FyreWulff said:The fact that there's like 5-6x the people playing Reach over 3? If Reach was so reviled, you'd see people staying back in 3 if they thought it was the better game.
Hypertrooper said:I'm not saying that I like the changes Bungie made in Reach. Right now 600,000 people are playing Reach and only a few wants change. tbh. People have a voice. If they don't use it, It is their fault. Everyone who plays over Xbox Live has an Internet connection. They can post on HBO, Waypoint and the other communities. (I don't mention GAF because people have to wait a year until they get apporved and then Halo 4 is already out.) It is like elections: If people don't vote, they will accept that everything is okay for them. They don't have the right to complain later either. And when I play normal Slayer I see a lot of guys using Jetpack and Armour Lock. Do you think that they hate AA?
Blinding said:I haven't gone back to Halo 3 because playing so much Reach has made it feel floaty, too floaty.
Sometimes I want to post a really bad compare. But I don't want to be an asshole.Karl2177 said:I use it to abuse it. I still hate it though.
I'm using the forums just as an example. I can understand that some people hate the forum. But there are other ways: Twitter, Facebook etc. I hope 343i will have a specific email for TU complains if people really don't have nothing except their e-mail.Devolution said:I think they know that certain abilities have an edge, even if they hate when said AA is used against them. It's a catch 22, don't use the ability and get shit on, or use the ability you despise and win. Why, unless they're like me and a self-righteous douche, would they purposely gimp themselves?
As for a voice, most people don't want to post on forums. And who can blame them, most forums are cesspools of shit, let's be honest. Many of them probably don't know that small communities like this one exist, aren't filled with god awful trolls and have a direct line to devs. Many players will simply not go out of their way to find a place where their voice will be heard because they feel like they've been ignored in the past, and there is no reason they should feel different.
It always always too floaty, and filled with shitty hit detection. When you play games with hitscan like Reach or Halo 2, it's hard to go into something like that.Blinding said:I haven't gone back to Halo 3 because playing so much Reach has made it feel floaty, too floaty.
The Antitype said:Damnit. 10 years of immediately associating everything Halo with Bungie. It's gonna take some time to break the habit.
Letters said:unrelated:
Baghdad Jessica
Awww. She looks like something startled her. Did she sense the stupid coming to ask questions?
[QUOTE=GECK]Is newegg my best pre-order bet if I want a chance at them shipping the game a couple days early?[/QUOTE] Most say they're hit or miss on getting it out early or the day of. I find if you want release date Amazon is the way to go. For me they've been perfect and every time I get it the day of release.
[QUOTE=wwm0nkey]A "White Flag" option really needs to be in Halo 4. [/QUOTE]
I totally agree. I've lost count of how many times people quit and leave us 2 on 4 in teamslayer when I play it. After that it's just constant death. That's just not fun.
[QUOTE=wwm0nkey]What the hell, Crimson is coming to Steam. When did this happen?[/QUOTE]
IT IS?????? Where did you hear this? Don't you play with my emotions.
[QUOTE=Louis Wu]I've heard this argument a lot from experienced players - but I find I have LESS fun when I play games that have been set up or designed by these players.
We played a game on Damnation with the 3sk pistol (and no bloom) - and I had pretty much NO fun. Why? Because if 2 (or god forbid 3) opposing players are teamshooting you, you're dead before you can get your second shot off. I NEED the extra second or two to find cover, or figure out who to shoot back at - when the game's as fast-paced as that, I just don't like it.
And yet... I was told, more than once, how much more balanced it was. How everyone started with a weapon that, right off spawn, allowed them to fight back from distance.
If that's balance... fuck balance.
I'm a casual, and I give a pretty big fuck about the balance. I think Reach has some issues - and I'm happier in playlists that have limited AAs - but to me, it's the most fun I've had in multiplayer, over time (as measured by how much time I'm carving out of my life to play it).
With respect to the argument that CE was the only game that didn't hamstring expert players just to give lesser players a chance...
When I played Halo 1, I was playing against people who had at most a couple of years of Halo multiplay under their belts - and even the most dedicated of them could count their multiplayer games in the hundreds.
You give those same weapons, and same gameplay mechanics, to people with 10 years of multiplay under their belts, and game counts in the tens of thousands... and, well, it's less fun to play against them. I saw EXACTLY how it feels to play against people who are way, way, WAY better than me when chance is removed from the equation... and I didn't like it. (It means that if this becomes the norm in matchmaking, I can no longer play customs, or even in regular MM with folks on different levels than I'm on, because I NEED TrueSkill balancing to pit me against people ONLY at my level. And that sucks.)
I want balance decisions made by people who realize that players like me make up the MAJORITY of the player base, and aren't continually telling me that balancing it for the experts won't hurt me at all. (Because my experience is exactly the opposite of that.)[/QUOTE]
I could not agree more. It's like you have put into words exactly what I worry about and how I feel. The only difference is I'd do away with all armor abilities but that's just me.
