A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Man I should have dusted Yogg when they changed him
Ok, one card doesn't make it easier to swallow at all, but the complete "quests with friends" news would allow anyone to have 2 accounts and easily achieve the quests that consume more time than usual - so everyone would be rerolling the 40G quests all the time.
This would increase the amount of gold earned per player and thus, make un'goro and future (if similar) expansions more manageable.
It's awful. Been playing for an hour non-stop and have had Kel 4 games in a row.KelThuzad got 5 Thaddiuses and still got his ass completely stomped.
Hilariously bad balance in the brawl.
During weekdays (mon-thur) I only get 20-30mins of videogames because of work, gym, etc, so those days I prefer 40G quests and save the meatier ones for the weekend.Uh, I already reroll the 40g quests all the time. You aren't?
I only play for like an hour or two every couple of days.
I'm on a good streak with secret mage, jumped from rannk 5 to 3 in 3 days playing very sporadically
I have to admit, the first time that I saw the deck I couldn't understand why it was regarded as a tier 1-2 deck, but after playing with it I could see why. the deck has an amazing tempo by turn 3-4 if you have a good start, and counterspell/mirror entity really fuck up the strategy of a good chunk of decks
I had a good streak and now a bad loosing streak with it.
Cant seem to reach 5 this season. Guess I started ranking too late.
pirate warrior is really just stupid.
also loots hoarders are straight baller in here. getting more opportunities to get weapons/upgrades/whatever is helping a lot, especially to have more options vs. taunt and all that crap. i threw out a naga and corsair b/c i dont need more stuff at 4 mana and the 2/1 body deals with a lot of the stupid crap (murlocs, whatever) pretty good.
got queued 5 times as kelthuzad on the brawl, and I seriously, seriously tried to win, there was even once a game where the rafaam overdrew the final staff piece and could only get epics, I still got my ass handed..
the brawl is extremely unbalanced, probably this is the most unbalanced I've ever seen
I'm on a good streak with secret mage, jumped from rannk 5 to 3 in 3 days playing very sporadically
I have to admit, the first time that I saw the deck I couldn't understand why it was regarded as a tier 1-2 deck, but after playing with it I could see why. the deck has an amazing tempo by turn 3-4 if you have a good start, and counterspell/mirror entity really fuck up the strategy of a good chunk of decks
When you Counterspell two Dragonfire Potions in a row...aaahhhhh!
It's probably just luck, but like I posted I crushed the game I played as KT. I had 30 HP and 23 armor when he died, and he even had the legendary level staff. My fancy cards were way better overall, and he probably made poor decisions about which minions to kill. I kept getting duplicate minions back.I'm 3-1 with KT and 4-0 with Rafaam. Not sure what people are complaining about...
Damn. Midrange Shaman looks like it breaks the meta right now.
How can you say "most of the time" if it has a 66% win rate? Are you suggesting the data is flawed?not really, it is highly dependent on the bloodlust and most of the time the opponent just clears the board with whatever they have at hand, without a good board this deck just loses.
Damn. Midrange Shaman looks like it breaks the meta right now.
Without removal, won't you get wrecked by anything with a good early game?So I made some changes to my quest rogue deck following feedback here and I'm 4-3 so far. One of the loses was a quest rogue mirror and the other two were hunter so I'm not too down about the losses.
Galacial shard is putting in work, don't know why I wasn't running them considering I already had two. I think taking out most of the removal has definitely helped though time will tell I guess.
How can you say "most of the time" if it has a 66% win rate? Are you suggesting the data is flawed?
It's probably just luck, but like I posted I crushed the game I played as KT. I had 30 HP and 23 armor when he died, and he even had the legendary level staff. My fancy cards were way better overall, and he probably made poor decisions about which minions to kill. I kept getting duplicate minions back.
Without removal, won't you get wrecked by anything with a good early game?
Yep and that's the problem now. I loose to hunter and there are lots on the ladder around 17. Still, I think that the deck changes suggested on the last page have been better for me. I still don't think I'll reach the magical rank 15 though. I don't know how you guys do it.
I forgot what I hated about playing shaman, and it's "getting taunt or 1/1 totem every single turn for 7 turns in a row when you need spell damage while your opponent rolls spell damage totems".
*edit* I went mage. My pyroblast was in my bottom 5 cards. Literally any earlier than that would have won the game for me. This feels kind of unlucky.![]()
It'd improve if warlock had a bit more control on what to discard. E.g. oldest/recent card, adjacent cards, etc.No one brought Warlock in EU HCT prelimd and the trend not gonna stopping
Hoping for that sick buff at next xpac
Can we doing something other than discard pls even if its more like aggro stuff
Second only to dropping reno with minus 5 health against aggro.devolving a living mana board has to be one of the best feeling in the game
It'd improve if warlock had a bit more control on what to discard. E.g. oldest/recent card, adjacent cards, etc.