Mobius and pet octopus
It's not even remotely close to being the best one.It just comes out early from ramp so it impacts the game a lot.
Yeah, technically not the best one, if they were all in druid and they all cost the same to achieve. Probably the best one because of mana ramp/innervate, it's cost, the minions it also summons, etc.. This isn't surprising, something I predicted pre-launch that the 7 mana hero card in druid is potentially just straight up strong due to the reasons I listed. I wasn't even aware of the taunt synergy it has though.
Justicar in warrior made the best hero power in the game, and this is better than that. Now of course in a vacuum, warlock's hero power is pretty much straight up better and rogue's gives it a run for it's money. They're actually all pretty strong I'd say.