Down for me too. Says "info could not be retrieved from Xbox Live".JB1981 said:Matchmaking down for anyone else ?
Down for me too. Says "info could not be retrieved from Xbox Live".JB1981 said:Matchmaking down for anyone else ?
You're just not twitching your stick in that J motion properly.xxjuicesxx said:Cmon we all know headshots with the DMR are a myth.
Barrow Roll said:You're just not twitching your stick in that J motion properly.
So what's the solution, then? Are you really happy with the grenade situation as it is? Not being smarmy, just genuinely curious to hear your opinion. Besides, it was a temporary solution to a problem that I would hope could be addressed in another TU.Ramirez said:Seriously, 1 grenade starts suck.
Make Grenades only spawn every 60 seconds and only start with one and you make it even harder to flush out campers. Terrible idea.
We played with a guy last night who had the GT "TheTUWillSaveUs", lol.
squidhands said:So what's the solution, then? Are you really happy with the grenade situation as it is? Not being smarmy, just genuinely curious to hear your opinion. Besides, it was a temporary solution to a problem that I would hope could be addressed in another TU.
thezerofire said:So I'm being drawn in by the MW3 hype machine. Save me.
thezerofire said:So I'm being drawn in by the MW3 hype machine. Save me.
Gui_PT said:DMR's are a crutch for noobs
thezerofire said:So I'm being drawn in by the MW3 hype machine. Save me.
Halo: Anniversary, Skyrim and Diablo 3 is all I have pre-ordered for this fall That is, if D3 comes out this year. Which it will.Domino Theory said:Gears 3, MW3, God tier Reach and BF3 FTW.
It might also have been the maps. On maps such as Countdown, when you're in a hallway they're generally closed off and there's no way out when a team is dropping grenades on you. The Halo 1 map designs were a bit more abstract and feature what felt to me to be more elbow room; lots of ramps to jump off of and to another level, more linked rooms and fewer tight hallways. Maps like Damnation and Prisoner don't feel like the grenade traps that The Cage and Countdown are. Maybe I"m off base, but that's what it felt like in my limited time at PAX with the maps.Ramirez said:Am I happy with it? No. I don't want to be gimped further though when someone has a power weapon and is camping with it.
FWIW, the nades didn't bother me nearly as bad when I was playing the TU at PAX, perhaps the slightly faster movement speed was helping, or it could have been because people were actually dying in a timely manner so they couldn't get as much nade spam off.
kylej said:someone please post that dude's "I spend all day donging yadda yadda" post please. It's so good.
Trounce said:edit: How can people who are so passionate about Halo willfully stick their head in the ground whenever I try and offer serious advice? That shot may have been lucky but it was not random. Go ahead and keep getting mad at this game while I continue dominating kids because I learned to adapt instead of crying on a forum day in and day out. jesus.
Saw some deets too. I like the revamp killstreak system. Not sure how it works in game though.thezerofire said:So I'm being drawn in by the MW3 hype machine. Save me.
Lyphen said:Halo: Anniversary, Skyrim and Diablo 3 is all I have pre-ordered for this fall That is, if D3 comes out this year. Which it will.
I hope.
I'd be into Battlefield 3 on PC but I think I'll wait to see how launch goes for that one. I got bit bad by 2142.
Yes. I just decided to go with BF3 and CEA. That keeps my games purchased this year to $100. I get Skyrim for free. But then I have to pay for Live, which should be free.Domino Theory said:I was just talking about MP games that are coming out this Fall. It's going to be good to have many choices this time around.![]()
http://beta.digitalwarfare247.com/games/modernwarfare3/195-mw3-multiplayer-info-blowoutA27 Tawpgun said:Saw some deets too. I like the revamp killstreak system. Not sure how it works in game though.
CoD and Balance in the same sentence has always been a very strange combination.
If I can get it for free/MAAAAAAAAAADDDDD cheap I'll get it. Otherwise, its hoping to have enough monies for Gears 3, BF3, and Anni.
BF3 and Anni are must haves. Gears 3 I want really bad. Along with Dead Island. I hope there's a nice video game rental/redbox in Boston that actually has games. No place to rent games where I live.
thezerofire said:So I'm being drawn in by the MW3 hype machine. Save me.
It was mentioned before, but it wouldn't be a situation where there wouldn't be extra grenades around bodies on a map like Countdown. It's an effort to reduce the what I feel is a cheap way to die by being stuck in a tight hallway with no room to move out of that huge blast radius. It's not a perfect solution, but it's worth a shot on certain maps.Ramirez said:Am I happy with it? No. I don't want to be gimped further though when someone has a power weapon and is camping with it.
