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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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This cards could make pirate warrior more interesting, the weapon synergies will make minions stronger, but warrior problem will be draw considering that this decks will not run warrior classical draw mechanics
It dosen't work in Pirat warrior at all.
By the Time You play this card, you are running out of minions to play. Keeping this card also means that you aren't hitting them with reaper, which btw is a much better target for buffs.


Corporate Apologist
1) Dr Boom
2) Death's Bite
3) Avenge

You know, the totally fair and balanced cards.

But really, the only cards people want to bring back are just going to be some of the more powerful and busted cards. It's not like someone is going to say they want Wailing Soul, Seal of Light, and Mogor back.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
1. Loatheb
2. Sludge Belcher
3. Zombie Chow

3 neutral cards cause it would be a boon for more than one class like class specific cards would. Plus all 3 cards are good without being (borderline) OP like say Mad Scientist or Boom.


Since when has stat advantage not been a deciding factor in games? You pay a little upfront, then your buff minion gets buffed, and suddenly past turn 4-5 everything you play just dominates the board. It's going to force removal from your opponent or they get smashed, and they will run out of removal during the late game unless they want to give up the board.

I think it has real potential, and there are many class cards from previous sets that had underpowered statlines that will be better cards because of them getting buffed before playing them.

I mean Hunter already has mechanic like this even when they still had had 8 mana call of the Wild, no one thought its worth, even tho Hunter has real sticky minion

Its too slow for aggro and board clear destroy you anyway and buff your mid-size minion, not worth the effort

And I think in general, game already has too many good minion that overstatted so you couldn't justify play good minion on curve instead buff your minion with weaker ones.


I've got to say, this whole system of Blizzs to rotate out cards is complete bs.

I'm a f2p, been playing for ~2months now, and I don't have LOE + most wings of BRM. I barely have enough gold saved for 10 packs from the upcoming expansion. Just feels like the curve for new f2p players is waaay too steep. Maybe if I'd been playing since release and buying adventures + packs as I went along I'd be on 'equal' standing with others.

Most people say - 'do dailies + 100g' - well, dailies is fine, but 100g per day? There's only so many days that works...get easily burnt out. Not to mention it takes hours to get 100g.

tl;dr Sucks being a new f2p player.


I've got to say, this whole system of Blizzs to rotate out cards is complete bs.

I'm a f2p, been playing for ~2months now, and I don't have LOE + most wings of BRM. I barely have enough gold saved for 10 packs from the upcoming expansion. Just feels like the curve for new f2p players is waaay too steep. Maybe if I'd been playing since release and buying adventures + packs as I went along I'd be on 'equal' standing with others.

Most people say - 'do dailies + 100g' - well, dailies is fine, but 100g per day? There's only so many days that works...get easily burnt out. Not to mention it takes hours to get 100g.

tl;dr Sucks being a new f2p player.

But rotation is for people like you that are new to the game, imagine if in addition to LOE and BRM (that will be out early next year) you'd have to buy GVG and Naxxramas or have to face people with their Dr Booms and shit
i really hope ebola pali doesnt get out of hand with those buff crap. also is is profiting a lot from this, quite sure that i dont like this all that much.


I've got to say, this whole system of Blizzs to rotate out cards is complete bs.

I'm a f2p, been playing for ~2months now, and I don't have LOE + most wings of BRM. I barely have enough gold saved for 10 packs from the upcoming expansion. Just feels like the curve for new f2p players is waaay too steep. Maybe if I'd been playing since release and buying adventures + packs as I went along I'd be on 'equal' standing with others.

Most people say - 'do dailies + 100g' - well, dailies is fine, but 100g per day? There's only so many days that works...get easily burnt out. Not to mention it takes hours to get 100g.

tl;dr Sucks being a new f2p player.

The standard rotation is what help me as relatively new player that time to get even ground

you don't know how its feel to play against dr boom without owning dr boom


I've got to say, this whole system of Blizzs to rotate out cards is complete bs.

