3 game win streak with a homebrew Reno Druid deck. So far I've beaten a Taunt Druid, a Freeze Mage, and a Grim Patron Warrior. No idea if the deck can go the distance but I had a lot fun building and testing it. Justicar has been excellent -- that extra armor helps. No BGH targets, taunts to slow the game down, and lots of draw to make sure Reno is in hand when you need it, but not so much that you'll be way behind on fatigue against a control warrior, because you can use Lore to heal and Nourish to ramp if you're going against a CW, and Coldlight doesn't put you behind on Fatigue since you also draw for your opponent..
Omfg this guy I was playing cabal'ed my brann, then played voljin. Haha!
Does that make them switch health back to how it was originally?![]()
Hello everyone
When I woke up this morning, i saw everyone is complaining about the newly released cards, and I feel sorry about that.
Due to my personal schedule, it would happen later than others does.
it's 1:00pm (GMT+8) in Taiwan now. BZ emailed me at about 2:30am, and their request is very simple:
1. Release new cards after receiving this mail.
2. Do it in 24 hours.
I would like to do it while me streaming, and since there is a Hearthstone Event in Taiwan this afternoon, I would only have time later tonight. Thanks guys for your patience!
Let's discuss them all here. ;-)I tried to figure out how to pronounce the names of all the old gods.
5 hours later and I swear I've visited 5 wikis and watched 15 videos of warcraft lore.
They are based on lovecraftian horrors, many of them have names that are meant to be unpronounceable by humans.I tried to figure out how to pronounce the names of all the old gods.
5 hours later and I swear I've visited 5 wikis and watched 15 videos of warcraft lore.
I tried to figure out how to pronounce the names of all the old gods.
5 hours later and I swear I've visited 5 wikis and watched 15 videos of warcraft lore.
Feel bad for Tom, apparently people have just been harassing him all day on his Facebook. He made a post about it.
Is Battle.net down? Can't seem to connect in EU.
There is some Scheduled maintenance today, maybe it going on now in Europe?
Just tuned to Kripp's stream and what a surprise. He is complaining he is getting sniped. Whatever the opponents does it's always sniping for him. It's getting boring.Kripp got sniped, still win because currently have insane deck lol
is it just me or are they putting a much heavier focus on legendaries for card reveals this time around?
Just tuned to Kripp's stream and what a surprise. He is complaining he is getting sniped. Whatever the opponents does it's always sniping for him. It's getting boring.
"Oh no, the opponent made a play I wouldn't have made in that situation, he's obviously sniping".
Kripp is all about complaining though, I guess that's his schtick?
Fun deck, this. I swapped out Anodized Bear for an Ooze and I don't have Centurious, so I subbed in Kel Thusad. Won 3 in a row too, haha. Felt really good beating a combo druid and fatigue control warrior
Did they give Amaz a shade to reveal because he's...shady? lol
They are based on lovecraftian horrors, many of them have names that are meant to be unpronounceable by humans.
So yeah, you just wasted 5 hours of your life.
Cuh-thune, Yah-sha-raj, nuh-zah-th are the pronunciations blizz has used for those 3 when talking about them at Blizzcon over the years. I can't remember them saying Yogg off the top of my head but his name is pretty straight forward anyway.
Yeah I figured out the pronunciations. I didn't waste 5 hours of my life trying to figure out how to pronounce them. I probably spent only 30 minutes trying to do that, the rest of the time I just spent way too much time looking at other pointless shit, lol
Did they give Amaz a shade to reveal because he's...shady? lol
Lifecoach's card looks like a warrior spell, one that hopefully give a minion grim patron effect!
The card police on reddit have the pitchforks out. It's just a (probably bad) card, it's not like you're going to miss the news when it's revealed eventually, some people have nothing better to do![]()
Is it just me or do speech bubbles not show up for your own chat messages any more? Is that a bug, or is it supposed to be like that? It's super annoying as it means I don't know if my message went through unless I go and check the chat log.
I am absolutely convinced that the game gives you weaker opponents when you make a new deck. When I first made Patron Warrior, every opponent was a joke. Weak, cheap aggro decks I hadn't seen in weeks playing Hybrid Hunter.whenever I get mad at the game I make shitty RNG decks and they always go 5-0 on the first time I try them LOL
Everyone in the world would play that card.Going by how other cards are working here, that's obviously 'Newfound Shade!'
4 Mana: 4 / 7
Battlecry: Shuffle a Renewing Curse into your Opponet's Deck.
Renewing Curse:
Heal for 7 and draw a card.
Everyone in the world would play that card.
BUT WHAT IF I HAD A SOULPRIEST OUT!!!! Seriously though, that card would be broken as all hell
People are getting so salty about Tom's card that someone had to make a chart.
I love the internet.
Aren't we past the Reveal Deadline then? Or was it supposed to be 10AM PST?
Tom is going full Lifecoach on his card reveal
I don't get that reference. Little help please.
I don't get that reference. Little help please.
I don't get that reference. Little help please.
Google is bringing in the big guns to figure out Hearthstone card clarity: http://www.kotaku.co.uk/2016/03/29/google-deepmind-is-now-analysing-magic-and-hearthstone-cards
I was thinking about this the other day, once it won at Go.
What's to stop people in the future from just creating accounts and having a budget version of deepmind just play the game for you? We are potentially entering an era where a decent chunk of your opponents may just be supercomputers who are almost unbeatable (unless randomness rolls in your favor). Maybe not in the next 5 years, but after that, It's almost certainly going to happen. Chinese gold farming and trolling will all be done by supercomputers to the point where it's just no fun to play any competitive online game anymore. Queuing for ranked will no longer be sacred in any competitive online game unless the devs can figure out a sure-fired way to prevent supercomputers from playing, which I sincerely doubt.
Man, I feel bad for this tom guy. It really doesn't matter at all when he reveals his card but people are upset anyway. Just let the guy reveal it when it's best for him, jeez.
Well we already have bots now that can do 50%+ win rates with secret paladin. In the future it could just be worse