Same here. Tried to play some ODST the other day and it felt, dare I say it, wrong. Which doesn't make Reach right, just to be clear.Blinding said:I haven't gone back to Halo 3 because playing so much Reach has made it feel floaty, too floaty.
Hypertrooper said:Unfortunately Shishka's heart will always belong to Louis Wu.
Edit.: Anyone have good caps of the Halo 4 Art trailer? I want to make a new avatar...
Striker said:It always always too floaty, and filled with shitty hit detection. When you play games with hitscan like Reach or Halo 2, it's hard to go into something like that.
I want this so bad. Please!A27 Tawpgun said:Speaking of the DMR... A 15% bloom reduction doesn't seem that much. 85% bloom seems bigger than the h3 BR spread as well.... I'm not sure if we ever got a straight answer to this... I know there will be classic ++ gametypes... But is the 85% DMR, the AA nerfs, and bleed through planned on being put into vanilla reach?
Devolution said:I think they know that certain abilities have an edge, even if they hate when said AA is used against them. It's a catch 22, don't use the ability and get shit on, or use the ability you despise and win. Why, unless they're like me and a self-righteous douche, would they purposely gimp themselves?
As for a voice, most people don't want to post on forums. And who can blame them, most forums are cesspools of shit, let's be honest. Many of them probably don't know that small communities like this one exist, aren't filled with god awful trolls and have a direct line to devs. Many players will simply not go out of their way to find a place where their voice will be heard because they feel like they've been ignored in the past, and there is no reason they should feel different.
You posted that Art I want to use as a avatar. Unfortunately the quality isn't really great.(I know that isn't your fault.) I hope 343i will release the art. Because some of them are really wallpaper worthy.Blue Ninja said:I've got more, but these seemed to be the most avatar-worthy. I thought about turning the last one into an avatar too. :lol
BlueScrote said:I played doubles for the first time in quite a while last night. I just got dumped on. Apparently I can only get kills when the other players are distracted by my teammates.
FyreWulff said:Reach is using the same bullet simulation and hit detection as Halo 3, neither of them uses hitscan except for maybe the Spartan Laser.
Reach's netcode is just that much better.
Go for it. The day I'm offended on the internet is the day I quit using it.Hypertrooper said:Sometimes I want to post a really bad compare. But I don't want to be an asshole.
... Reach uses hitscan for the precision weapons.FyreWulff said:Reach is using the same bullet simulation and hit detection as Halo 3, neither of them uses hitscan except for maybe the Spartan Laser.
Reach's netcode is just that much better.
Reach's DMR and pistol bullets travel way faster than H3 BR's, no?FyreWulff said:Reach is using the same bullet simulation and hit detection as Halo 3, neither of them uses hitscan except for maybe the Spartan Laser.
Reach's netcode is just that much better.
The Real Napsta said:Reach has much faster projectile speeds though right?
Some human weapons ARE hitscan in in Reach. I remember Bungie saying it in some weekly update or something like that. Nerfle is not hitscan though, only Sniper, DMR, AR and Magnum are.The Real Napsta said:Reach has much faster projectile speeds though right?
Louis Wu said:I told him he had another few decades before I ripped it out of his chest, though. I'm nice like that.
FyreWulff said:Both the sniper in H3 and the sniper in Reach travel max distance in a single frame.
Woorloog said:Some human weapons ARE hitscan in in Reach. I remember Bungie saying it in some weekly update or something like that. Nerfle is not hitscan though, only Sniper, DMR, AR and Magnum are.
Reach Sniper hit's instantly to anywhere.. not in a single frame. You can headshot a moving target without leading in Reach (though how much of that is due bullet magnetism/aim assist i don't know).
The Real Napsta said:If that is true, why do you have to lead your shots with the sniper in H3, but you don't have to lead at all in Reach?
Which one is it? Usually a 100x120 avatar made of stuff like that won't look too bad.Hypertrooper said:You posted that Art I want to use as a avatar. Unfortunately the quality isn't really great.(I know that isn't your fault.) I hope 343i will release the art. Because some of them are really wallpaper worthy.
PsychoRaven said:I agree with you there. Most forums are shit now days. You have so many self rightous assholes who think that their shit don't stink. At the same time you have those trolls that go out of their way to be total dicks to everyone. Hell let's be honest Neogaf has a few of those but Evilore and the other mods do a damn good job keeping those to a minimum. I also think Louis Wu and HBO does a great job of that too. The community is very lucky to have places like these that they can come and actually discuss stuff without feeling like they're in a pool of toxic waste.
I'm not posting it because I even think it is disgusting. The purpose wasn't to offend you.Karl2177 said:Go for it. The day I'm offended on the internet is the day I quit using it.
DONT USE IT! I WANT IT! MINE!Blue Ninja said:Which one is it? Usually a 100x120 avatar made of stuff like that won't look too bad.
