If they nerf Jade Idol then I want them to delete Skulking Geist from the game. 
You're right about Dragon Warrior. I was thinking about how everyone complained about Faceless and then Dragon Warrior superceded it. So swap me example to Faceless.
N'Zoth Paladin disappeared completely and Paladin became bottom tier for a while in OG. It wasn't power crept by anything, it was just bad once people learned how to play around it.
It makes sense to wait a month and see how the meta settles. I'm sure Jade Druid will be strong, but right now I have a 0% winrate against Egg Druid and a 50% winrate against Pirate Warrior. So it's not like the game is without answers.
These are all bad examples because Jade Druid has been a good deck since MSG. We have experienced 3 expansions of Jade Druid already despite it getting a big counter card.
Jade Druid in Wild is mostly just the Standard list only it's balanced in Wild because other decks are just as degenerate or more so. In Standard, you are playing the same deck as in Wild only the competition isn't as fierce. Both aggro and control aren't as air tight so Jade Druid is thriving.
Also Dragon Warrior fell off because they made Execute cost 2 mana. That nerf was a big hit to tempo based Warrior decks all around. Nzoth Paladin isn't much of a thing but Control Paladin is a thing still because of the tools provided in Old Gods. Nzoth Paladin just got power creeped by better slow Paladin decks.
You're right about Dragon Warrior. I was thinking about how everyone complained about Faceless and then Dragon Warrior superceded it. So swap me example to Faceless.
N'Zoth Paladin disappeared completely and Paladin became bottom tier for a while in OG. It wasn't power crept by anything, it was just bad once people learned how to play around it.
It makes sense to wait a month and see how the meta settles. I'm sure Jade Druid will be strong, but right now I have a 0% winrate against Egg Druid and a 50% winrate against Pirate Warrior. So it's not like the game is without answers.