That and .map files, .map files never gets old bro.Tashi0106 said:Lol yea ok. The Halo honor and Veteran status jokes are legendary and won't ever die.
Waypoint Post - SourceFrank O'Connor: " The trailer that we unveiled at E3 last allowed us, in addition to announce Halo 4, to disclose certain aspects of gameplay to come to the most attentive. Many questions have arisen about the new weapon used by the Major, and the effects thereof, including the fact it is used to destroy a door. Halo 4 will include the elements of destructible scenery, to enhance immersion. It is a priority for the new trilogy, and if this aspect of the game was still gone unnoticed until to there, we will make it appear in the open because many players have asked.
Clearing paths head because of debris and stuff, like in Half-Life, is an interesting thought.Homeboyd said:Halo 4 info from the OXM Magainze;
Waypoint Post - Source
There's a few other translated articles in that post regarding Halo 4.
So happy to hear about the destructible environments. Assuming this is all legit...
He is not the only one. Teamshooting with the pistol... No one has time to do anything really. Shooting people from the other side of the map. Maybe it was rare but it should not be possible with a pistol. Or even a rifle, unless it's a sniper rifle. And of course the pistol made Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Needler (lol) and AR nigh useless. Though arguably with good map desing this could be averted, if there's enough cover to approach with CQB weapons etc. I suppose. (BTW, why is Halo treated like it's gameplay is based on precision weapons yet majority of its weapons are not precision weapon? Funny contradiction i think. Just an observation)Steelyuhas said:DOES NOT COMPUTE
Holy shit.stephen08 said:Absolutely. Well, only when it's clearly done on purpose. Accidental ones are inevitable.
I had a game of Team Snipers on Highlands where I was carrying this guy who decided to snipe through me to get the Yoink. He had to do it twice and thus betrayed me in the process. Why dont you pull that game up for us? Thanks.
I would be too, but I'll be undergoing some hefty surgery on the 19th and most likely won't be able to play anything for some time afterward. :-(Ramirez said:Lucky you!
Counting down to Gears 3 personally.![]()
Awesome. Love the hammer.Devolution said:
Do you mind me asking, what are you going in for?squidhands said:I would be too, but I'll be undergoing some hefty surgery on the 19th and most likely won't be able to play anything for some time afterward. :-(
TheOddOne said:Do you mind me asking, what are you going in for?
I have a diverticulum attached to my esophagus that needs to be removed. This thing is massive; doctors have told me they've never seen anything like it (always a real treat to hear). It's pretty much why I ended up in the hospital for a week last month, so it needs to be gone. 5 hour surgery, done by a specialist that is controlling a robot, so at least there's that. Bad news is that the surgeon told me that there would be 'significant pain' afterward, so I imagine I'll be out of it for quite a while. At least there will be pain meds, lol.TheOddOne said:Do you mind me asking, what are you going in for?
Good luck btw.
Damn. Best of luck, hope the 'significant pain' is less significant.squidhands said:I have a diverticulum attached to my esophagus that needs to be removed. This thing is massive; doctors have told me they've never seen anything like it (always a real treat to hear). It's pretty much why I ended up in the hospital for a week last month, so it needs to be gone. 5 hour surgery, done by a specialist that is controlling a robot, so at least there's that. Bad news is that the surgeon told me that there would be 'significant pain' afterward, so I imagine I'll be out of it for quite a while. At least there will be pain meds, lol.
Woorloog said:He is not the only one. Teamshooting with the pistol... No one has time to do anything really. Shooting people from the other side of the map.
Woorloog said:Maybe it was rare but it should not be possible with a pistol. Or even a rifle, unless it's a sniper rifle.
Woorloog said:And of course the pistol made Plasma Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Needler (lol) and AR nigh useless.
Woorloog said:Though arguably with good map desing this could be averted, if there's enough cover to approach with CQB weapons etc. I suppose.
