Zealot is a circle on top of a circle on top of a circle. You can't get much more creative than that.
A bit more interesting than the design titan that is Midship.

Zealot is a circle on top of a circle on top of a circle. You can't get much more creative than that.
Zealot is a circle on top of a circle on top of a circle. You can't get much more creative than that.
I went -21 or something. It was a brave, yet foolish, effort on our part to stay in. They always had rockets, always had the hogs, always had the snipers... Thank christ we spawned with DMRs but you're right, that was pretty bad. They weren't necessarily good at the gunplay, but the simple fact that they had complete map dominance (with those atrocious blue spawns) meant we were screwed.
Don't sweat it, that match was preeetty bad. I'm just fairly stubborn when it comes to quitting out, I try not to. I managed to only go -8, so I was happy enough with that heh.
- Enclosed with jetpacks is garbage.
- 2 Flag Slayer in Team Objective is garbage.
That is all.
Alright I laughedWith the huge amount of maps in Reach it's understandable that some would be sub-par.
Will someone with photoshop skills (or even lack thereof) create some fake Halo 4 screenshots for us to discuss/complain about?
Plz tnx
When you've got limited resources you've got to cut some corners somewhere. With the huge amount of maps in Reach it's understandable that some would be sub-par. Fly away troll.
Everytime I play Zealot it just feels like there's something missing, I can't put what it is. Oh and bottom spawns piss me off, it isn't like Derelict where you can easily get up.
Whoever designed the middle lifts on Zealot should never be allowed to touch a competitive MP map ever again.
Whoever designed the middle lifts on Zealot should never be allowed to touch a competitive MP map ever again.
What's wrong with them in a competetive setting?
What's wrong with them in a competetive setting?
Will someone with photoshop skills (or even lack thereof) create some fake Halo 4 screenshots for us to discuss/complain about?
Plz tnx
Even in a social setting they're completely broken. It's like they have a lip around them that you have to dance around to actually get to work. In the middle of a gun fight or getting shot at it's a complete clusterf*ck.
Whoever designed the middle lifts on Zealot should never be allowed to touch a competitive MP map ever again.
OMG scarabs!! I knew it!!!
How long before this is posted at B.net/waypoint? Kotaku?
The entire middle design is the issue with the map. The top middle structure is useless and awkward.
More like this-
Seriously can't stand the lips, when you're trying to just get it in them and your fumbling around it so you decide to finally turn and look at the damn thing just to get inside it.Even in a social setting they're completely broken. It's like they have a lip around them that you have to dance around to actually get to work. In the middle of a gun fight or getting shot at it's a complete clusterf*ck.
Seriously can't stand the lips, when you're trying to just get it in them and your fumbling around it so you decide to finally turn and look at the damn thing just to get inside it.
Sounds like someone had a rough prom night!
Am I right?!
Sounds like someone had a rough prom night!
Am I right?!
Sounds like someone had a rough prom night!
Am I right?!
Aah yeah, I got ya. You mean when you try to use them from the middle level as opposed to the lower one right? While waiting for your reply I was thinking that thy work in a similar fashion to those on Construct. Starting on a low level but can still be used at a mid level where players are now vulnerable. Such a shame it doesn't quite work so well from the mid level of Zealot.
Beli343 in H4LO.
MLG Zealot is good. And yea, lifts are dumb as shit in ring 2.
What kills me is I noticed this problem the first night I played the game, how does stupid stuff like this get past testing?
What kills me is I noticed this problem the first night I played the game, how does stupid stuff like this get past testing?
What kills me is I noticed this problem the first night I played the game, how does stupid stuff like this get past testing?
Same reason I noticed that the Needle Rifle automatically gave you headshots within the first kill at Halofest.
Out of scope, not enough bandwidth, not enough time, etc etc etc
Same reason I noticed that the Needle Rifle automatically gave you headshots within the first kill at Halofest.
Out of scope, not enough bandwidth, not enough time, etc etc etc
343 didn't make this game, they tried to patch a turd, quit being a dolt.
343 didn't make this game, they tried to patch a turd, quit being a dolt.
What kills me is I noticed this problem the first night I played the game, how does stupid stuff like this get past testing?
If only Sage had decided against doing that one Bungie podcast, I'm 100% positive it wouldn't have made it into retail.
MLG Zealot is good. And yea, lifts are dumb as shit in ring 2.
I think he actually broke the Warthog down and redid it during a podcast.