Beasts are supposed to be mostly natural animals with minimal sentience. Nerbubians are a seperate race that can speak etc.
What about Mukla?
Beasts are supposed to be mostly natural animals with minimal sentience. Nerbubians are a seperate race that can speak etc.
This game Trump is in right now, the warrior v warrior one, is the dumbest match I've ever seen.
This game Trump is in right now, the warrior v warrior one, is the dumbest match I've ever seen.
What about Mukla?
Mukla is just a big gorilla.
Will golden Webspinner generate random golden beasts?
Maybe. I think priests golden stealing stuff generates golden cards so if it uses the same mechanic under the hood then yes.
yep!Will golden Webspinner generate random golden beasts?
In Gabe's defense, he hates the art on that card.. hehe.That's more a problem with the artist (Gabe from PA) than the laziness of the animation, though.![]()
I keep getting goldens of epics/rares that I don't necessarily use. Is it generally a smart idea to disenchant these for building other decks or to save them due to their rarity/dust cost?
Thanks! I'll work on crafting them right away then. They're in 100% of my Hunter decks and I just love their golden animation to begin with. Maybe you can give me some more advice?
I keep getting goldens of epics/rares that I don't necessarily use. Is it generally a smart idea to disenchant these for building other decks or to save them due to their rarity/dust cost?
Man, don't even say that. If enough of the community treats the shittiness of the card animation as a hilarious in-joke, Blizzard will just run with it instead of improving on it. >_>
hunter deck is effectively shut down on ladder
Yeah, Control Warrior doesn't come cheap and banks on multiple legendaries more than any other deck. You'll get the cards eventually.I shouldn't watch Trump anymore. Made warrior look like fun so I ended up buying some decks. Rng was not kind.Only 1 warrior card and 128 duplicates. At least got enough dust to craft Hellscream. So have a basic warrior deck now.
This game Trump is in right now, the warrior v warrior one, is the dumbest match I've ever seen.
Yeah, Control Warrior doesn't come cheap and banks on multiple legendaries more than any other deck. You'll get the cards eventually.
Yeah, Control Warrior doesn't come cheap and banks on multiple legendaries more than any other deck. You'll get the cards eventually.
I remember him and Jaina exchanging conversation in the tutorial, no?
ok real talk
best golden card animations in the game:
Will golden Webspinner generate random golden beasts?
So it seems the next expansion will focus on adding new booster packs rather than a solo adventure.
I can understand the complaints about Naxx, but I can't see new booster packs not being purchased in full by the competitive day one. Barriers to entry and what not.
I came up with a different kind of deck archetype about a month ago, which I call Fury Tank. It's an aggro Warrior deck that uses Shield Block and Shield Slam for low-cost removal. I'm struggling to find any Naxx or good tech cards to fit in there, because most of them are just not aggro-friendly. Any ideas? I seem to have an OK win rate on ladder as is, as it doesn't stall out as fast as the old Reynad deck did.
I used to have Bloodmage Thalnos for the 2-power board AoE, but he usually just ended up being a weak Loot Hoarder so I put one of those in, instead.
Interesting take. I have all of the cards I need to do it, so I'll give it a try. On the plus side, my deck is super cheap and as you said Mortal Strike is a nice replacement for Leeroy. I liked the Leeroy - Whirlwind synergy for buffing Frothing Berserkers, but that's always a long shot.
Haha, I know right. I love the moment when you decide: mmm, nope, I'm done trading and just start racing and suddenly face-Zoo players and hunters are like... wait, wait.... you're supposed to trade! Then they need a full turn to remember how trading even works.The best thing about Stalagg being 7/4 is he counters Doomguards (and they cost the same amount of crystals, which is rare for a 5-drop to have 7 attack I think) if you don't have a Shadow Word Death. Even better if you do, because they'll go to the face with the Doomguard thinking you'll trade, then you get to hit to their face for 7 which is pretty brutal against a Zoolock who's already done 5-10 damage between draws and imps. Also works pretty nicely in a priest deck as an extra activator for Undertaker.
If you do try it, lemme know how it works out. I'd try it right now if I didn't choose to swear off playing hearthstone for the weekend lol... just playing too much I don't want to burn out.