So, im pretty ill slept till 3 today. Started to have them weird dreams you have when your not feeling well.
It was about you guys.
I was in some crazy "future" world where going on a forum is like the matrix. It was split into 3 Major hub worlds
Gaming Discussion which was like a busy city
Off Topic was some kind of mad max meets blade runner wasteland
Community was rolling hills and tranquility.
Inside each hub world where "topic" theme lands naturally halo gaf was some kind of UNSC base Louis Wu ran the whole operation, Ghaleon was second in command, the dev's like Wu's boss who came in at random to check the whole opperation.
Kyle, Tashi and juices all most ODST like symbols for the group.
I was in a "squad" with Sai,Heckfu,Fyrewulf and Devo.
Location next to us was the golf community thread(dont know if this is even real) hypertropper frequently jumped between both of these topics.
The whole dream ended with my squad getting out of HaloGAF into the space between topics and someone had screwed up the Skybox and it had stretched eye textures all over it (pretty scary stuff mang).
Then my GF phoned and i woke up.

R take medication at the slightest hint of illness