Woorloog said:(BTW, why is Halo treated like it's gameplay is based on precision weapons yet majority of its weapons are not precision weapon? Funny contradiction i think. Just an observation)
Woorloog said:Frankly i never liked most Halo CE maps, many of them looked very ugly, were difficult to navigate at times, and they generally felt a bit random, just stuff put togheter to server as MP maps;
Absolutely. Jetpack is by far, the most offensive ability, and potentially the most vulnerable. It's loud, it's slow, and it's rarely a useful escape tool thanks to these qualities along with soft kills (and hard kills--I'm looking at you, Community Maps).Deputy Moonman said:Sprint is far more useful for staying alive than the jetpack.
orznge said:The Plasma Pistol? Useless? I'll have you know FyreWulff single-handedly got it banned
I found the opposite to be true. Halo therapy is an effective distraction from post-surgery pain (Firefight without a mic seemed to work best as communicating with players in MM breaks the immersion).squidhands said:Thanks guys. <3
I have a diverticulum attached to my esophagus that needs to be removed
I imagine I'll be out of it for quite a while.
Awesome. I'll start playing with these pretty soon.Devolution said:
stephen08 said:Regarding that game from a few weeks ago, I readily betray teammates who deserve it. Betrayals, Yoinks, holding the objective, etc. Not only do I admit that, but I relish it. Jerks deserve to be jerked around.
He has a penalty with a plasma nade so I am guessing he betrayed me first.
I do like though that I'm a big enough deal for you guys to investigate though.
stephen08 said:Absolutely. Well, only when it's clearly done on purpose. Accidental ones are inevitable.
I had a game of Team Snipers on Highlands where I was carrying this guy who decided to snipe through me to get the Yoink. He had to do it twice and thus betrayed me in the process. Why dont you pull that game up for us? Thanks.
stephen08 said:The best is when they yoink an assassination I got to save them from a death and so I kill them and it awards the guy who got assassinated the point.
Quite some time ago.Booties said:e; holy shit when did they start this autrocity up?
Louis Wu said:Yeah. I hope we're never in a game together. You sound like a real jerk.![]()
orznge said:Yeah it was a joke about how he got it banned among the people he played with.
Awesome to hear that you were able to get that pre-cancerous shit out of you. It's a weird feeling to get older and having to head to the doctor way more often, even just for checkups (don't get old, kids). I hope to try some of that Halo therapy out as soon as I can; maybe even some Horde 2.0 if the drugs don't make the monsters too scary. ;-)NOKYARD said:I found the opposite to be true. Halo therapy is an effective distraction from post-surgery pain (Firefight without a mic seemed to work best as communicating with players in MM breaks the immersion).
Not the same classification but a diverticulum saved my life. They never would have found the pre-cancerous tumour on my Pancreas if not for a precautionary CT scan for a suspected colonic diverticula.
Good luck. Enjoy the meds!
I support this 100%orznge said:EVERYTHING orznge said in response to woorloog
I was thinking he might have meant halo2. But that doesn't make sense if he was specifically talking about CE. Plasma pistol was never banned for anything in CE, lol.bobs99 ... said:WTF? Please explain lol?
I assume you just mean he got it banned from use within your circle of friends? What was he doing with it to make it so powerful?
Good luck Squid, I hope it all goes smoothly.
Didn't say it was easy but i think it was easier than people give it credit. At least on PC, whenever latency was very low (not common of course). But that can be attributed to mouse aiming.orznge said:Not as easy as you make it sound given you have to lead more as distance increases, but hey some people literally can't remember whether their favorite weapon to make balance statements about is hitscan or not.
What do you find to be wrong with:
- long range engagements that can result in kills
- fast kill times as a function of high player skill
Yeah, very useful when you're killed before you're in range to hit the enemy. This is an issue for Plasma Rifle in all Halos. It's only good vs shields and has rather short range and in most fights the PR user dies first or he MELEEs the enemy. And i'm pretty sure the stun effect was useless in negating turning in Halo PC. Maybe it inhibited moving, but mouse turning worked more or less fine. Maybe it worked better on Xbox. I hope so.orznge said:The Plasma Rifle is extremely useful in Halo CE. If you catch someone from the side or back and have even "okay" aim the stun lets you circle around them and go in for a melee.
Suffers from same issues as the Plasma Rifle though it is better due the overcharge. Still, i have to ask, why the hell would i bother using PP when i can use M6D? It doesn't disable vehicles, slow projectiles, no headshotting.orznge said:The Plasma Pistol? Useless? I'll have you know FyreWulff single-handedly got it banned, and the Needler well, it certainly was useless but I wouldn't let a single useless weapon invalidate the rest of the game's design that works despite "developer intent".
