I always get 150 pack every expansion.meh,lost all my interest in the game after the expansion came out because i found very little in my 50+ packs and so i can't put a single deck together without spending a lot making it.
also..is it safe to craft a lich king? pretty much every deck i see has one.
meh,lost all my interest in the game after the expansion came out because i found very little in my 50+ packs and so i can't put a single deck together without spending a lot making it.
also..is it safe to craft a lich king? pretty much every deck i see has one.
Just started playing again after well over a year, decided fuck it and bought 60 packs. Gotlegendaries, most of which seem pretty good. Feels lucky man.7
Any suggestions to improving my Highlander Priest for early aggro matchups?
I have Shellraiser, Ooze, Doomsayer, and Tar Creeper teched in already.
Maybe out of my Jungle would be a good inclusion. Grab Obsidian Statue in slower matchups and a 4/5 drop in aggro matchups.
Are the suggested websites on the front page of the OT still relevant? I want to start using a stat tracking site. Which one is easy to use?
Was there ever a time that Druid didn't have a good viable deck? Combo was played for quite some time, after that Token and Malygos Druid, then came Jade, recently EZ and now Taunt.HunterDruid always finds a way. Not that I mind much since Druid is my second favorite class. Jade Idol should be changed though.
Spoiler for the recent Game of Thrones episode ahead:
What are the chances that the OT title applies to the next episode?![]()
Any suggestions to improving my Highlander Priest for early aggro matchups?
I have Shellraiser, Ooze, Doomsayer, and Tar Creeper teched in already.
Maybe out of my Jungle would be a good inclusion. Grab Obsidian Statue in slower matchups and a 4/5 drop in aggro matchups.
Why are people playing pirate warrior in casual?
Yeah, Stonehill Defender is a good adition to Priest now.
Yeah Stonehill defender is a great early game pick in that deck that will also frequently give you some value for later. Also, you can sometimes find some cheap taunts as well in case you're in trouble vs aggro decks.
Why are people playing pirate warrior in casual?
I once played a Pirate deck on casual to complete a quest.
Sorry man, i wont do it again.
Guess what? You can play whatever deck you like in whatever mode you like. You have just as much of a right to play the game how you want as anyone else.
Plus, it's frickin' casual. On the rare occasions I'm playing in casual and I get a match-up I'd rather not play? I concede and requeue. It's not a big deal.
Yeah man, i do all my quests con casuals
I havent been able to play as much as i want, but im playin' Giants Rogue in Ranked.
I wonder if there's an updated version of it with the new cards.
Honestly, I'm just using Malfurion the Pestilenti now for the savage emotes.
How my friends play this game with the sound off is beyond me. It's so wonderfully produced and entertaining.
I love all DK cards, but anduin the most since he is such a try hard in shadowform.. love it.
Shaman and Warrior both feel kinda meh to me. Hunter isn't competitive but at least it's super fun. I don't know about the Rogue hero since I didn't pull it on NA (I have it on Asia but haven't played it yet, focusing on NA right now).
Druid, Warlock and Priest are my favorites (I'm such a spike).
meh,lost all my interest in the game after the expansion came out because i found very little in my 50+ packs and so i can't put a single deck together without spending a lot making it.
also..is it safe to craft a lich king? pretty much every deck i see has one.
I'm finding it tough to crack rank 12 again. Been stuck in 13 for days. I must just suck or be getting lots of crap draws. I love this game a ton and invested some dough over the years, so I can make pretty much any deck under the sun. Been doing all sorts of decks to find a good consistent performer but they all seem to be at a 50% winrate so I go nowhere on ladder.
Le sigh. First world problem, I know. Would love to crack 10 this month, if not 5.
I'm favouring Highlander Priest and Jade Druid variations so far, but would be game to try other things. Maybe Evolve Shaman....
on mobile when you hero power while the animation of dk malfurion is happening you'll be unable to cast him that turn again, he just goes back to your hand when you try replayinh him over and over.
Caved in and spent all my dust on a golden malfurion, I still have some banked with a golden rotface and a dupe tarim undusted though
Hey HearthstoneGaf, I need your advice!
I'm basically a new player to the game. I played a bit at launch but not much and haven't played since then.
My question is, what should I be doing? What's the best way to progress in this game?
Should I just get all the classes to max level by playing ranked/casual to become familiar with them or should I focus on a specific deck and learn to play it best?
I'm able to spend a bit of money in the game - should I buy packs? If so which ones? Should I buy the kharazhan expansion? I bought the first floor and thought it was fun, but not sure if the cards that I get here are any good or are now outdated.
I'm just a bit lost on what to do and where to spend real money/gold/time.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
some random thoughts for starting out
getting all classes to 10 unlocks all their basic cards, so it's worthwhile.
Kara is great, and if you like playing Mage or Priest the cards you get can be very valuable. But it will rotate out of standard in Mar/Apr 2018, along with Old Gods and Mean Streets, so so up to you if you want to spend money there.
The welcome bundle is nice if you haven't purchased it yet.
As mentioned, playing the prologue to get the free hero card is a good start. (there are budget decks to beat the first wing that use mostly basic cards, too)
if you haven't opened any packs from a set, you are guaranteed to get a legendary in your first 10 packs.
once you've settled in you can use sites like hearthpwn to see what the current meta decks look like, and even search for budget decks to build around.after you learn what you like you can start targeting how to approach card crafting (basically: building up dust over time to target specific needs)
thats even worse, can't replay him then either?You can't touch the screen at all i believe.
<3 <3 <3
thats even worse, can't replay him then either?