hot stuff that was going to make a serious and lasting impact on the Halo multiplayer landscape. They believed in this vision enough to not only devote time and man hours to making it, but at the cost of BTB. Besides handful of small fans, all ten or eleven of them, and maybe that guy from that likes to roleplay his forum posts as if were an actual Elite warrior, the fanbase and online population just ignores it.
Players would rather play Zombies on Swordbase than play Invasion and Zombies took some guy five minutes to create by tweaking some settings. Those three or four minutes of that developer's time actually contributed more to the playtime of active playerbase than Invasion ever did or will.
So yeah, fuck Invasion.
Based on the low population of ZB Slayer and Squad DLC playlists, we can confirm bloom will be back in H4 and there will be no DLC.We're getting a bit dramatic in here.
By that rule all playlists should be erradicated :/
We're getting a bit dramatic in here.
Edit: wouldn't it be funny if the first H4 gameplay we get tomorrow is from an invasion match?
Based on the low population of ZB Slayer and Squad DLC playlists, we can confirm bloom will be back in H4 and there will be no DLC.
Please people no fighting, we will be united tomorrow.
Saying that I actually enjoyed invasion on Breakpoint. But at the end of the day if it's a choice between BTB and invasion, it's BTB all the way for me.
So depressing, especially when there are two dedicated zombie simulators called 'Left 4 Dead' and 'Left 4 Dead 2' that are among the finest multiplayers games ever made.Slap the term "Zombies" on a DLC release and that shit wouldn't stop selling until they unplug Live.
When I heard about Invasion the first time I thought it were something like the Chromehounds MP.I wouldn't be expecting Invasion to make a return. That mode was fine for the theme of Reach i.e the Covenant invasion. There might be a brand new big team gametype. My money is on boarding action to make an almighty comeback. That map kinda relates to the reveal trailer right?(right?)
Please people no fighting, we will be united tomorrow.
Saying that I actually enjoyed invasion on Breakpoint. But at the end of the day if it's a choice between BTB and invasion, it's BTB all the way for me.
If they had invested a quarter of the resources put into Invasion into Zombies and a Zombies mode maybe one or two small maps, they would have seen an exponentially higher return from that investment.
Invasion just isn't worth the time used to develop it. And 343 should do whatever any other good business should do with a low quality, negative return investment and that's get rid of it and invest in something better or more proven or go back to the drawing board and create something new.
Invasion had it's chance and blew it.
Fuck if anything, they really, really, should create an official Zombies mode this go around. That shit exploded on COD and they've been doing on Halo since Halo 2. Zombies was/is more popular than Team Slayer some of the time.
They'd be foolish to ignore it actually. Slap the term "Zombies" on a DLC release and that shit wouldn't stop selling until they unplug Live.
If there's one thing I detest more than Invasion it's Zombies but heck, I know I'm in a tiny minority with that opinion.
Invasion had it's chance and blew it.
*Get first Killtacular* Avatar Award unlocks... wait, what?!
On topic, Invasion was not thought out too well. Short term and long term.
This post made me cry...Oh please, Invasion would be 10x better without loadouts.
I think I've mentioned this before, but I truly hope 343i don't feel the need to match the feature list of Halo 3 or Reach, which after all represented a slow evolution over a decade.
Just give us the multiplayer basics, honed to a keen finish. Five perfect small arenas, a couple of mid-sized maps, three perfect BTB spaces. Don't fret about Invasion or Arena or Zombies or Grifball or any of that stuff. Get the bones and nerves of multiplayer right, and we'll trust you when you start packing on fat and muscle. If this means Saved Films, Forge, 'Player Investment', whatever have to be trimmed right back, so be it.
All I want are ten maps I can live in for a year or more, and fundamentally fun and fair mechanics that make me never want to leave them.
So depressing, especially when there are two dedicated zombie simulators called 'Left 4 Dead' and 'Left 4 Dead 2' that are among the finest multiplayers games ever made.
Which is why it has more population than:
The Arena
Rumble Pit
Team Objective
Double Team
Multi Team
Squad DLC
TU ZB Slayer (And the TU Beta when it was a playlist)
Action Sack
Anniversary Classic
Anniversary BTB
Anniversary FFA
*Get first Killtacular* Avatar Award unlocks... wait, what?!
On topic, Invasion was not thought out too well. Short term and long term. It is a fun gametype though.
This post made me cry...
Invasion was designed around loadouts, progression, and increased depth, breadth and verticality as you progress from phase to phase. No class is any more useful that another, and each class is counterable. Invasions default loadouts are perfect, and I wouldn't touch them even given the opportunity.(I wish I could say the same about other playlists)
Invasion is one of the only, if not the only game-type that works with Vanilla, unaltered Halo Reach. It hasn't even required a playlist update, ever (excluding the bomb arm-time=disarm-time fix on breakpoint).
If I could be bothered, I would go on the whole 'Competitive' rant, but I need sleep.
United in disgust to find that Halo 4 is 100% Invasion AR starts.
I agree for the most part, but I think saved films and theater are a requirement at this point. Maybe not viewing with your friends, but still.
Guyz, guyz... I think I got it right.
People like Invasion *looks at population*
Some people dislike Invasion *looks at thread*
Invasion costs too much resources even when we're talking about three years long development cycle *looks at BTB playlist*
United in disgust from reading any of your posts on GAF!![]()
So Corrinne Yu is saying Halo 4 is the best looking game on the Xbox, guess we shall see soon enough![]()
They already have 300 strangers tripping over each other in an air-conditioned hangar somewhere just trying to get the game done at all.Solution: HIRE MORE PEOPLE.