PsychoRaven said:So they're combining slayer and objective. There goes any interest in the classic playlists for me.
Ramirez said:Starting with both a DMR and a Pistol is overkill...
OuterWorldVoice said:Consensus was that it looked better than perfect. Halo gaf also remarked that Frankie looked especially brave and clever and could slam his junk in the fridge door without so much as wincing.
Havok said:I'm not surprised, and I'm reserving judgement for now, but adding objective gametypes to a 'very Slayer-heavy' playlist when nobody votes for objective in combined playlists even now is a huge bummer. Getting flashbacks of nothing but Slayer in launch Halo 2 Team Skirmish.
I guess it's that or have none at all, given the state of Reach Objective.
Steelyuhas said:Complete opposite for me. My hype goes through the roof for that playlist.
He did say it was going to be very heavy on slayer, and I think the only objective games in the playlist will be Flag and Assault.
Yeah I thought that was a little odd.
Havok said:I'm not surprised, and I'm reserving judgement for now, but adding objective gametypes to a 'very Slayer-heavy' playlist when nobody votes for objective in combined playlists even now is a huge bummer. Getting flashbacks of nothing but Slayer in launch Halo 2 Team Skirmish.
I guess it's that or have none at all, given the state of Reach Objective.
Yeah, I mentioned this a few days ago, but the weightings in the Objective playlist are totally screwed up. Stockpile and Flag Slayer are showing up all the time (when one of them is an abomination that should not exist), and the rest is a relatively small amount of Pro and Ball gametypes. It's been that way (for me, at least) since the last update, and I'm not sure why.FyreWulff said:We no longer have ANY objective only playlist in Reach, even Team "Objective" has a freaking Slayer gametype in it that people seem to habitually vote for.
Not surprised that the Anniversary one will be a mix.
It's gotten worse since then, to the point where our group never plays it because we always end up with some awful combination.Ramirez said:Has it ever occurred to anyone that TO is failing in Reach because of the AWFUL gametypes? Seriously, finding a game of Multi Flag on Asylum was like winning the lottery back when I played.
Ramirez said:Has it ever occurred to anyone that TO is failing in Reach because of the AWFUL gametypes? Seriously, finding a game of Multi Flag on Asylum was like winning the lottery back when I played.
Something that absolutely has to be fixed for Halo 4 is that a game ends in 1 Flag/Bomb after the other team can't win anymore.
FyreWulff said:Team Objective has gasped for population since the Halo 2 days. It's just too much management for most people.
Don't know why they don't detect lame duck rounds, that only happens for Grifball for some weird reason. The primary fix to all that at this point would be global reduction of all 1 sided gametypes to two rounds, if they're not going to implement the lame duck detection in them.
Ramirez said:Halo 3's objective settings were a 1000x worse than Reach. The only reason it's gasping for air is because it's been mishandled for 2 games in a row.
People don't hate objective that much, BF is centered around 2 Obj. gametypes, KOTH is healthy in Gears, Domination always has plenty of people in CoD, etc.
FyreWulff said:At one point Bungie deleted 1 Flag and 1 Bomb from Relic 4v4 objective in Halo 2.
A map that was entirely designed around that gametype.
I'm not really sure why I even bothered with Halo objective playlists after that. BF is centered entirely around Objective so everyone playing the game is going to like that style.
But that's the best part! I love that a coordinated team of less dexterity and "skill" can stomp on an uncoordinated team of otherwise excellent players.Rickenslacker said:I feel like the way it's been set up in 2 and onward requires way too much coordination with your team
And that's all fine and well in more organized environments, but as a matchmaking setup I think it's dumb and only servers to amplify matchmaking frustrations.Havok said:But that's the best part! I love that a coordinated team of less dexterity and "skill" can stomp on an uncoordinated team of otherwise excellent players.
Rickenslacker said:And that's all fine and well in more organized environments, but as a matchmaking setup I think it's dumb and only servers to amplify matchmaking frustrations.
Reach BTB Territories is the same way. I don't know if I want all asymmetric stuff to be two rounds only, but that impossible-to-win detection is something that should have happened seven years ago, which is ridiculous.FyreWulff said:I can tell you right now that I've gotten people to play Objective, then they get lameduck round'd a couple times and would rather go back to Slayer since at least their actions mean something for the entire game.
The strange thing is they did it for BTB in some gametypes (Territories in Halo 3 with two rounds only was great), then other gametypes it was apparently "nope"
Havok said:Reach BTB Territories is the same way. I don't know if I want all asymmetric stuff to be two rounds only, but that impossible-to-win detection is something that should have happened seven years ago, which is ridiculous.
That would require any sort of distance-detection which appears to have been completely abandoned.HiredN00bs said:For CTF, distance to cap point should be the deciding factor in a stalement. No more ties.
Havok said:That would require any sort of distance-detection which appears to have been completely abandoned.
I am hijacking this quote to get on my soapbox about reinstating a proper objective contesting system.
FyreWulff said:Team Objective has gasped for population since the Halo 2 days. It's just too much management for most people.
Don't know why they don't detect lame duck rounds, that only happens for Grifball for some weird reason. The primary fix to all that at this point would be global reduction of all 1 sided gametypes to two rounds, if they're not going to implement the lame duck detection in them.
Havok said:Reach BTB Territories is the same way. I don't know if I want all asymmetric stuff to be two rounds only, but that impossible-to-win detection is something that should have happened seven years ago, which is ridiculous.
Hey You said:So when we get Halo CEA, we can install the maps to our HDD so we can use our Reach disk?
What if people just rent the disk, install maps and return? Would that work? Would it work for the person after that?
So. You played without me...Hydranockz said:What a brilliant podcast! Seriously, I could listen to that banter all day.
Had some really good games with Zalin, Xand and HiredNoobs earlier. Anyone take screenshots/clips of our BlainTrain around Zealout? I can render if need be.
I talked previously about capturing these and converting them to a screensaver format.Karl2177 said:I'm playing through ODST right now. They need to release a screensaver of the ODST loading screen as well as the Halo 3 loading screen. Heck even Auntie Dot would be pretty sweet.
Letters said:hey 343i, leak early Halo 4 to people with the xbox preview app will ya??? (mass effect 3 early version leak wut)
And will listen to the podcast later, but SMH at lack of dedicated Slayer or Objective Classic playlists on top of 3sk pistol with bloom... sigh X a million
It also had bloom in Halo: CE.Ramirez said:The 3SK Pistol had bloom at PAX too, it's not that noticeable, on LAN at least...
I asked on here for players. If you were on your Xbox, you'd have seen a bunch of us on. There's only so much we can try to do HyperHypertrooper said:So. You played without me...
Going to give the podcast a listen when I'm shopping with friends tomorrow.
lybertyboy said:It also had bloom in Halo: CE.![]()
Negligible.lybertyboy said:It also had bloom in Halo: CE.![]()
343 says this in the podcast...?Slightly Live said:Who do I have to pay to peak into 343's internal Halo bible's footnotes?
Halo 5? How the universe concludes? The final story? My poor brain is melting at the thought of it.
.lybertyboy said:It also had bloom in Halo: CE.![]()
Dax01 said:Has this been posted? Part II of Gametrailers' Halo retrospective: Index 2 Once More Unto the Breach.
Stop posting please. I don't like staring into a giant man's crotch. I hope someone bans you. That's totally inappropriate.Ramirez said:I'm not going down that road...