Utility weapons and and special weapons split is fine if the whole second group works, not just one or two weapons-orznge said:If any of the precision weapons are a "utility weapon" that the gameplay revolves around then, precision or not, the other weapons can serve different, more specific purposes.
Skip power weapons. They're useful but they're something that needs to be controlled and they work as they're supposed to work and work where they're supposed to work.orznge said:Out of the following weapons in CE how many do you find to be useless? Feel free to explain.
- Pistol
- Assault Rifle
- Plasma Rifle
- Plasma Pistol
- Shotgun
- Rocket Launcher
- Sniper Rifle
- Needler
Out of all of those, I only find the Plasma Pistol and Needler to be useless. "But oh my god man, that's 2 out of 8, a fourth of the weapons are useless!" Aside from removing them from the game, does anything immediately come to mind that you could change about those two weapons to give them an interesting use without making them homogeneous with another weapon?
I meant the maps being not-desinged, just made. A MP map should be desinged for multiplayer. Halo CE maps didn't feel like that, they felt like someone had simply made maps without true desing. They weren't bad, i just didn't like them really. I would, however, take quite many of them over Reach's maps any day, which are mostly even (or more precisely, actually) worse, with a few of exceptions.orznge said:It's unfortunate that you did not like the majority of the CE maps. However do you really want maps that aren't designed with the explicit purpose of having a multiplayer FPS played on them? I don't know whether CE's maps were a fluke or not but Reach is a pretty good example of what would probably happen if you had people make maps with their only instruction being "make this setting that we describe to you with absolutely no regard for gameplay".
Hey, i don't have that either. I hate arguing about this stuff but i never manage not to write anything...orznge said:Can someone else argue for me I really don't have the mental endurance to write more than one effortpost a week, if that.
Woorloog said:Hey, i don't have that either. I hate arguing about this stuff but i never manage not to write anything...
BTW, you guys have changed my opinion to that i like having utility weapons and using them. But that's it, you're never going to make me like Halo CE MP (and it's not really just the pistol, later Halos just have way more cool and useful stuff, like hijacking).
Oh yeah, that was fun. Banshee wars in Halo PC... My brother beat once three other Banshees in a row, it was pretty epic. Me, i never got into that big Banshee fight. In general, vehicle battles were very much fun in Halo CE/PC.bobs99 ... said:Games on Halo PC on maps like Death Island felt epic, 4 Banshees, multiple tanks, spartans running around, it felt like a war and somehow it didnt feel as cheap as Reach could feel. I loved that stuff, but then again my preferences are different. I loved the Banshee for example, most of GAF would have probably hated the emphasise on wanting to control the Banshees.
Single or two weapon matches are not necessarily boring, hell, i play Snipers a lot. It's just that in standard Halo match i find it annoying when someone dominates (even if it's me) the game with a sniper (if some genius decied to make it too fast respawn or have too much ammo for it) or just an utility weapon. A couple of such can decimate most vehicles in Reach, ruining those. In Halo CE vehicle health system didn't really work as the vehicle didn't give much armor for the player like in the later Halos and a couple of players not wanting others to use vehicles could destroy them with pistols.bobs99 ... said:Im also weird in that I can have fun in that I enjoyed the gameplay when I was using a Pistol or a Sniper. I never really touched the other weapons, I loved the fact that they where there and how visually interesting the battlefield could be with people using them, but I felt that the gameplay was fun as hell even when it was just a sniper match for example.
Then again if Halo 4 was br's only I would be in heaven, so I can certainly see where my opinion differs from yours.
They are in control for the game since early August. And 343 is already listening, Bloom will be reduce or is away with the next title update.reggie said:Does anyone at 343 even play this game? Seriously play 10 games of big team and if by the end you haven't yet contemplated suicide, well, you must be a god.
The bansee is broken, plain and simple. It doesn't take a genius to work out. If you can't be bothered fixing it then simple remove the fucking thing. It's not hard.
And like aDDiKt24 I've also noticed the recent trend of revenant sniping - this is game breaking. You can roll around, run, jump, it doesn't matter, they will consistently kill you with a headshot. It's impossible to counter. I played one match where the other team spawn killed the enter game using this trick. As soon as you'd spawn you'd already be dead - I'm not even exaggerating.
