Hypertrooper said:The DLC update is already up? I thought it will be up with the Anniversary update.
It was listed as part of the November 1st update.
Hypertrooper said:The DLC update is already up? I thought it will be up with the Anniversary update.
It's just that the cinematic 24fps framerate and the dynamic 15fps webcam framerate are much more preferable than a locked 30fps.Havok said:
"There are lot of people telling us 'No, you can not ship this as one big map.'"
If you finish the book, post your impression and I'm going to discuss with you. If you want to read other people's impression, you should start reading this thread at page 10 or 5(if you use 100posts/page)ToyMachine228 said:Was there or is there a Halo: Grasslands discussion in here at any time? I started reading it last night. About 50 pages in. Liking it so far. Extremely psyched to be reading something in the post Halo 3 world. I've longed for a sequel to Ghosts of Onyx since it came out and now it's finally here.
I just got it today, so I'll chime in, too.ToyMachine228 said:Was there or is there a Halo: Grasslands discussion in here at any time? I started reading it last night. About 50 pages in. Liking it so far. Extremely psyched to be reading something in the post Halo 3 world. I've longed for a sequel to Ghosts of Onyx since it came out and now it's finally here.
Hypertrooper said:If you finish the book, post your impression and I'm going to discuss with you. If you want to read other people's impression, you should start reading this thread at page 10 or 5(if you use 100posts/page)
If you want, I can post the posts. But otherwise you should finish reading first.![]()
Hypertrooper said:You're trying something impossible in my opinion. The layout is already weak. Red team has a big advantage over Blue team. They can pick up a power weapon directly(GL) and the sniper is fast reachable for them too. Blue team spawn at the landing pad right? As you can see, each PW has the nearly the same distance for them. And then the spawns. If you pick up the sniper, a enemy will spawn directly next to you. Like I said, you burden yourself a impossible task...
HiredN00bs said:
lol @ GrasslandsToyMachine228 said:Was there or is there a Halo: Grasslands discussion in here at any time?
You got it, dude!lazybones18 said:Anyone feel like helping me complete the weekly right now?
GT: Lazykarl20
HiredN00bs said:You got it, dude!
Plywood said:It's just that the cinematic 24fps framerate and the dynamic 15fps webcam framerate are much more preferable than a locked 30fps.
Buy CEA. For the $17 buy yourself a large dish of ice-cream. I'm allowing you to eat that much ice-cream, even if your parents say no.kylej said:Only have money for either CE or Blops 2. OG long-time Halo friends all play COD now. My beloved HaloGAF peeps will only play CE.
Sophie's choice right now.
Tashi0106 said:Damn, I still have over 2 hours of footage from MLG Orlando but I'm just so lazy to go through it all and make one big video. Might just post little clips here and there.
heckfu said:Cory and Tashi, your games should be en route to you guys!
Slightly Live said:Were you guys being dicks to the poor tollbooth lady?![]()
was on ES said:Thanks Letters. How did you find it?
Tashi0106 said:<3 Thank you sir!
Here's the first video in a series showing my experience at MLG Orlando 2011. Here's episode 1: MLG Pro Discount.
That's me holding the camera and my teammate Flashback driving. Watch in HD![]()
No wonder our country taxes us so highly. Friggin MLG pros...StalkerUKCG said:MLG discount on the last toll booth, LEGENDARY
About to run it myself.. I've tried THREE full voting rounds to get Holdout for the daily and haven't seen the map yet. Going through number four now.daedalius said:Man, just did The Package for the daily... that video lag in the last section is just nuts.
MW3 looks legit. Just sayin'.kylej said:Only have money for either CE or Blops 2. OG long-time Halo friends all play COD now. My beloved HaloGAF peeps will only play CE.
Sophie's choice right now.
Hitmonchan107 said:MW3 looks legit. Just sayin'.
Steelyuhas said:It looks exactly like MW2 and you know it.
I have no idea what mission that was. The only thing remotely similar was Heat in CoD4.FyreWulff said:All I know is that I was borrowing MW2 from someone. I got to a point where we had to hold a house on top of a hill with sniper rifles and claymores then they took it back and I haven't played it since. People have told me that was a better ending for the game for me than the actual one.
Karl2177 said:I have no idea what mission that was. The only thing remotely similar was Heat in CoD4.
kylej said:Juices aka World's Greatest BK you are needed in this thread I think
HiredN00bs said:
I love how the last lady asks if it's going on youtube and then lets them go for free after some toll-booth triviaSlightly Live said:Were you guys being dicks to the poor tollbooth lady?![]()
xxjuicesxx said:As for what game to get, sell LA Noire and get another copy of Halo Reach Kyle seriously why would you get a GTA game where you play some stupid detective bullrolecrapplay?
kylej said:LA Noire rules. Not my fault you drive a Fedex truck from like 2pm to 10pm. That's my prime gaming time, baby. Weekends I'm doing shit. - Now's a good time to tune in to see a man (FearItself) mentally break down live on camera.
kylej said:Only have money for either CE or Blops 2. OG long-time Halo friends all play COD now. My beloved HaloGAF peeps will only play CE.
Sophie's choice right now.
LA Noire rules.
heckfu said:Steely, I wanted to debate your tweet about BCS but my account is locked so you wont see it. Follow me so I can show you the ropes about some SEC football, son.
Havok said:So, Temptation is in BTB. First time I've ever seen a DLC map in that playlist.
It's still really bad. Just an update.
kylej said:I have superb taste. I don't expect a Steelers fan to be able to understand.
xxjuicesxx said:LA Noire does not rule. Its awful its basically like reading a book except not as good of a story and way too many pacing issues.
Ramirez said:Wait, WAT?
Kyle, I thought you had good taste.
Steelyuhas said:Following.
Stanford has been getting fucked in the BCS standings since it came out this year. A couple of weeks ago they were below Boise St., which is just ridiculous. I understand that the SEC is great, but I think Stanford is the best team in the country, and from a major conference, I don't think you should be below a team that has lost. Doesn't matter much though, because Stanford plays Oregon next week.
heckfu said:I dunno, I'm from Alabama but a Tennessee fan so I obviously have an SEC bias, but Alabama definitely is a great team. Haven't seen a ton of Stanford this year but I think everyone everywhere can agree the BCS is a bankrupt system. Playoffs FTW.