that's why it's a quick and dirty fix. They have removed cards entirely before to replace them with other cards. They could later introduce a new basic card for Druid to make up for the imbalance. I've said for a longer time that innervate had to go, even compared to other basic cards it's far above any in power level.That introduces issues with basic card imbalances, which they would understandably be reticent to introduce.
And doesn't really address the current. We know it's possible to have a balanced meta with innervate (and even Jade Idol). The power level of UI and Spreading Plague and how those cards interact with deck building and other class cards (like Nourish) is a massive part of the issue.
Simply HoFing innervate and seeing how it shakes out seems less preferable to addressing the issue more fully when we know there's more to it.
I want Blizzard to make powerful cards, maybe not as powerful as UI, and Druid needed ways to deal with go wide strategies. UI will get way worse once Jade Blossom rotates, losing innervate would mean they both have a harder time emptying their hand and are much slower to accelerate to 10 giving opponents more time to kill them before they get a chance to play it.
Tangentially I don't want them to print cards like Jade Idol that undo game ending mechanics entirely which they've added 2 more of in this recent set.
Almost strictly better Dark RitualI'd argue putting Dark Ritual into a class's core kit indicates the professional game designers at Team 5 didn't know what they were doing either.