I'm mad because it feels like 343 aren't even listening, or don't care. It's great there is a TU coming out in the near future, but the game is far from fixed.
I don't remember hearing anything about this - but you're right, that double translation is painful.Dani said:So apparently the destructive scenery comments that Frankie made are from the OXM that was given away during HaloFest - can anyone confirm what he said in the magazine without the double translation to French and then back to English?
Dani said:So apparently the destructive scenery comments that Frankie made are from the OXM that was given away during HaloFest - can anyone confirm what he said in the magazine without the double translation to French and then back to English?
I haven't heard anything about it too. But lol at Chief calling Major.Dani said:So apparently the destructive scenery comments that Frankie made are from the OXM that was given away during HaloFest - can anyone confirm what he said in the magazine without the double translation to French and then back to English?
agreed, destruction is one thing I would welcome to Halo with open arms. Obviously not Battlefield levels, but the ability to open new path ways and ect would be amazing (also would probably make objective a lot better too)A27_StarWolf said:I think this is something that would improve certain aspects of Halo.
I'm convinced it's AlienShogun's douchier alt.Ramirez said:Man, I'm loving Stephen's double standards on what is considered ok and not ok.
Reading those comments have piqued my interest in the novel now.Hypertrooper said:
The pistol did have distance limitations, and at range, it was not nearly as easy to ping people as it is with the DMR currently in Reach, nor the BR in Halo2. I've never understood the complaints against shooting people at distance. The ability has existed in Halo 1,2, and 3. Good map design does make a big difference here, though, and can't be ignored.Woorloog said:Didn't say it was easy but i think it was easier than people give it credit. At least on PC, whenever latency was very low (not common of course). But that can be attributed to mouse aiming.
Long range engagements are all right though my personal preferrence is close range combat (in Halo, Battlefield i favor mid-long range combat). The issue is that long range combat should't be done with medium range weapons. Managing to drop a scope with a pistol from long range, that's fine, but killing is not. Weapon should mostly work withing their role. And i don't think utility weapon should include ability to strike at all ranges, just short-medium-bit over. Otherwise it's more like a power weapon even without a power weapon's damage.
I think the bolded probably explains why you feel differently about the weapon in Combat Evolved. With the exception of the needler, any of the weapons could be used to get kills. And the plasma rifle was a lot of fun and even effective. Personally, I just liked having a primary weapon that everyone started with, which was a good all around weapon, and then having a second slot for either a power weapon or more situational weapon like the plasma rifle. That worked and worked well. No balance issues. Just straight forward combat with a second slot for personal preference.Woorloog said:Yeah, very useful when you're killed before you're in range to hit the enemy. This is an issue for Plasma Rifle in all Halos. It's only good vs shields and has rather short range and in most fights the PR user dies first or he MELEEs the enemy. And i'm pretty sure the stun effect was useless in negating turning in Halo PC. Maybe it inhibited moving, but mouse turning worked more or less fine. Maybe it worked better on Xbox. I hope so.
And of course majority of weapons work for surprise attacks but no weapons role should be "surprise attack weapon". Too situational weapons (not counting shotgun/sword) should be scrapped and replaced with an existing working weapon from the sandbox or redesinged to be working.
But why do people need to have multiple primary weapons? The pistol gives a player an immediate weapon with which to enjoy the game from the very beginning. I don't need to jack around picking up different weapons. I have everything at my disposal from thet get-go to play, have fun, defend myself (even against power weapons), and do well. It's as if the act of picking up various weapons is more important and exciting than the actual combat. But this can also lead to too many things to balance. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think the pistol in Halo:CE was better suited to making comeback kills for not having gotten the first shot off, or from being surprised, than any other weapon in all of the Halo games. All this hate for the pistol is never easy for me to think about. So you'll have to forgive my uber bias toward it, lol. I just don't understand why are people so opposed to using it. If I have a weapon that is good and fun to use, worrying about the usefulness of other weapons is unimportant and irrelevant. But I know this is only my opinion, too.Woorloog said:AR, Plasma Rifle, Needler and Plasma Pistol suffer from the existence of the pistol or being too weak on their own. The pistol works at close range and at range, unlike these four. There's no reason to use them if you have the pistol. If you don't have an utility weapon and can't find one, you're fucked up unless you manage to surprise an enemy, which can be fun but is rather luck based endeavor. Which is why (experienced) people want M6D/BR/DMR starts. And if you have an utility weapon, why the fuck would use you anything else (that is not power weapon)? I attack behind someone, i might as well kill him with DMR rather than switch AR if i have one still (and even better, EMP/stuck him first).
