Professor Lich
Maybe it's an undead egg?
Maybe, but honestly, I don't want to get into that much detail into the process of giant undead spider people reproduction.
Maybe it's an undead egg?
More important than lore are balancing reasons. They've basically decided that balance > lore and they'll label what is a beast and what isn't based on that.
That makes sense, I thought it was just a spider like webspinner (not familiar with wow lore).Beasts are supposed to be mostly natural animals with minimal sentience. Nerbubians are a seperate race that can speak etc.
I wouldn't bet on that.
When it comes to botting, Blizzard is always big with words, small with actions.
I might be willing to do some if nobody else wants to.
Although this also means we need a new thread title.
"Join, or die! ....or both."
"We have no times for games!"
"Praise RNGesus!"
"Do we win?"
I'm sure we can pull something from Kel Thuzad's Saturday Morning Cartoon quotes.
See Chris this would have been funnyMaexxna is a giant spiderino
I worry for Tides' health, he looks like shit and I've never seen him not streaming.
What golden legendary would you guys craft? Got a bit of dust and I feel like getting one. lol
I worry for Tides' health, he looks like shit and I've never seen him not streaming.
Yetis are humanoid in WoW.The only card that I still think should be Beast is Chillwind Yeti...
But I also know that would make a lot of people very, very upset lol.
What golden legendary would you guys craft? Got a bit of dust and I feel like getting one. lol
Tirion because you get a golden Ashbringer.
Chillwind Yeti as Beast would cause the playerbase to RIOT.
We were mentioning the best golden card a couple pages back. Here is my current choice:
Can't find links to the 3 sub golden cards... But they're each really good too.
I think they were looking for the worst one![]()
Rag, TBK, Cairne, Sylvanas, or Leeroy (depending on the decks you play). These are probably the most commonly used though so you'll get the most bang for your buck.
What golden legendary would you guys craft? Got a bit of dust and I feel like getting one. lol
There's only one correct choice here.
He's gotta be the card that feels best to silence immediately after play. I'll drool to that.
Wait is Tinkmaster back in the meta? Why is Trump running it in control warrior?
warrior needs silences I guess
He's gotta be the card that feels best to silence immediately after play. I'll drool to that.
no it makes sense. there are a lot of control warriors and hunters on ladder and you get things like rag or highmane played onto an empty board all the time.
Been gone three days.
What's new?
How did that shit get ok'd by the art lead. C'mon Blizzard.
How did that shit get ok'd by the art lead. C'mon Blizzard.
That's more a problem with the artist (Gabe from PA) than the laziness of the animation, though.Kill Command beats everything as far as ugly cards go.
Man, don't even say that. If enough of the community treats the shittiness of the card animation as a hilarious in-joke, Blizzard will just run with it instead of improving on it. >_>I'm sorry what? that is one swag turtle.