FWIW, the nades didn't bother me nearly as bad when I was playing the TU at PAX, perhaps the slightly faster movement speed was helping, or it could have been because people were actually dying in a timely manner so they couldn't get as much nade spam off.
The pc version of BF3 seems kickass, but any clue on how inferior the xbox version will be? (besides graphics)Domino Theory said:Gears 3, MW3, God tier Reach and BF3 FTW.
What is this sorcery.MrBig said:Yes. I just decided to go with BF3 and CEA. That keeps my games purchased this year to $100. I get Skyrim for free. But then I have to pay for Live, which should be free.
Fortunately BF3 shits all over that so unless I can get it sub $20 or free, not interested.thezerofire said:http://beta.digitalwarfare247.com/games/modernwarfare3/195-mw3-multiplayer-info-blowout
Unlockable titles and emblems, 16 maps on launch, damn if I can resist that.
The only thing we know is that its everything the PC version is in terms of gameplay, minus graphics and scale.Letters said:The pc version of BF3 seems kickass, but any clue on how inferior the xbox version will be? (besides graphics)
With so many other great games pulling for my attention, I will give it a skip if it's just BFBC2.1 on consoles.
343 get on this.Plywood said:So when does the race playlist come out?
Play MW1 you know an actual good game without all the cluster fuck that CoD has become.thezerofire said:So I'm being drawn in by the MW3 hype machine. Save me.
have it, played it, got bored of it. there was nothing to keep me playing.wwm0nkey said:Play MW1 you know an actual good game without all the cluster fuck that CoD has become.
I don't enjoy paying for extraneous services I don't use. The only reason I accept is because most of my friends are console gamers, not PC. The only time I am ever purposfully touching MS's servers is for DLC. I get my media on my PC and every game I play is p2p or publisher hosted. $60 is outrageous to pay to play games I already bought.A27 Tawpgun said:What is this sorcery.
vhfive said:haters fall back blops is a good game and mw3 is going to be better
Well if you like all the cluster fuck go for MW3, its not my cup of tea so I will be skipping. (I do acknowledge some people like all the shit going on in though)thezerofire said:have it, played it, got bored of it. there was nothing to keep me playing.
vhfive said:haters fall back blops is a good game and mw3 is going to be better
I don't enjoy paying for extraneous services I don't use. The only reason I accept is because most of my friends are console gamers, not PC. The only time I am ever purposfully touching MS's servers is for DLC. I get my media on my PC and every game I play is p2p or publisher hosted. $60 is outrageous to pay to play games I already bought.
[insert really bad game here] is better than MW2.Ramirez said:Way better than MW2.
Nevermind, I read it wrong. I thought you were getting Live for freeMrBig said:I don't enjoy paying for extraneous services I don't use. The only reason I accept is because most of my friends are console gamers, not PC. The only time I am ever purposfully touching MS's servers is for DLC. I get my media on my PC and every game I play is p2p or publisher hosted. $60 is outrageous to pay to play games I already bought.
Mongoose bloom, lol.A27 Tawpgun said:343 get on this.
Remove mongoose bloom also. Thing bounces like hell.
The Real Napsta said:No movement.
16 or more maps in a Halo game at launch would be amazing.Mojo said:16 maps on disc, nice. I wish a certain franchise had shipped with that many *cough*
Kept getting lagged out of Reach games last night, and I got the message not to quit another game for the first time ever (it popped up in the middle of a shootout, thx bungle). How long does the quit probation last?
Domino Theory said:Gears 3, MW3, God tier Reach and BF3 FTW.
Ramirez said:Way better than MW2.
If you want to get technical, Reach did have that. Firefight + MP maps = 17 maps (That's counting Forge World as 1 map, not 5)wwm0nkey said:16 or more maps in a Halo game at launch would be amazing.
wwm0nkey said:16 or more maps in a Halo game at launch would be amazing.
Uncaged and Utopie I hopeorznge said:It would be cool if some maps were carried over to Halo 4.
Mojo said:Uncaged and Utopie I hope
IMO, Reach had maybe 1 quality map on the disc.Devolution said:Fuck the number of maps, quality over quantity please. I could play some of the better maps on Reach ad infinitum if it meant I didn't have to suffer through the crap ones.
TheOddOne said:Zoolader got banned, wat.
Mojo said:IMO, Reach had maybe 1 quality map on the disc.
Atleast he went with some style...Devolution said:http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=30612180&postcount=9
Only thing I could find in the time frame.