Kuroyume said:Not really. I'm not delusional. I totally expect to see that. Ever since they revealed the studio 343 has beaten the drum that they're all about the lore of the games. For some unknown reason now the AR is an iconic weapon for Halo. I'm not familiar with any of the artbooks, books, and other random merchandise they've released but whenever I see those covers posted on the Halo gaf thread it's always MC with an AR on the cover. It's become kind of a joke now. I don't think there would be a huge outcry if the AR was gone. I don't recall anyone crying about it when H2 was released, but you have to have an AR in there now otherwise what would anoher Halo game be without AR vs BR.
Btw, my problem with the AR isn't necessarily spawning with it. Reach almost solved that with a not so totally useless pistol. The problem is when they nerf those other precision weapons so that they can justify having the AR in there. Bloom, small clip counts, rate of fire limits are a few of the many ways in which Bungie handicapped the people using those precision weapons. Try playing a game of multiteam with a pistol when everyone is running/flying around with ARs firing at all time. The pistol should be a good CQC weapon but against an AR you better hope you didn't miss a shot otherwise you're good as dead.

Personally, I thought the SMG's in Halo 2 were fine. If anything I'd like to see the SMG supercede the AR. I liked the scoped SMG in ODST and the AR's design always felt a bit off to me.
Though I always wonder what's the chances of a gun like the P90, making its way into Halo:

Wouldn't mind seeing more variety for the human weapons.