Case in point:
I kinda like the first, not sure if I should use it or stick to my chimp. :lol What say you, HaloGAF?
That's the nature of Reach's spawn system (and to an extent, H3s as well). With less people on the map, there are more opportunities to spawn you away from danger, which is unfortunately as far away as possible. The only other option as it stands is Bro Slayer, which has never been set up properly (it needs more areas to choose from when you can't spawn on top of your buddy) as far as I'm concerned.Devolution said:Every time I play doubles it spawns either me or my team mate across the map. I gave up on it a long time ago.
senador said:My 4 IRL friends I play Halo with don't post on forums and only 2 of them sometimes read bulletins and such. They like the game but still have their qualms about it. They usually rely on my for information. They are scared for no bloom but were excited to hear about Camo and Armor Lock nerfs as well as melee bleed through.
Its not fair to say that those not voicing themselves online just like the game, but its not fair to assume they hate it either. Its kind of a tough thing. I think 343 and Bungie even have a good sense of what to do. They follow forums, other online feedback, voting trends, and all the backend data they receive.
squidhands said:That's the nature of Reach's spawn system (and to an extent, H3s as well). With less people on the map, there are more opportunities to spawn you away from danger, which is unfortunately as far away as possible. The only other option as it stands is Bro Slayer, which has never been set up properly (it needs more areas to choose from when you can't spawn on top of your buddy) as far as I'm concerned.
But how 'bout that Sprint, amirite?
Louis Wu said:snipped post about balance
FyreWulff said:I've never had an issue with [Armor Lock] either, and I barely use it because I always end up dead.
And I'm not going to waste my grenades getting someone out of AL, so I'm just going to deal with them in the same fashion as before.. wait for them to come back out, headshot, I've only used one bullet instead of multiple grenades and a clip when they're just going to respawn with AL again and now I have no grenades to deal with the next encounter.
I'll grab this one if it's all right?Blue Ninja said:
Letters said:Live action installation04.. *drools*
I really hope they do a live action ad for CEA.
Seriously, i'd rather have live action ads than a full movie. Full movies based on video games tend to be crap and i'd rather have no Halo film than a crappy one. Too risky. Short films are fine (like the Halo 3 Landfall).PsychoRaven said:Screw live action ads. It's time for MS to man the hell up and honestly work to get some Halo movies made. God knows they have plenty of material to make a ton of movies.
Woorloog said:Seriously, i'd rather have live action ads than a full movie. Full movies based on video games tend to be crap. Short films are fine (like the Halo 3 Landfall).
There's really no Bungie/343 map in Reach that's suitable for doubles, really (maaaaybe Powerhouse). Based on 343's comments from the panel, the concept of creating maps that cater towards a more specific gametype ala Halo 2 are not going to happen again, so we're left with maps that are built for everything and play exceptionally at nothing. :-/Devolution said:It would be less of an issue if the doubles maps weren't huge but oh well.
Go for it.Woorloog said:I'll grab this one if it's all right?
squidhands said:There's really no Bungie/343 map in Reach that's suitable for doubles, really (maaaaybe Powerhouse). Based on 343's comments from the panel, the concept of creating maps that cater towards a more specific gametype ala Halo 2 are not going to happen again, so we're left with maps that are built for everything and play exceptionally at nothing. :-/
squidhands said:There's really no Bungie/343 map in Reach that's suitable for doubles, really (maaaaybe Powerhouse). Based on 343's comments from the panel, the concept of creating maps that cater towards a more specific gametype ala Halo 2 are not going to happen again, so we're left with maps that are built for everything and play exceptionally at nothing. :-/
PsychoRaven said:There will be after Anniversary. Prisoner was always awesome for 1v1 and 2v2.
Blue Ninja said:Which one is it? Usually a 100x120 avatar made of stuff like that won't look too bad.
Case in point:
I kinda like the first, not sure if I should use it or stick to my chimp. :lol What say you, HaloGAF?
Letters said:Live action installation04.. *drools*
I really hope they do a live action ad for CEA.
PsychoRaven said:Screw live action ads. It's time for MS to man the hell up and honestly work to get some Halo movies made. God knows they have plenty of material to make a ton of movies.
squidhands said:There's really no Bungie/343 map in Reach that's suitable for doubles, really (maaaaybe Powerhouse). Based on 343's comments from the panel, the concept of creating maps that cater towards a more specific gametype ala Halo 2 are not going to happen again, so we're left with maps that are built for everything and play exceptionally at nothing. :-/
Sure man, go ahead.Demoncarnotaur said:If you decide not to use it, can I use the third on the right? Its awesome looking.
Devolution said:Totally agree and noticed this as well. I think what you stated definitely points out just why people are so excited about Headlong and the other maps.
True, but its inclusion is not bringing me back into doubles, there are far too many big ones.