Really having fun with my Quest Priest right now.
I also run a fair number of Dragons in it and it works really well.
I also run a fair number of Dragons in it and it works really well.
You'll appreciate this:Let me put it this way, I would rather face nothing but pirate warriors than 1 in 3 matches being priest. It doesn't even matter if my win percentage is better against the priests every match is a fucking clown fiesta.
You'll appreciate this:
I was playing my Renolock vs. a Priest, and had the game completely dominated. 4 Infernos on the board plus Brann. I'm at 6 health from punching things in the face. He's dead on the next turn with nothing on the board.
He plays Potion of Madness on Brann. Then he plays Abyssal Enforcer for 6 damage to everything for the kill.
Let me put it this way, I would rather face nothing but pirate warriors than 1 in 3 matches being priest. It doesn't even matter if my win percentage is better against the priests every match is a fucking clown fiesta.
I mean, here's an example of the board state about a turn or two before this rogue conceded.
I had a really good start:
1) Coin → Radiant Elemental → Mind Vision + Power Word: Shield
2) Radiant Elemental #2
I think turn three I Shadow Visionsed to get Dragonfire Potion, but had to settle for PW. Then I used the Gnomish Engineer (I Mind Visioned) to draw other threats like Lyra, Priest of the Feast, and more PW
Seems like you have to grab the board early.
it's Quest Rogue.
not even fucking close, even when they get random shit you know exactly what they're doing at all times, you know exactly which minion they're investing their bounces into and the deck dies to all sorts of stuff.
Tech in some stuff to help you out. In Wild, I fought a Pirate Warrior that had Acidic Ooze in his deck to help him counter in the mirror match.I'm stuck at 10-8. Still playing miracle. Can't win against pirate and quest mage. I wish I could reach 5.
Let me put it this way, I would rather face nothing but pirate warriors than 1 in 3 matches being priest. It doesn't even matter if my win percentage is better against the priests every match is a fucking clown fiesta.
priest even makes shaman more rng by letting them get crystalline oracle off of maelstrom portal.
Worth crafting two Preps for Quest Rogue? All I'm missing for the deck. If they did nerf the Quest, I'd get more dust than I'd spend back anyway so why not?
Rogues will always find a use for prep.Worth crafting two Preps for Quest Rogue? All I'm missing for the deck. If they did nerf the Quest, I'd get more dust than I'd spend back anyway so why not?
Worth crafting two Preps for Quest Rogue? All I'm missing for the deck. If they did nerf the Quest, I'd get more dust than I'd spend back anyway so why not?
It was this guys list. Edwin really wasn't missed much and Bilefin Tidehunter really is good stat vomit when you have Crystal Cove active.Zero-Maia Reddit said:
Prep has been in basically every Rogue deck since pre-Naxx. Can't say we how you'd go wrong crafting two.
Rogues will always find a use for prep.
Preps are basic for every single rogue deck, is one of the more important cards ever
Lol, discard quest Warlock discarded his Nether Portal.
Hahaha I'm well aware, but I'd probably never play Rogue if it wasn't a stupid combo deck. I love shit like this.
e: Crafted it up. 26 damage to the face on turn six. Disgusting!
Finally reach rank 7 (my highest so far) with quest warrior. 1700 dust for 2 fishes, 1 dirty rat, 1 drake, 1 alley armorsmith paid off.
Nice grats!
Yeah, the 2 fishes are extremely good in the deck.
Quest Rogue is annoying as fuck. Like this shit is way more annoying than Pirate Warrior ever was.
Just casual plays so far but I'm 12-2. Lost once to absolutely terrible draws (cold blood, cold blood patches) and still almost won if I had only top decked leeroy.
Second loss was to an elemental shaman I had just played and clobbered but they curved out too well and probably high rolled a couple things. I probably need some card draw to beat that sort of heavily taunt deck - he played 3 stone sentinels back to back and I still wasn't out of steam til the third one.
Sherazin is alright in the list. Hasn't been that special since it's only a 1 of so it doesn't actually get played often so need more testing to see if it's worth it. The times I have gotten it early I have gotten it to revive without pain and that is pretty good tempo gain when it does activate.
Hallucination let me beat the one pirate warrior I ran into. I got a bloodhoof brave off it. Played it at the right time and bought enough time to win.
When they win. When they can't pull their combo is almost as sad as playing against the starter deck that the game gives you when you start playing
And I'm done, rank 5 got. After failing around with my own version of quest rogue I netdecked and it was pretty smooth sailing from there.
It was this guys list. Edwin really wasn't missed much and Bilefin Tidehunter really is good stat vomit when you have Crystal Cove active.
Even when I lost to lists running stonetusk boar I thought they were awful and the whole violet teacher moroes package is highly impractical.
I think that dirty rat should be an autoinclude in almost every deck
1) Against quest rogue, you can screw their gameplan pulling or their bounced cards, or their bounce enablers which really destroys them for at least 1 or 2 turns (which is a big deal) in the worst case, you pull edwin, or a boar who at least in the future will not be a 5/5 charge at least, even an engineer could be fine since they don't draw as much as their miracle counerpart)
2) Against quest mage well timed perfectly it can pull a sorcress apprentice or antonidas, which in both cases are almost a gg (unless he managed to remove a good chunk of your hp)
You don't even need to buy packs with that amount of dust.
Anyone else finding arena to be filled with more bullshit than ever before? My average is still around 5 wins, but every loss seems to be more lopsided than ever.