I'm not sure if I understand how a map is made, but not designed. It's more likely what you are experiencing is just a dated feel to the original maps. But when CE was in its prime, no one was complaining about the mulitplayer maps. They were awesome and specifically designed for multiplayer.Woorloog said:I meant the maps being not-desinged, just made. A MP map should be desinged for multiplayer. Halo CE maps didn't feel like that, they felt like someone had simply made maps without true desing. They weren't bad, i just didn't like them really. I would, however, take quite many of them over Reach's maps any day, which are mostly even (or more precisely, actually) worse, with a few of exceptions.
Hypertrooper said:I haven't heard anything about it too. But lol at Chief calling Major.
Btw. EazyB felt in love with Greg O'Bear
Edit.: I don't know if it is posted, but the HaloWaypoint Twitter says that the Cortana Chip will hit the Marketplace on Halo Anniversary Release.
Hold on, I'll see if I kept my copy.Dani said:So apparently the destructive scenery comments that Frankie made are from the OXM that was given away during HaloFest - can anyone confirm what he said in the magazine without the double translation to French and then back to English?
<3Devolution said:
Fixed.Hitmonchan107 said:I was sitting in the college library waiting for my girlfriend's class to end. It was during the height of my pre-acceptance HaloGAF addiction.
I remember audibly giggling like a Catholic schoolgirl. People shot me strange looks -- a mixture of silent surprise and deep-seated fear. I put on my best "Nuthin' but a G Thang" stunna stare, and then shit got real.
Two guys stood up from their table and approached my computer. "Who the fuck you think you is?" asked the first man. "This cracker is tripping," snarled the second white man without a hint of irony.
I cracked my knuckles, cleared my throat, and with all of the cool confidence of a fat cat on ice, I said, "Do you guys play Halo?"
They looked at each other, visibly surprised that their tough front passed over me like a tornado over a storm shelter.
"Well, if you weren't before, you will be now."
I turned the monitor toward the two gentlemen wearing finely pressed polos and cargo shorts, and I let the video roll.
Jetpacks. Loadouts. Assassinations. Each change to the classic Halo formula brought snarls of rage to their faces.
As the clip ended, so began their reign of library terror. They violently shook my head, knocking me to my feet like a broken elevator down to the ground floor exit.
And like the rolling thunder of a coming storm, the people around me began to scream, then run, and before I could grasp the situation, they sprinted away from me, lifting my computer on their shoulders and chanting "No bloom for oil!".
For too long had they lived in the happiness of Halo 3. Too long had they hidden their gleeful faces behind Master Chief's visage. Now they were forced to jetpack, to armor lock, to adapt.
Hope everything goes ok. Be happy to run some games with you anytime. Good luck dude!squidhands said:I hope to try some of that Halo therapy out as soon as I can; maybe even some Horde 2.0 if the drugs don't make the monsters too scary. ;-)
Here's the quote. It's half-way through a scene by scene breakdown of the announcement trailer, talking about Chief blowing the door open with the launcher pistol.Dani said:So apparently the destructive scenery comments that Frankie made are from the OXM that was given away during HaloFest - can anyone confirm what he said in the magazine without the double translation to French and then back to English?
OXM: It's tough to tell if the gun Chief snatches from the air is the same one we noticed elsewhere, but this little guy packs a punch. It's like a compact, one-shot rocket launcher. 117 fires at the dead end ahead and punches a hole in Dawn's hull; the explosion doesn't rattle MC ar all - maybe it doesn't have splash damage. Also, is Halo embracing destructible structures, à la Battlefield or Red Faction?
Frank: "There will be destructible elements in Halo 4, but don't look for a game mechanic that relies on that heavily. This is a Halo game at heart."
Willeth said:Here's the quote. It's half-way through a scene by scene breakdown of the announcement trailer, talking about Chief blowing the door open with the launcher pistol.