deathrattle quest with elise.@MThanded, what type of priest you playing? Deathrattle priest?
deathrattle quest with elise.@MThanded, what type of priest you playing? Deathrattle priest?
"I'm in charge now."Imagine if Gang Up was still part of standard with Quest Rogue.
I played Jade Elemental Shaman and won most of my matches at around rank 10ish. It's a very solid Midrange deck and when it gets the curve going it's hard to beat. The early game is weak pressure wise without the broken Trogg and Golem though. I think the Paladin Elemental might be better because while that has weak early game too, the ramp up is better with the handbuffs.nice post but bro what are your thoughts on Elemental Shaman?? You crafted Kalimos right? I just crafted Kalimos so meaning to give elemental shaman a deeper look but having too much fun with miracle rogue (this expac gave us lots of new shiny toys). I love this little plant that removes enemy minions. such a life savior
edit- and I will never miss reno (in response to 1st comment). I posted my stats awhile back- all my favorite decks are usually favored against them or at worse 50%
Imagine if Gang Up was still part of standard with Quest Rogue.
Kalimos is such a well designed card. Versatile without the need to tack on rng elements.
The rogue quest would be broken if conceal was still a thing.
Might try a wild out to find out
In wild I might try brann. Getting double battlecries off novice engineer, swashburglar, and fire fly is a big deal and shadowstep makes it easy to get multiple hits off.
On the other hand, I don't see how conceal helps it much. It doesn't run auctioneer and it doesn't run QA. Conceal would only help a little the turn before you play the quest reward. Too situational.
In wild I might try brann. Getting double battlecries off novice engineer, swashburglar, and fire fly is a big deal and shadowstep makes it easy to get multiple hits off.
On the other hand, I don't see how conceal helps it much. It doesn't run auctioneer and it doesn't run QA. Conceal would only help a little the turn before you play the quest reward. Too situational.
Since 4/5 of my ladder matches are Quest Rogue, is there a deck that beats it reliably? I would prefer to play Warlock or Hunter decks.
Any aggro deck.
Midrange Hunter slaughters Quest Rogue very reliably.
speaking of which, I'm absolutely convinced now that throwing a million one drops into a hunter quest deck is absolutely the wrong way to play it.
You throw in 7 or 8 one drops MAX, make sure a couple of them are the kind that generate other one drops, then toss in that 3 mana elemental and play regular hunter curvestone.
This gives you a way better early and midgame, and it means once you actually complete the quest your deck is a lot smaller so you have a better chance of chaining raptors.
That is maybe the best way to play the deck, but it still is really bad that way, because half the time you never complete the quest, and spend 1 mana and a card to do nothing.
How does that Miracle Rogue deck kill without Conceal or Leeroy? Does Sherazin get charge when you revive it?
I played Jade Elemental Shaman and won most of my matches at around rank 10ish. It's a very solid Midrange deck and when it gets the curve going it's hard to beat. The early game is weak pressure wise without the broken Trogg and Golem though. I think the Paladin Elemental might be better because while that has weak early game too, the ramp up is better with the handbuffs.
You can win against Pirate Warrior because it has some heals and taunts plus tempo removal. Can win against Taunt Warrior because Midrange beats that.
Edit: I should just post the chart for yesterday and today, and skip the first day insanity.
This is rank 9-6 opponent class percentages over 75 games.
It's all Rogue and Warrior, though Warrior has has as many or more Taunt Warriors as Pirate Warriors.
I guess people don't have a clear Mage, Druid, Priest, or Paladin netdeck for easy wins yet. I imagine that will change eventually.
Dirty Rat is low key the best card in the game right now.
*Messes up Taunt Warriors because if their taunt gets played through Dirty Rat it does not count for the quest.
*Destroys Exodia Mage if Sorceror Apprentice gets pulled.
*Messes up Rogues because if one of their cards gets pulled that was on 2-3 times played, they have to find a new way to get that number because Dirty Rat played card doesn't count.
*Destroys Murloc Shaman, Beast Quest Druid, Quest Hunter, Quest Priest if you pull out the 5 mana 8/8.
*Still good against Pirate Warrior as its still a taunt.
I am trying to squeeze Dirty Rats in my Handlock deck somehow.
Exactly this. I haven't been able to try it out since I don't have the quest, but I was also thinking the same thing for other quests. You don't HAVE to play the quest on turn one. I keep running into quest mage players that will play quest on turn one and then babbling book on turn 2... and I'm like... why? Why not just play the quest later.the thing is, since you're just trying to curve out, you don't actually have to play the quest super early
i still have to do more testing, but most of the time it's better to just drop a 1 mana minion on turn 1, then just go 2, 3, whatever, and drop the quest next time you're floating a mana anyway
Interesting to see Elemental Shaman high up in the win rates.
imo it most def should offer a random selection of 3 of the effects, all 4 is too reliable
kinda feel bad dipping back into pirate warrior.... but dammit I'm 20 wins from a golden hero, and that taunt quest ain't droppin so I'M IN CHARGE NOW
I dumped Violet Teacher and Moroes from Quest Rogue and it's been much more consistent. The deck steamrolls once you get the quest anyway, so they're basically win more cards that sit dead in your hand while you're trying to get the pieces together
Quest Rogue is easy to misplay and people are still learning it, not a straight forward deck so I expected winrates to be lower right now across the board.
Thanks for explaining.Well the variant I run has 2 x Arcane Giants and Edwin. It's kind of a much more honest way of killing the opponent since they can definitely see it coming.
Right now people are kind of dumb and keep killing Sherazin. Even in high legend Thijs was saying this even though he could often revive him the following turn.
So I suspect the card is better then it should be. guess 5 dmg is a bit tough to ignore though
edit- it definitely doesnt charge. I wish it would.
yeah I dont play Paladin if I can help it so shaman it is. I can also go with a Control Elemental shaman. will test later today
I enjoy playing Taunt warrior occasionally. watching savjz try to wrestle with the deck right now
I think best version of Rogue Quest is going to be one that optimizes bounces, draws and charge minions. The Elemental package is definitely nice (which I theory crafted previously) but compared to the faster version it's just too slow. And as far as Violet Teacher/Moroes go, the other guy is right... they are win more cards you would just do better with more draws and cheap minions that you can play after the quest, charge into face or bounce back for value.I imagine this has an element of truth to it, but I should mention that I was making the comparisons against the BEST version of Quest Rogue, which runs a no-frills elemental package (61.6%), rather than the exceedingly popular Dog list that runs Violet Teacher and Moroes (51.5%).