I find it uncool that Duplicate doesn't trigger if you "Leeroy" one of your deathrattle cards into death..the secret should imply that imo..
On other news: Singing Trump What's up with his singing videos? 0_o
I doubt, and really hope, they won't release those 100 cards in one go but it seems like they might have to do that if they plan for people to obtain them from card packs. If they release them all in one go then there won't be any time for play testing and I guarantee that there will be a ton of them that are overpowered (Loatheb & Mad Scientist *ahem* *ahem*).
Somehow I don't imagine Blizzard can design and make 100 cards to release all at once within the next couple of decades. The Hearthstone team seems really stretched for resources considering how popular the game is.
In any case, I can't really imagine what doubling the card count would look like. I think a huge part of the game's draw is being F2P and fairly straightforward for a card game, and if every new card added has a bunch of card text then I think it has the potential to be a bit too complicated and daunting. I know if Blizzard released Naxx all at once I probably wouldn't have been too motivated to collect all the cards and effectively re-learning the meta, but half a dozen cards at a time seems manageable. I can't really fathom how 100 cards would feel like.
Maybe some of the new cards can be alternates of existing cards with the same stats and text but different names and card art. Might add some variety to the "body" neutrals.
Yeah, what puts me off stuff like MTG is half the cards have about a paragraph of text.
That's because Secrets don't trigger on your turn. The icon is greyed out to indicate that.
When did Blizz start giving a shit about the competitive scene, I must have missed thatSo it seems the next expansion will focus on adding new booster packs rather than a solo adventure.
I can understand the complaints about Naxx, but I can't see new booster packs not being purchased in full by the competitive day one. Barriers to entry and what not.
When did Blizz start giving a shit about the competitive scene, I must have missed that![]()
Barron Geddon is so good right now. Lucky I got him yesterday. Yes zoobots, flood the board. Yes hunters, play that highmane.
Which legendary should I craft?
I have Rag, Sylvanas, Cairne, Thalnos, Malagos..
Been playing pally recently and tempted to craft a Tirion but a Leeroy or BK would also be good.
Spectator mode is their top priority atm.
When did Blizz start giving a shit about the competitive scene, I must have missed that![]()
Definitely craft neutrals before class-specific ones, except if you play a certain class almost exclusively.Which legendary should I craft?
I have Rag, Sylvanas, Cairne, Thalnos, Malagos..
Been playing pally recently and tempted to craft a Tirion but a Leeroy or BK would also be good.
The best legendaries you haven't mentioned are Leeroy (for aggro and burst decks) and Ysera (arguably the single strongest control card in the game).
Beat all the current heroic Naxx bosses this morning, I was rather critical of the pack in the first two wings when I beat them on normal but going through Heroics and actually working it out myself was incredibly satisfying, trial and error, having a good idea and seeing it work. Im glad I didnt end up using the decks id seen people use, I actually feel like I achieved something.
yeah it's a lot of fun. seems silly to me to netdeck your way through it. they're all beatable with basic cards, you just have to think for a bit and use their strengths against them.
WTF BLIZZARD!!! i wont have enough gold to buy the next wing i missing like 300g!!! damn you Blizzard, this is all your fault!
so how long until the next wing comes out, and therefore the game becomes "zooing and ooze : the game"?
You technically have 3 days left. Get to playing!
That makes me wonder if Faceless Manipulator will end up with four copies of the ooze or three.and i think that ooze has the potential to be super annoying in druid, paladin and priest.
That makes me wonder if Faceless Manipulator will end up with four copies of the ooze or three.
Most likely three since the ooze duplication isn't really a spell effect that shows like others. But it'll still be really annoying, that's for sure.
Yeah, figured as much. Just curious since it's a Battlecry that effects itself at the end of your turn instead of right after play. I think it's the first one to ever do that.The copy is from a battlecry right? You won't get the double copy action.
Yeah, figured as much. Just curious since it's a Battlecry that effects itself at the end of your turn instead of right after play. I think it's the first one to ever do that.
Being a top streamer seems fun
Amaz just got about $600 in donations in the last hour
Lol 400 more in the next 5 mins
Being a top streamer seems fun
Amaz just got about $600 in donations in the last hour
Lol 400 more in the next 5 mins
Accept my friend invite you top decking, net-decking, lucky piece of shit
I just wish you could PM someone in-game without needing the accept
I always saw that 'going out' on play with the special but what you say makes more sense. Have to remember though, the end of your turn and the start of opponent's are separate. If anything though, I'm just excited because four oozes are better than three.Loatheb battlecry doesn't even happen on your turn![]()