I'm a f2p, been playing for ~2months now, and I don't have LOE + most wings of BRM. I barely have enough gold saved for 10 packs from the upcoming expansion. Just feels like the curve for new f2p players is waaay too steep. Maybe if I'd been playing since release and buying adventures + packs as I went along I'd be on 'equal' standing with others.

Most people say - 'do dailies + 100g' - well, dailies is fine, but 100g per day? There's only so many days that works...get easily burnt out. Not to mention it takes hours to get 100g.

tl;dr Sucks being a new f2p player.

The rotation is going to help you, dude. You don't need to worry about getting LOE or BRM since they will be gone early next year. Just focus on getting those Classic packs. As a new F2P player, those are your best value right now.


Next year will be much better for f2p players, by the time the end of the kraken ends, you will only need to buy 1 adventure instead of the 3 that are required now, also considering that f2p must comfort to start with one competitive, they will only need to focus on classic and craft those cards from other expansions. Only trouble will be adventures, which are always present, in that sense you must pray that your deck doesn't require kharazan cards, which is an option since that adventure was super bad


If you could bring back any 3 cards from wild back into standard play what would you pick and why?
Healbot - Neutral burst heal that's very essential to create control decks for classes that normally can't play control.

Duplicate - I think it's important for Mage to have a "on death" Secret trigger in the base set and Duplicate works fine for that purpose. Allows use of slow Mage decks.

Poison Seeds - One of the only ways Druids can neuter a large board, I think this is fine to have in their core set so maybe one day they can play a different kind of Druid deck.

The Wild for next year is going to be more of a brutal loss with stuff like Finley, Bran and Reno Jackson leaving.


It dosen't work in Pirat warrior at all.
By the Time You play this card, you are running out of minions to play. Keeping this card also means that you aren't hitting them with reaper, which btw is a much better target for buffs.

I'm thinking on another kind of pirate deck. one which looks to play through buffs, I don't know if could work, but is an option


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
i really hope ebola pali doesnt get out of hand with those buff crap. also is is profiting a lot from this, quite sure that i dont like this all that much.

My read is that this hand buffing stuff is too slow for aggro paladin. I think it'll be much better served in some kind of midrange deck.


Hell yeah rank 5, I'm kinda lazy to do ladder with new cards coming, so reaching rank 5 can made me coast till new xpac


I've been having a lot of fun and some success with my N'Zoth Hunter deck. It seems to do particularly well against Midrange Shaman, making it a pretty good meta pick. If anyone tries it out, let me know what you think.



I take it rats are beasts too.

if you buff that once is better than infested wolf already but you can't really count on buffs in hunter. by itself is already ok though. ok card overall.

The trogg one only buffed the beasts right? you could have something here.

You can abusive this and trade, get 4 1/1s.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Rat Pack looks really good. Even buffless it seems fine.

Hunter is definitely still the class for sticky bullshit. Grandmother, Rat Pack, Infested Wolf all have deathrattles that keep beasts on the board.


Good card but yet another one that gets absolutely blown out by Potion of Madness (provided it didn't get any in-hand buff, of course).

Priest is going to be my worst nightmare as a Hunter.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Rat Pack looks really good. Even buffless it seems fine.

Hunter is definitely still the class for sticky bullshit. Grandmother, Rat Pack, Infested Wolf all have deathrattles that keep beasts on the board.

Yeah seems like Blizz forgot about the Rogue "deathrattle" theme :(
Also: No Shaman cards yet? Dang, they must be still working on them.


I don't think infested wolf will see much play after this is released... just for the effect this seem already better. you can pair this card with houndmaster and get insane value


Yeah seems like Blizz forgot about the Rogue "deathrattle" theme :(
Also: No Shaman cards yet? Dang, they must be still working on them.

They're unveiling the cards largely by faction, which is why we're seeing so many Hunter, Paladin, and Warrior cards.


I don't get it...

This card is basically another god damn Spider Wolf in the game. It will almost always drop at least 2 1/1s with the chance to drop even more. So even without the upside it still a achieves playable status.

We said before that the 3 drop slot is very crowded for Hunter and this STILL makes a compelling enough argument to be included.

Please tell me I am reading this wrong and this card is actually not that good...
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